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Appropriate enforcement action will take place’ if Lincoln Speedway races again in violation of Pa. orders: Report
Pennlive ^
| 27 May A.D. 2020
| Greg Pickel
Posted on 05/27/2020 4:46:25 PM PDT by lightman
Adams County district attorney Brian Sinnett told The York Dispatch that appropriate enforcement action will take place if Lincoln Speedway runs another dirt track racing program in violation of Pa. Gov. Tom Wolfs coronavirus reopening plan orders.
It sets up what should be an interesting couple of days ahead, as Lincoln already has announced plans to hold 410 and 358 sprints this Saturday after running a program on Memorial Day in front of fans despite being in the yellow phase of Wolfs plan, which doesnt allow for gatherings of more than 25 people and also doesnt give a green light to most sporting events.
The State Police, together with this office, will monitor the circumstances should future races occur and appropriate enforcement action will take place, Sinnett said.
Sinnett also told the outlet this week that no citations will be issued for last Monday nights race program, however, which took place in front of fans who signed a waiver to enter the venue and were then seated in every other row to promote social distancing. Brian Monteith was the winner of that race.
Lincolns website was still promoting this Saturdays race as of 7 p.m. Wednesday and also listed the waiver on its website for fans to download, fill out, and bring to the track.
As for the enforcement options available to Sinnetts office and Pennsylvania State Police, those could range from fines to business license suspensions, or even possibly the arrest of track operators, though Sinnett did not elaborate on what appropriate enforcement action meant in the Dispatch story.
On Wednesday, Wolfs office announced guidelines related to pro sports leagues and teams returning to practice and games in counties in the yellow or green phase, but those stopped short of addressing things like dirt track racing, which is to only resume once a county reaches green.
TOPICS: Business/Economy; Government; News/Current Events; US: Pennsylvania
KEYWORDS: adams; backtowork; dirttrack; dirttrackracing; greenlockdown; lincolnspeedway; newnormal; oldnormal; paping; tommiethecommie; tomwolf; whatcolorisnormal; whatcolorisoldnormal; wolf
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posted on
05/27/2020 4:46:25 PM PDT
To: fatima; Fresh Wind; st.eqed; xsmommy; House Atreides; Nowhere Man; South Hawthorne; PaulZe; ...

Pennsylvania Ping!
Please ping me with articles of interest.
FReepmail me to be added to the list.
posted on
05/27/2020 4:47:06 PM PDT
(I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
To: lightman
posted on
05/27/2020 4:47:55 PM PDT
(My common ground with islamic terrorists - they want to die for allah and we want to kill them.)
To: lightman
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 19181956
posted on
05/27/2020 4:49:38 PM PDT
E. Pluribus Unum
(Who could have guessed the Communist Revolution would arrive disguised as the common cold?)
To: lightman
Appropriate enforcement would see this piss pot dictator removed from office.
posted on
05/27/2020 4:49:49 PM PDT
American in Israel
(A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
To: lightman
Title 35 penalty is a $200 fine after an administrative procedure. That’s the law. Threats about other licensing violations is out side the law PA state police or no. Still lawless. Steve Mastriano (state senator) was in attendance.
posted on
05/27/2020 4:52:51 PM PDT
(spooks won on day 76)
To: lightman
Those voters look so dangerous. /sar
e plebnista!
posted on
05/27/2020 4:54:42 PM PDT
To: lightman
Governor is writing checks he can’t cash again.
posted on
05/27/2020 4:54:56 PM PDT
Old Yeller
(The Blessed Hope is imminent.)
To: lightman
I do not believe a state governor has the authority to micromanage and violate peoples civil rights.
Unfortunately I do not have much faith in our justice system to uphold the constitution.
I am all in for justifiable civil disobedience, it is "called for" and totally justifiable so that this "Socialist Lockdown" does not become a precedent.
we owe it to those who died for liberty
posted on
05/27/2020 4:55:38 PM PDT
KTM rider
( .......than to post and remove all doubt)
To: lightman
I’m thinking that Pennsylvania just might have it’s first Wolf hunting season this summer. Bag Limit of one.
posted on
05/27/2020 4:58:37 PM PDT
(Waiting for Trump's new Caribbean Resort "Club Gitmo" to open for business!)
To: lightman
posted on
05/27/2020 4:59:47 PM PDT
(Quarantine is when you restrict sick people, tyranny is when you restrict healthy people.)
To: lightman
Need massive civil disobedience to save our commonwealth from Tommie The Commie Wolf and Richard "Don't Call Me Dick" Levine.
Should use the leftist social media platforms to coordinate.
posted on
05/27/2020 5:00:06 PM PDT
To: lightman
Adams County district attorney Brian Sinnett - Remember this name.
posted on
05/27/2020 5:04:03 PM PDT
("War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." - George Orwell, 1984)
To: lightman
The State Police, together with this office, will monitor the circumstances should future races occur and appropriate enforcement action will take place, Sinnett said.
Never happen. The Police State and otherwise will always forever m ore support and defend the Constitution. I know this because, over the years, I saw it posted here beau coup.
The reality of the matter is, that if their Bosses[contrary to what the sheep believe, it is not us] tells the police to shoot you [and me] down like dogs, our asses are shot.
posted on
05/27/2020 5:06:18 PM PDT
To: KTM rider
I am all in for justifiable civil disobedienceMay I suggest a two letter change to that? Preface civil with 'un'.
posted on
05/27/2020 5:09:45 PM PDT
("War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." - George Orwell, 1984)
To: lightman
With this Wolf character we are seeing commonsense, and decency overwhelmed by self satisfaction in lust of power.
posted on
05/27/2020 5:10:41 PM PDT
(Dems, Libs, Socialists Call 'em what you will, they all have fairies livin' in their trees)
To: sport
The reality of the matter is, that if their Bosses[contrary to what the sheep believe, it is not us] tells the police to shoot you [and me] down like dogs, our asses are shot.May I add the pigs will shoot your dog just for fun.
posted on
05/27/2020 5:11:48 PM PDT
("War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." - George Orwell, 1984)
To: 2banana
"The State Police, together with this office, will monitor the circumstances should future races occur and appropriate enforcement action will take place,

posted on
05/27/2020 5:12:47 PM PDT
(invictus maneo)
To: lightman
Bring some of those state trooper cars onto the track and see who they can catch :-)
posted on
05/27/2020 5:19:51 PM PDT
(live and let live is dead)
To: sport
The reality of the matter is, that if their Bosses[contrary to what the sheep believe, it is not us] tells the police to shoot you [and me] down like dogs, our asses are shot.The significant majority of police, sheriffs deputies, state troopers, and even federal law enforcement types all seem to take their vehicles home at night. At least they do where I live. Not very good OPSEC.
posted on
05/27/2020 5:32:27 PM PDT
(There are two kinds of people: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.)
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