Posted on 01/24/2022 11:30:22 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
Center for Vaccine Development director Dr. Peter Hotez said Monday on “At This Hour” that it made “no sense” to lift mask mandates for schools right now.
Bolduan asked, “What do you think about lifting school mask mandates right now?”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Who asked him? Masks should have NEVER been placed on ANY children or students.
It pains me daily that my teen daughter and son are in masks 7 hours a day. I only wear one these days in the doctor’s office (and once on a plane).
Since these people are not brain dead and know masks on children do zip, nada to stop the spread, only rational conclusion a thinking person can come to as to why this incessant push for mask is they it deeply ingrained into young minds that they are just to shutup and comply. Forture brainwashing- JUST KEEP THE MUZZLE ON, DON’T TALK BACK AND COMPLY.
“for mask is they it deeply “ = “for masks is that they want it deeply”
It makes even less sense to continue the masking mandate.
Masks. Do. Not. Work. At least, not for the purposes ascribed to them. But they are most wonderful virtual signaling devices.
If faces had to be protected, a clear face protection shield would be perfectly adequate, and breathing is much easier, without creating a pathogen-incubating surface on the inner side, leading to skin breakdown and re-inhalation of the pathogens. And facial recognition is much easier.
Masks. Do. Not. Work.
...oh, but on the contrary - masks DO work...keep the population in fear of this rather benign COVID variant (didn’t Sleepy Joe tell us this would be our winter of discontent with massive illnesses, deaths, etc..?) and then, VOILA...!!!just before the mid-terms declare “look what we did... we eradicated this OMICRON you can throw away your masks while you vote for us.....!!”.... what a crock...!!
Whenever I see this Dr. Hotez, I think he would make a great character in a Mel Brooks movie.
Well isn’t it just too f’n bad that Dr. Hotez doesn’t serve in a legislature or as a mayor or governor, who are empowered with making the laws for people to follow.
Go contemplate your theories in your office, Dr. Hotez.
In other words, go pound sand.
Masks haven’t worked for 2 years now, why does she they will work now??
Except for those in the business of providing the masks its never made any sense for kids to have them.
Masks screw with the development of kids, first with their ability to interpret facial expressions in their early years, then to interpret or re-interpret the ones that come along in adolescence regarding sexual attraction and what-not.
Dumb and destructive is what these mandates are.
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...all true...but do you think these clowns give a ratz-zass about it...??
Oh, they work.
As muzzles.
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