Posted on 02/24/2020 3:38:34 PM PST by Mount Athos
Eight out of 10 employees working in the arts or culture fields said that sharing controversial opinions could mean 'being professionally ostracized' or bullied.
The survey conducted by ArtsProfessionals, a UK arts publication, received responses from more than 500 individuals in the field.
'Our arts, culture, and indeed education sectors are supposed to be fearlessly free-thinking and open to a wide range of challenging views.
'However, they are now dominated by a monolithic politically correct class (mostly of privileged white middle class people, by the way), who impose their intolerant views across those sectors.'
Showing sympathy for movement likes Brexit was also listed as controversial and isolating.
Conversations surrounding religion, gender and sexuality also proved to be a 'minefield' for many surveyors.
'Anything to do with gender issues, especially trans issues, will get a lot of flak for either not being on message enough, or being off message, or too on message,'
Only 2 per cent more said they felt free to speak on issues plaguing the field.
'This is driving people who disagree away, risks increasing support for the very things this culturally dominant class professes to stand against, and is slowly destroying our society and culture from the inside,'
'Our survey shines a damning light on the coercion, bullying, intimidation and intolerance that is active among a community that thinks of itself as liberal, open minded and equitable.
Two thirds of respondents said pressure to remain silent mostly came from colleagues.
A third felt their boards were diligently watching for potential controversies, but 45 percent said they had been 'pressurized, intimidated, ostracized, coerced, trolled, harassed or bullied, either in person or on digital media' over creative choices.
'There is a culture of inviting and then overreacting to complaints when in fact they represent a tiny proportion of views'
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
8 out of 10. They’re more conservative than the Republicans? I don’t think so.
At work we have to be totally PC.
I am not in the arts. I have seven low-end rentals. But I NEVER say anything conservative (unless it is to someone I know) because I carry and I have seen, and experienced insane physical reactions. Liberals are, quite literally, crazy people. I don’t want to get into a situation where I must defend myself as I am old and fragile. I am not going to take a punch if I can avoid it, neither can I delver a punch. I support my candidates with money and my vote.
As Dirty Harry said, “A man’s gotta know his limitations.”
The Left is adopting the stance these days if you dont publicly parrot their talking points, you arent doing enough for the cause and are a part of the problem.
Card carrying commies only need apply.
Maybe we should reverse it on them.
The last place I worked it was apolitical. Not one side or the other.
That was really ok. We were just nice to each other.
At work we have to be totally PC.
I will bite. Where do you work?
On the flight deck we’re totally non-PC but when deplaning and in crew area we are.
You don’t check profiles much do you - blank profile poster. :)
Culture bullies are a curse to the Arts. It results in the garbage we see and hear from current attempts at art and music by two-dimensional artists.
Is there general slant (conservative vs liberal) among your associates?
A woman moved back to my hometown to take care of her parents and start her own catering business. She was an executive personal chef to many in Hollywood for 25 years and said many are very conservative but they have to keep their mouth shut. All the conservatives at parties would end up in the kitchen round a table talking during the course of the evening.
I work as an apt manager. There isn’t a
much more PC job.
I refuse to even discuss anything remotely controversial. I’ll talk about the weather or my dog or how beautiful the mountains are in the Fall. I won’t even talk about sports with female colleagues for fear that that might possibly maybe be called “hostile” by somebody.
I work for a large corporation and never discuss my politics openly, though some liberal colleagues routinely comment. I am pretty certain it would limit my career if I was open as to my conservatism. I do talk with like minded individuals but only behind closed doors.
i wonder what the rate is among pubic school teachers...
I used to work in the culture field, but then I went over to the tomato field because the cultures werent ripe yet.
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