Posted on 04/20/2021 8:17:59 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) is reportedly talking to Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and is willing to search out “common ground” for gun control.
Politico noted Cornyn was not comfortable supporting the current universal background check gun control proposals Democrats have put forward but could be open to more narrow offers.
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Bring it, leftists.
Let’s just get things over with.
God, I really hated holding my nose and voting for this puke.
“Gun control”
control - to exercise restraining or directing influence over
infringe - act so as to limit or undermine [something]; encroach on
Let me guess, did they go on one of those boat cruises on the Potomac aboard that yacht that is stocked with booze and food and where politicians go to socialize and discuss things like gun control?
two wolves and a lamb discuss what’s for dinner
For an encore he can find common ground on cannibalism.
There is no common ground between traitors and Constitutionalists.
the crying man John Boner preferred John Cornyn and David Dewhurst to Senator Ted Cruz.
There is no “common ground” on gun control. It is an all-or-nothing proposition, and yielding on even one point means a retreat to where there is further yielding on another point, until the words of the Second Amendment are meaningless.
Private possession of firearms will be made so expensive it will be an impossible economic barrier for all but the “best-connected”.
There is no common ground for gun control, unless we’re talking about how to handle a weapon at the range.
Perhaps we should trade universal ‘instant’ gun purchase criminal database background checking in exchange for gun buyer anonymity with respect to the government.
A gun dealer would provide to the ATF/state background check agency internet site the prospective buyer’s state/federal ID type, the five-digit zip code off the ID or the first three alphanumeric characters of the ID, say 545 in the case of my passport or G61 or 34275 in the case of my state ID card.
The internet site would then show the associated bar list on the gun dealer’s computer screen. If my passport number or last eight digits of my state ID card number was not on that list, I could then pay the dealer and walk out the door with my purchase.
“common ground” for gun control***
Nonsense. WE have the guns, and what do they have they will give up to US to get our GUNS? Other than machine guns, Nothing!
WHAT “Common Ground” can YOU think of that you would be willing to give up allow more infringement on your gun rights!
And the democrats sure do seem willing to play along. Surprise surprise.
Hey John, how about, instead of you ‘finding co mon ground’ with the left, you find a spine and demanding that the left ‘find common ground’ with the right about DOING AWAY WITH a lot of the 10’s of 1000’s of useless constitution violating laws on the books right now?
Why must our side always always always find ‘common ground’ with the co situation violating left? Stop playing into the lefts hands. We are tired of always being on the losing end. We are beco ing like Israel, where we are ALWAYS the ones to concede ground. Go on the offense, for the sake of the party and our Inalienable rights John! Stop waving the white flag! We are sick of it!
Here we go again.
The Democrats have the ball and every time we “compromise” they move it just a little closer to the end zone.
I think they are on our 15 yard line right now.
We jump at the opportunity to be “bipartisan”...
Then in another 12 months...more outlandish demands...and we walk closer to them again...wash, rinse, and repeat.
At the end of the day they get what they wanted and the “cheese stands alone”...(that would be the Republican Party).
By the way, it's not a slippery's an avalanche.
EXACTLY! PERFECTLY illustrates the point
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