So fun, I did it twice!
The hits just keep on coming. Thanks for posting.
Bernard probably miscalculated his IQ similarly.
He’s talking about what would happen if Bernie was elected.
I was going to accuse her of culturally appropriating Mara Gay, but guess what...?
I’ve been told that some primitive peoples have counting systems consisting of “one”, “two” and “many”.
The Democrats seem to have a system of “one”, “two” and “500 million”.
ernie’s Press Secretary Says 500 Million Americans Go Bankrupt Each Year
It’s all Al Gores fault for saying the center of the earth is millions of degrees hot.
The Left can say just about anything because they rely on their ignorant sheep to believe it.
Math is pretty easy actually, unless you are a Joe “150 million American died from gunshot wounds” Biden or a coronavirus alarmist.
That’s because they spent all the money Mike Bloomberg gave them, on toilet paper.
This is not math. Don’t say math when you mean numbers.
Here is what the a$$shole really wanted to say: “We need a president who acts like it”
They are using a disease to promote their political agenda. I know that crises like this bring out the insanity in many people, but this is too much.
They only let you do it every 7 years, so even if EVERYONE did it, it would be like 45-50 million a year (and that’s not even cases, that would be total people, cause there might be like 5 in the house, yet it’s only one BK)
Is she saying all those dead yet still voting Democrats are ALSO filing bankruptcy?
Talent like that should be recognized.
What, that makes 1.529051987767584 times for me so far this year. No wonder I feel so tired all the time.
Provided with reliable information like this, my confidence in Bernie and his potential administration’s leadership, wisdom, and reliability has the reached its apex, almost .0000529051987767584 per millisecond squared.
You know Dan Quayle was ridiculed for spelling potato incorrectly. That didn’t have any policy implications, but it turned into a major campaign issue. Rats frequently demonstrate their inability to count, estimate the size of things and perform basic arithmetic. All of these
have real world implications. Rats should be abused over this. Destroy their credibility. Use Rules for Radicals against them. Rats must have low IQ’s because their ideas never work. Rats must be mentally ill because they keep trying the same failed ideas with the same results. Rats are not only stupid and crazy, they take delight in killing babies. Stupid, crazy, evil.
Do he mean more than jes’ reglar Mericans are being bankrup? Or is Mericans bankruping more than once? (channeling a scene from the Alamo)
She’s 35. Harvard undergrad and law.
And more than that will go bankrupt when told to stay home, don’t go to work to a non-existing job that was shut down.
If 500 million bankruptcies a year in a nation of 350 (give or take) million means that most must own two companies or have two or three families.
Kind of like the idiot from GA and his ‘shark trail’ and the sharks that ONLY eat dark meat because of the MILLIONS of slaves thrown overboard for ‘sport’.