Reminds me of the fear mongers claiming that millions of normal people would die from HIV/AIDS to deflect attention of the disease vector war the G in LGBT.
1 posted on
05/22/2022 4:51:26 AM PDT by
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To: C19fan
Yet he mentions nothing about this:
“The Senate on Thursday blocked a bipartisan bill to provide $48 billion to restaurants, gyms and other small businesses hit particularly hard by the pandemic.”
2 posted on
05/22/2022 4:56:31 AM PDT by
To: C19fan
Well, now who didn’t see this coming?
3 posted on
05/22/2022 4:57:07 AM PDT by
To: C19fan
.....”....They haven’t told me the level of exposure yet but it is something that everybody should be concerned about, Biden said....”
wow....just in time for the preparations for the upcoming mid-term elections....!! who knew....!!?? more mask mandates a-coming....lockdowns again...?? gotta have mail-in ballots because, well, you know...... all of it....just wait...
To: C19fan
They’re still counting primary ballots in Pennsylvania while Republican “leadership” sits on their azzes and collects campaign contributions from their low IQ base. Election day 11/8/22, will be stolen just like 11/3/20 was and that’s because the Elite want it that way.
5 posted on
05/22/2022 4:58:07 AM PDT by
(Q: Never have so many, been so wrong, so often)
To: C19fan
It’s going to be interesting to see what the occupation comes up with as we near the midterms. It’s going to be something so ridiculous as a monkey pox because they already used Covid and the stupid will be suspicious. It’s going to be “a new rare virus and we need immediate lock downs so everyone mail in those ballots!”
6 posted on
05/22/2022 4:59:14 AM PDT by
(As long as Hillary Clinton remains free, the USA will never have equal justice under the law)
To: C19fan
7 posted on
05/22/2022 5:02:08 AM PDT by
(We need to repeal RCV wherever it's in use and go back to dumb voting machines.)
To: C19fan
Why is he saying that....he has zero knowledge.
And those are words that Fauci would typically we know who wrote that little dissertaion.
8 posted on
05/22/2022 5:09:56 AM PDT by
( )
To: C19fan
I would think staying away from certain suspect venues would be all it takes to contain it. Unless, of course, the monkeypox has been monkeyed with at a biological weapons facility.
9 posted on
05/22/2022 5:11:52 AM PDT by
To: C19fan
And worse, it is the dreaded “Mid Term Variant”.
10 posted on
05/22/2022 5:13:37 AM PDT by
(For photos of Colorado scenery and wildlife, click on my screen name for my FR home page.)
To: C19fan
Just another in the continuing string of ‘crises’ the Liberals use instead of letting them go to waste?
11 posted on
05/22/2022 5:15:40 AM PDT by
Oscar in Batangas
(An Honors Graduate from the Don Rickles School of Personal Verbal Intercourse)
To: C19fan
.....something 'everybody who is a homo or had butt sex with monkeys should be concerned about... There. Fixed it.
12 posted on
05/22/2022 5:16:00 AM PDT by
To: C19fan
Fear Prepping for the Midterms......
Nationwide mail-in voting next. /s
14 posted on
05/22/2022 5:17:59 AM PDT by
To: C19fan
16 posted on
05/22/2022 5:21:15 AM PDT by
("All he had was a handgun. Why did you think that was a threat?" --Rittenhouse Prosecutor)
To: C19fan
Did this Monkeypox, like AIDS suddenly spring up as a full-blown epidemic from deep in the Sub-Saharan jungles or the south African Veldt?
I do not think there are any Wuhan type labs in either place, so the question is, how?
17 posted on
05/22/2022 5:21:20 AM PDT by
(Don't underestimate The Republican Party's ability to f*ck things up)
To: C19fan
Never before have I wished ill health on anybody. Until now.... Maybe DownLowBarry, after a little fun at a fancy bath house, pass it on to Big Mike. I’m sorry for feeling this way, but....oh, well.......
19 posted on
05/22/2022 5:25:38 AM PDT by
To: C19fan
yep, gay disease, dont care personally.
To: C19fan
Not concerned. Sorry, Joe/Barack.
23 posted on
05/22/2022 5:33:37 AM PDT by
who knows what evil?
(Yehovah saved more animals than people on the
To: C19fan
I have to believe that, at some point, the usual suspects are going to start screaming that calling this monkeypox is racist. I’m surpised that our PC sensors haven’t stopped it already.
29 posted on
05/22/2022 5:51:41 AM PDT by
Opinionated Blowhard
(When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.)
To: C19fan
30 posted on
05/22/2022 5:54:04 AM PDT by
(“We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the US economy.” Rand Paul)
To: C19fan
Here comes the next pandemic scam-demic.
31 posted on
05/22/2022 5:58:19 AM PDT by
( I make airplanes fly, what's your super power?)
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