The notion that Obama ever “fought” for anything is laughable.
“calling his successor a lawless incompetent”
Takes one to know one, Barry.
Joe Hidden
Barr won’t touch Biden or Obama.
All those traitors who willfully followed Obama and Binen’s crime spree are now facing prosecution.
This is a must win for Obama and Biden in a last ditch effort to save his loyal staff from the rope. Nothing to do with Obama’s “era” in any nostalgic or historical sense.
Prison is what’s on the menu today.
Dollars to donuts Obungo flees to a non-extraditable Mooslim excrement-hole when Trump wins his second term.
Obozo might not even be in America when the votes are counted this November.
If President Trump is re elected, Obozo might want to be out of America and ready to fly to his new home for 4+ years.
Obama is still butt hurt Trump won 2016. It means Barack’s legacy of “fundamental transformation of the United States was rejected.
Obama set the stage for Trump. He thinks he can undo that.
( See Andrew Guillum former Dem Florida gubernatorial candidate )
It would suit me fine if the POTUS ordered the black ops extrajudicial slaying of the treasonous former POSTUS .I woukd celebrate !
Is the headline implying that Biden has no idea what’s going on?
Because that sounds accurate to me.
0bama is doing everything that he can do to help Quid pro Joe to lose.
i would like that
My thoughts exactly. Obie From Nairobi probably has a bolthole waiting for him if Trump gets a second term. And Trump is playing him like a fiddle - the Halfrican has a narcissistic streak in him bigger than most, and by him choosing to joust with Trump, it’s sucking a lot of the air out of the room that Biden needs. Not that I think Biden would make good use of it, but he’s relegated to sitting on the bench as long as Jug Ears stays on the field.
He cares whether Biden wins, that wasnt the case with Hillary, Mr. McKenna said.
Is that a joke? Obama started a coup.
Obama was never eligible.
The only reason he ever got into the White House was the cooperation of the GOP.
The GOP has had to not only cover up his crimes, but undermine a President of their own party to keep their complicity hidden.
“Plus, Mr. Obama has more skin in the game this time than he did in 2016”
That’s one way of saying it.
Zero was a complete jack-wagon as president and he continues to be one now. What an a-hole.
I will be campaigning for President Trump in Pennsylvania. What will all of you be doing?