Posted on 06/17/2020 8:41:22 AM PDT by DFG
Popular Mechanics magazine published an instruction piece on Tuesday that tells readers how to take down statues "without anyone getting hurt."
The guide from the magazine comes as statues are being taken down in several cities across the country amid protests following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis last month.
Statues that have been taken down include several Confederate figures, former President Thomas Jefferson and Christopher Columbus.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I’d like to publish a guide on how to really damage blm and antifa folks who try to take down any Columbus statue.
The 2 areas that are protecting their Columbus statue are getting slaughtered in the media and condemned by anyone in a position of power.
I figure it’s another week before they start referring to the Italians protecting the statues as wops and guineas
some groups are more equal than others.
Would have liked to see how to re-construct taken down statues.
Steal this book.
How do we take down Popular Mechanics and assure that only the right people get hurt?
Popular mechanic’s now in the sewer with the rats.
Popular Mechanics went left a long time ago.
One less magazine I have to spend my money on.
I thought PM was non-political. Guess not. That leaves almost NO magazines that I will buy. Pop Sci is gone. Hoping PM is next.
Can Popular Mechanics be held liable if it’s found that one of its readers followed its how-to guide?
I guess they don’t mind loosing business
Look kids
Many of these statues have deep meeting to the communities that they reside in and Ive been there for thousands of days
You may think that youre a little Marxist revolution that youre trying to start has a lot of momentum and they were all behind you getting up there in tearing down all of the United States history and starting with your little marxist crap
I can tell you for a fact that we are not in favor of this at all and the only proper way that youre ever going to get one of your hated statues down is to get it both of your city Council to have it removed properly by a proper crew
If stupid liberal cities like Sacramento ear or Boston on the East Coast want to couch out to these idiot Marxist and tear down statues or plaques or rename things go for it -just get a vote of the people first
Thats sad. I always liked this magazine. I guess they are just another leftist rag not worth the paper it is printed on.
I gave up on Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Scientific American (after being a regular subscriber for years) back in the 1980’s. Their blatant tilt to political correctness was too much to take even that long ago.
There’s a certain statue in Seattle that needs to come down.
Green lives matter.
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