A wag the dog war with a nuclear power.
She’s a Deep State troll that testified against Trump and under oath admitted she had no real evidence or firsthand knowledge.
(testified against Trump and under oath admitted she had no real evidence or firsthand knowledge)
Yeah, but... It’s not a lie... If she believes it. /George Costanza
Evelyn N. Farkas....Obamadork Democrat War Shill...
BS! Defend Americas borders. No more foreign entanglements!
The US Must Prepare for War Against Russia Anyone Over Ukraine the US
Good for Russia. Maybe we’ll stop hearing about Ukraine when it becomes part of Russia.
I’m waiting to hear what that fat chow thief Vindman has to say.
I am kind of a war hawk but we have no business getting involved is a dispute with Russia over Ukraine.
When I was 17 years old, I enlisted in the Navy. The Viet Nam war had not yet started. Later, the Gulf of Tonkin incident occurred and soon after we were at war. I was young and didn’t realize how worthless an effort it was. Now, later in my life I look back and realize that most of these so-called wars have meant little and have caused so much pain and suffering for no real justifiable purpose. No. We do not need to fight the Russians. And if war eventually occurs, it should be the worthless politicians who should be the the first ones who shed their own blood over it.
OF course Biden has something to offer to Russia. Ukraine. It’s not our fight but Putin knows all of Biden’s dirty little secrets and will spill them. Biden is also weak and stupid. If any war between Russia and USA is to happen on Ukraine soil it will be because Biden has stumbled in to it while his diaper was soiled. I can’t believe what one year of this demonic chomo has wrought..
Perhaps we can advise the Ukraine military on social justice and inclusion. We could also train their military on fighting against right wing terrorists.
If Obama picked her then it’s likely she’s an egghead with an academic background. A formula for disaster.
...and the neocons begin their campaign for war.
It has no future.
Let it burn.
If Russia invaded the US I might welcome them as liberators
A Hungarian, and another one of the Ukraine advocates that lied to impeach Trump. This is the evil bit@h who told everyone to download all the intelligence they could before Trump was sworn in because “he and his people would have access to everything”.
Traitor to America. Another diplomat with loyalties to other countries. Like Vindman, Yavononvitch, Fiona Hill etc. The treason parade.
“U.S. leaders should be marshalling an international coalition of the willing, readying military forces to deter Putin and, if necessary, prepare for war.”
A direct war with Russia, on the eastern front. This psycho neocon and people like her are determined to get us nuked. They have no idea that they can ever go too far. Furthermore, they are hell-bent on looking like an existential threat on overthrowing the Russian government.