Reluctantly, I have come to believe that CNN is the propaganda voice of ATT .
Actually, the DNC is the lobbying arm of the press. The press drives the agenda. The Dems in government are along for the ride.
CNN won’t re-air their own program, but run headlines that say Trump is dangerous and tells people to ingest disinfectant. They are radical liars, complete scum, agents of evil, and are worthy of contempt. Anybody who believes them is mentally deficient.
#MeToo unless its my candidate.
CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, they are ALL arms of the Democrat Party..every morning Media Matters has meetings with all of them telling them what they are allowed to say
I’m fairly certain Brian was hesitant to broach the subject inasmuch as he also, was digitally penetrated by Biden. A painful memory for Brian and Joe both.
“Feinstein, other Dems largely silent on abuse claims against Keith Ellison”
If I remember right the DNC said their lawyers looked at the charges and found nothing worth investigating. Remember the two tier justice system that rules this Republic now gives women the right to be believed unless the charges are brought against a Democrat.
It’s been PROVEN for years!!!!!
Brian is a putz.
CNN, remember, what is good for the Goose, is good for the Gander.
Stelter is a journalist...and I’m the king of Siam.
Laughing at the twitter handle “Brian Stelters Eyeliner.
If not, why is a 33 year old fat, dumb, ugly, bald guy even working for the network? On camera, not as a stagehand...?
Tara Reade needs to hire Avenutti to represent her. Potato head would have to cover it then.