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Women for America First Demand Mural On New York's Fifth Avenue
Amy Kremer ^
| Jul 10, 2020
Posted on 07/09/2020 7:41:00 PM PDT by Helicondelta

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TOPICS: News/Current Events; US: New York
KEYWORDS: akadeblasio; billdeblasio; blm; mural; newyork; newyorkcity; riots; roadways; streets; streetvandalism
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To: Helicondelta
Snowflakes want their own personal street graffiti.
posted on
07/09/2020 7:42:05 PM PDT
Secret Agent Man
(Gone Galt; Not Averse to Going Bronson.)
To: Secret Agent Man
GIVE IT TO ‘EM! Shoot, let ‘em push their website: If you’re going to give space to BLM, give it to WAF, too.
To: Secret Agent Man
Have you noticed how they've taken a word that means one thing 'mural' and applied it to another thing? street graffiti ≠ mural
posted on
07/09/2020 7:45:50 PM PDT
To: Helicondelta
They need to come up with a more pithy motto.
posted on
07/09/2020 7:46:49 PM PDT
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire. Or both.)
To: Helicondelta
Then the Heritage Foundation, NRA, and any other group has the right to ask for the same thing. Giant can of worms opening up.
posted on
07/09/2020 7:47:41 PM PDT
(Caveat Emperor)
To: Helicondelta
They should ask/require the NFL to sing their anthem too.
posted on
07/09/2020 7:49:03 PM PDT
To: hanamizu
but it is when the city says its ok
posted on
07/09/2020 7:49:13 PM PDT
Secret Agent Man
(Gone Galt; Not Averse to Going Bronson.)
To: Secret Agent Man
These women are on OUR SIDE!! They want equal space!!
To: BenLurkin
Maybe FreeRepublic’s NY chapter needs to put a “mural” up too- if denied sue for discrimination.
posted on
07/09/2020 7:50:29 PM PDT
(Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge.)
To: Helicondelta
“women” ie communist pimped feminist princesses who never worked with minorities in a real job and who want to feel good about snitching people for having “privileges”, egging on black men to get killed confronting police needlessly.
posted on
07/09/2020 7:51:06 PM PDT
(Democrats Fed. job-security in hatse:hypocrites must be gay like us or be tested/crucified)
To: Trump Girl Kit Cat
Wonder if Diamond and Silk are on board.
posted on
07/09/2020 7:52:08 PM PDT
(Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge.)
To: JudgemAll
Uh... don’t be dense. I don’t think these are communists.
posted on
07/09/2020 7:53:30 PM PDT
(Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge.)
To: Secret Agent Man
These are conservative women getting in Sandinista Bill’s face. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I don’t like the idea of anyone taking over public streets and defacing them, making a lot of cities even more of a garish mess than they already are, but I’d like to see how de Blasio handles this.
To: Trump Girl Kit Cat
And to set up a TON of lawsuits along the way if they don’t get it, paving the way for even MORE lawsuits from other organizations! It’s a beautiful way to fight back imo!
To: Secret Agent Man
Freeper guys are kind of slooooow tonight.
posted on
07/09/2020 7:54:15 PM PDT
(Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge.)
To: Southside_Chicago_Republican
posted on
07/09/2020 7:54:31 PM PDT
("These people have gone stone-cold crazy")
From the FRchives:
- Dems cared about sexual politics a few months ago. Now they want Fairfax's accuser to shut up
- How Democrats Protected a Democrat Who Beat and Murdered His Wife [Judge Lance Mason of Ohio]
- Federal judge orders female genital mutilation charges dropped in Detroit
- Why Eastern Michigan University Canceled the Vagina Monologues
- Dem pollster: Women are less likely to support abortion rights than men
- CBS/Refinery29 Poll Reveals Women Reject Abortion, Feminism, the Media
- How Democrats Suppressed the #MeToo Movement in the Party [4/29/2018]
Virtue signaling convinces the left of its own unimpeachable morals. When push comes to shove, it rejects guilt for any of its wrongdoing and attributes such allegations to conspiracy theories.
- #MeToo CA Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia Accused of Sexual Harassment [2018]
- The Anti-Women Democratic Party [2018]
- Here's Why the Democrats and their Media Propaganda Complex Are Panicked [2018]
- Schneiderman Victims Warned Not to Speak Out for Good of Dem Party [5/08/2018]
- U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison's ex-girlfriend posts medical record alleging abuse [09/20/2018]
- Ellison accuser: Dems 'smeared, threatened, isolated' me [09/23/2018]
- Keith Ellison Accuser, Karen Monahan, Says Democratic Party Doesnt Believe Her(!?) [09/17/2018]
Peter Daou, a Democratic strategist and former advisor to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, tweeted on Monday that Ford will be "attacked, smeared, and demonized" and that people must "BELIEVE WOMEN."
- Where is Bill Clinton's #MeToo reckoning?
- Hillary Clinton protected '08 campaign adviser accused of sexual harassment
- Hillary Clinton Chose to Shield a Top Adviser Accused of Harassment in 2008
- Let's see if the Left will punish Bernie Sanders for his '72 rape essay
- Barack Obama Official Twitter Account Follows Crude Sexist Anti-Sarah Palin Account
posted on
07/09/2020 7:55:37 PM PDT
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
To: Retrofitted
The NRA should petition for one also.
To: Helicondelta
Conservatives should have their own mural as well.
We won’t even take up any more space — we can just “culturally appropriate” the space used by black lives matter.
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