He should go to California more often. MANY people there are Trump supporters. I would LOVE to see California split their Electoral Votes for each candidate. But that only happens in Red states where the Blue Reps outnumber the Red Reps, yes?
I believe only two states - Nebraska and Maine split their electoral votes, all the others have a winner take all.
Especially up here in Northern California. Or what we call The State of Jefferson.
Belly of the beast
I dont know about splitting the electoral votes (I am against that in general) but it would be great to see us win back all the districts in the house that were stolen by vote ‘harvesting’ last time around.
He should go to California more
I agree 100% very seldom voted it just did not make a difference (I had to register 3 times, they kept tossing them in the trash when I marked R - finally did Independent, told them I wanted to troll Republican primaries and got the card).
But with the national numbers in review I think people would be surprised especially this time how many votes Trump will get.