Posted on 05/07/2022 10:36:34 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said that in an ideal world, if the abortion issue is put to state legislatures, “we would wind up where Europe is” on abortion “where they say, there are strong arguments here, let’s try to find some way to reconcile.”
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Does anyone care what this Leftist Brooks says? I sure hope not.
I think abortion in the first trimester is a reasonable reconciliation from a secular standpoint. Third trimester is right out (excepting life or death complications).
The 2nd trimester is nebulous but I think heartbeat laws at that point come into play.
I want All your money. You can’t fathom why I should get a cent and refuse. Let’s reconcile!
So now we should accept Roe v Wade as it is, but let states like MS have restrictions.
No, I want Roe vs Wade and Casey vs PP completely nuked from orbit.
RINOs are not weak, i.e. when it comes to conservatives. They are quite strongly against them.
Hey libs- So pack up your stuff and move to Europe, if you think they’re so much better!
You are not allowed to kill an innocent no matter their age.
And only evil people want to do so.
Occasionally there is a case where, to save the mother's life, the baby is not going to make it. However the baby was not going to make it anyway. It had implanted in the Fallopian tube and when that burst the baby was going to die along with the mother.
It is not a choice between saving the mother and saving the baby, your only option is to save the mother.
Perhaps this will put pressure on research to learn how to detach the baby and move him to where he belongs.
That would be a truly amazing advance in medicine.
Look, either a human is a person and can not be killed with impunity or they are not.
You are voting for not.
That is not acceptable.
Because, as it has been repeatedly shown, any point beyond, "a person is a person no matter how small" is an artificial cut off point.
And when you have an arbitrarily chosen line you have no line at all.
You might as well chose "When they can do algebra" as the line and it has the same amount of logic.
Well stated.
Then masturbation and contraception are murder - are they not?
Sperm (I assume you are talking about male masturbation here) does not produce a baby until it is combined with an egg.
This is basic level biology here.
Certain types of contraception can be because rather then preventing fertilization they just prevent implantation.
Neither an egg by it's self or sperm by it's self can produce a new mammalian life. Just the way it is.
Take it up with God, Darwin or the flying spaghetti monster if you object but I do not think it will do any good.
Reality remains.
How does one compromise, when the subject is murder?
“Personally”, the only acceptable solution is to stop killing babies.
Any contraception is pre-emptive murder by your own definition.
Not for anyone who can actually read. By your stupid "logic", not having sex is murder. Nocturnal emissions are murder. Just because the logic is beyond you does not mean your opinion is anything other than stupid. Abortion is homicide, the intentional ending of a human life, at the very best. Because the human is being killed without justification, it is murder.
Murdering an innocent little baby within a three-month window is still murdering an innocent little baby.
It’s all about selling fresh body parts to research companies. The more developed, the bigger bucks.
I’ll have whatever brooks is smoking or drinking
You do not get to make up terms and then say that is what someone believes.
Reality not agreeing with your position is not make it good or bad. Just wrong.
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