“Man who licked products at Walmart charged with terror threat”
That sounds fair.
Probably a BERNIE SANDERS SUPPORTER!! He’s 26 and has the mentality of a 2 yr old.
Its only because we, as a society, cant take jack-asses like this out behind the school and beat the crap out of them anymore, that we have to let our legal system handle it. By the time he’s paid all his attorneys fees, the state mandatory anger management or other training, and possibly done time, he will wish he could have just taken a beating.
Charge him for everything he potentially contaminated
Do I remember reading that certain state or city groups are proposing NOT making it a crime for an IDS infectee to have sex with a partner and neglect to tell them that they are infected?
One of N liberal double standards, and when we talk N, we talk a very large number.
Every job interview he walks into, Cory will see the Manager sitting at a desk, looking at this video of him licking products at Walmart.
The Manager will turn to him and ask;
“I have one question before we begin the interview; Is this you licking all those packages? Your answer may or may not affect the result of this interview.”
“Yes, but I don’t do that no more. My girlfriend just broke up with me and...”
“I see. Thank you, Mr. Pfister for your interest in applying to our company. We will contact you if your background is useful.
This interview is, for all purposes, now concluded.
Have a nice day!”
He needs to call Jussie for advice.
Anything for his 15 minutes of fame I guess. Play stupid games, win life changing prizes.
I think I’ve read somewhere that he has tested positive for the Wuhan Flu.
An all-expenses-paid 30 day trip to New York to work in a Kung Flu ward, cleaning bedpans, washing soiled laundry, etc. No mask or gloves allowed.
If he’s a real good boy, renew him for the duration of the pandemic.
Some day I and my fellow boomers will be dead, and the millennials will take over. I fear for my progeny.
These vile scum need to be given a beat down.
A shining star in the Millennial generation?
Real funny, Junior. Slap!
His last name is Pfister? Oh, his cellmates will have fun with that.
If he caught the virus while licking stuff..let him suffer.