I am so tired of the unending Corona Virus articles. Can we declare a one week Corona Virus Sabbatical? If we stopped talking about it we might figure out how overhyped it really is.
You’ll never collect.
1) They’re communists.
2) They’ve bankrolled much of the U.S. debt and others around the world.
You don’t want them calling in their chits right at the moment. Don’t even tempt them.
Good luck with that
This is really stupid!
Can’t sue them in our courts because of the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act. But the FSIA can (and should be) be amended to allow it just like we did with Saudi Arabia not too long ago.
Watch this, barf alert at 2:05
Watch this, barf alert at 2:05
“Li, who has become something of an underground folk hero in China against chicanery by state officials, ultimately died of the disease.”
Finally, every brat they've squeezed out in the "birth tourism" scam? No citizenship for you.
This article is a lawyerly wet dream.
It is balderdascious garbage
Any country that allows wet markets in every city, where exotic creatures from bats and snakes to pangolins are kept in cages and then slaughtered and cooked to order in the stalls next to where pork, dog meat, poultry and fish are left to hang among the flies, deserves to be blamed for pandemic virus outbreaks.
Their current sanitary conditions would shock Upton Sinclair. We figured this shit out more than a century ago, and fixed it. China just doesnt care.
SARS scientists have been warning the world about the infectious viral cocktail lab of Chinese wet markets for decades.
If Covid-19 came from Indonesia or Nebraska, they would deserve the same blame. But it didnt. It came from the country that pays poachers around the world to kill tigers and rhinos for traditional Chinese medicine.
China deserves to be shunned from the civilized global community until they at least enter the 20th Century, if not the 21st.
I’d hate to work in the collection agency that has to call up President Xi and ask him to pay up the many trillions he’s cost us. I kind of doubt my success record would be all that great.
Maybe we should change “chicanery” to “chi-canery”.
Total blogger BS.
China would be so very responsive to a foreign lawsuit. </ sarcasm>