Save our jobs, protect our workers, raise huge revenues and do it now sir.
Trump has said nothing negative about them which makes me wonder if MBS is acting as a proxy for him to put pressure on Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc.
Has someone already agreed to accept the shipments?
I’ve never trusted men that wear fan belts and shop towels on they’re heads.
The Saudis cannot maintain their society if the price of oil remains this low. There will be hunger, disruption of their supply networks, social and political unrest. Sorry but cannot generate any sympathy for the 9/11 Saudis. manager, Kyle Bass, who tweeted earlier that “the Saudis and Russians have declared war against US shale energy companies....
I havent seen a single tanker with Russian oil. What I see is an endless stream of tankers WITH SAUDI OIL. I see the real enemy!
I’m already paying $2.50/Gallon here in Cali. If it goes any lower, I’ll be getting the gas for free and only paying taxes on it. LOL!!!!!
A lot of the comments are why are we accepting the product. Here’s a history of it and part of the graft involved:
It indicates the OFF program ended, but it never really did as the bribes kept coming to this day as there are still two Saudi Arabian oil companies that are still producing and selling hot oil to us which we diplomatically are forced to accept even though we are one of the top three exporters of petroleum products in the world.
A little long but there’s an illegal action at every turn. I’m not a big fan of wikipedia but they’ve got this one pretty correct. They, at least, admitted this is a Clinton project his administration made up and he pushed in the 1995 as reparations....welfare.
“...which sparked the current crude crisis and which will not stop until shale is completely crushed”
This is the goal of OPOC and Russia but shale will be crushed only if we let it. Since oil is absolutely necessary for national security it will and should be protected by any means necessary.
Good time for us to start to get out of the ethanol monstrosity.
Oil is a global commodity. Supply and demand govern the market. Demand has almost decreased by 50%. The Saudis and Russians depend heavily on oil revenue to exist. It is difficult to shut down major portions of the oil infrastructure. The only way to change things is to cut down on production and/or increase demand.
The amount of oil on the water is the result of a massive shut down of the global economy. The oil on tankers was put there long before the shutdown. The world consumed 90 million bbls of oil a day before the pandemic. To meet such demand, you have to have a huge amount of oil in transit, hence the glut. Shutting down production will not solve the immediate problem. The fastest way is to reopen our economy.
Fake news
When dividing 150 by 3 and then adding 49 and taking the square root multiplied by 13, the writer gets 11.386.
Use it to fill a moat on the southern border and then light it on fire as a warning to others.
So buy it at cents on the dollar and replace our strategic oil reserve Obama sold off for cash.
Did we sink all the Nazi U boats which were off our coast pummeling our supply ships during WW2? If not, this seems it can be cheaply fixed.
That’s about 2 to 3 days worth of crude here in the US. We consume close to 8 billion barrels a year. Not something I’m going to get exited about.
I hope the restof the world realizes this is all China’s fault
The main challenge is the ability of small producers to cover the payment on the loans they took out to build their oil field.