Posted on 01/31/2020 7:31:02 AM PST by Kaslin
American presidents have their famous speeches, remembered long after they leave office. JFK said: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Ronald Reagan stood at the Brandenburg Gate and told Mikhail Gorbachev to: Tear down this wall.
Some speeches are memorable in other ways. George W. Bush, days after 9/11, ironically announced that: Islam is peace. Barack Obama proclaimed himself the messiah: This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.
President Trump has certainly given strong speeches, such as at the recent March for Life. But he may be remembered more for his raucous rallies and hilarious tweets. Yet one speech has flown under the radar.
On Oct. 13, 2016, just weeks before the election, Trump spoke at a campaign rally in Florida. Leading up to the election, he was holding several rallies each day, giving numerous speeches, but this seemingly random speech stands out.
The enigmatic Q group refers to it as the speech that got Donald Trump elected. As it was one of many pre-election speeches he gave and at a Florida rally, it may have only been heard by a fraction of Trump voters before the election, but it certainly encapsulates his philosophy, both before and after the election, toward government corruption.
The speech explains the resistance by the Washington, D.C. ruling class to Trumps candidacy, election, and presidency. Trump attacked the foundation of deep state power, wealth, and corruption. Trump was indeed an existential threat to the cabal.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
When a congressman died in the 1960s with $3.5 million found under his bed, it was a source of outrage and outcry. The issue now is that the MSM, the most elite of them graduates of the Columbia Journalism School, have bought into leftist anti-ethics, lock, stock & barrel, that “it’s now okay”.
Good article... President Trump knew what he was getting into. He has opened a lot of eyes. The country is still on a trajectory that leads to destruction. In his second term, if Republicans can hold the Senate he will get enough court appointments to possibly see the tide change.
Hammer meet nail:
” Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political
establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.
The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.
The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal theyd like to pass, involves trillions of dollars controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists.
For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.”
Read more:
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Trump smoked them all out into plain sight for the real people to see, plain and simple. The media, Hollywood, the Deep State, the Dems, the Globalists, the feminists, and academia all baring their souls publicly for all to see. They have been continually wailing and gnashing their teeth as they seethe with hate for Trump and anyone who supports him. What an education we have received in just these last few years. Who knew things were really this far down the gone hole?
We have to replace the undocumented Democrats in R jerseys.
There MUST be no more Amnesty Senators by the end of President Trump’s second term.
People who were paying close attention knew.
Why would a natural born citizen from Hawaii need to use someone else’s SS# from CT?
Obama used 042-68-4425 for decades.
Why would Nancy use two different nominating forms, one for Hawaii and a different one for the other 49 states?
When Trump gets re-elected, I want to see him get a picture made in a trench coat and hat with a tommy-gun as if he was Elliott Ness cleaning up Chicago. His cabinet members could be similarly attired, backing him up in the picture. . . that would be very, very cool!!
Its About Corruption Replacing a Failed and Corrupt Political Establishment
American ^ | January 31, 2020 | Brian C. Joondeph
The opening lines are prescient, becoming painfully obvious now almost four years after Candidate Trump laid out the scale of corruption.
President Trump has certainly given strong speeches, such as at the recent March for Life. But he may be remembered more for his raucous rallies and hilarious tweets. Yet one speech has flown under the radar.
On Oct. 13, 2016, just weeks before the election, Trump spoke at a campaign rally in Florida. Leading up to the election, he was holding several rallies each day, giving numerous speeches, but this seemingly random speech stands out.
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.
The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.
The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal theyd like to pass, involves trillions of dollars controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists.
For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.
Candidate Trump then went on to say:
Its a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.
This is money given to corrupt foreign countries, disguised as aid, only to be returned to the political elite by hiring their unqualified family members for do-nothing jobs, as in Hunter Biden, or funneling these U.S. taxpayer dollars back into political foundations, consultancies, or campaign contributions.
Once upon a time, journalists investigated such corruption. Now they ignore it, aiding and abetting the deception. As Trump said in his speech:
The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with an agenda.
Speak up against the cabal and you will be destroyed, or even commit suicide. Trump went on:
The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career
and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more.
Excerpted: For more go to:
Allowing that none of hem will be such a screaming,
half-a^%ed Conservative, like Roberts.
I really don’t get that guy.
You oughta dance with the one that brung’ya!
The author speaks of a reckoning for those milking the system. A substantial portion of the country (Trump voters) have been waiting 3+ years for some accountability of those shouting everything from collusion to emoluments, including those responsible for trying to destroy the republic with this sham of an impeachment.
Still waiting . . .
What’s gonna happen?
Now that the miscreants, criminals and seditionists have been “smoked” out, will they be punished?
Not if the GOP has anything to say about it. We will be told that it’s in the nation’s “BEST INTEREST” to just move forward.
Washington is a cesspool of corruption. When an honest, over-the-top intelligent, highly puissant man announced: "The party's over. I'm going to clean up Washington," the Corrupt Establishment went crazy.
From their viewpoint, he MUST be stopped! TRUTH MUST NOT be allowed to expose them, their corruption, and their crimes! Trump--wielding the Light of TRUTH--threatens them, their power, their privileges, their luxuries! That's why they HATE him with such psychotic rabidity.
This is why the corrupt Establishment has spent 3-4 years desperately trying to stop TRUMP and TRUTH!
"Impeachment" was their latest, most desperate attempt!
They vastly underestimated Trump's intelligence and puissance--the power of TRUTH--and the ability of millions of ordinary Americans to understand what's going on! They also vastly underestimated Trump's fundamental morality, which is vastly superior to theirs!
They're not through! They cannot allow TRUMP and TRUTH to expose them! They cannot allow their gravy train to come to a halt! They must protect their power, privileges, and luxuries! They must prevent TRUTH from exposing their crimes and corruption!
But HOW??? They've tried EVERYTHING!
They are desperate! They are mad! Their HATE has reached psychotic proportions! They are dangerous!
LOL!!! Close, but Sir Winston has a slightly different persona from what I had in mind!!!
The reason I left The Constitution in lowercase, above, was to try to make the point that to these leftist lowlifes, toilet paper if more valuable than The Constitution. They have a complete misunderstanding of it, and at least half of those booger eating morons are "progressives," a political theory based on post-Constitutional and anti-natural law thoughts. They have utter contempt for The Constitution, and seek to bypass it at every opportunity, rather than amend it because they don't want to allow the public to learn what they're trying to do.
It's the same reason that the dem House didn't bother waiting for a vote before issuing illegal subpoenas, nor did they want wait for the courts to reject them, then have to refile subpoenas, for the courts to rule on their validity. Now they're crying to their paid propagandists and the dumb-masses that "this isn't a fair trial." Well it's NOT a freaking trial, at least not in terms of a court of law. If it were, every dem senator running for POTUS would be disqualified from being a juror.
Maybe Schumer, Schiff, Nadler and the rest of those clowns ARE so stupid that they don't understand it... Or maybe they're just lying and misrepresenting every aspect of what an impeachment is to their constituents, for whom they have contempt in thinking those who elected them really are that stupid. Then again, they DID elect them, so maybe they ARE that stupid.
They cry "it's not a fair trial." Well, it wasn't a fair persecution! That's right, it wasn't a prosecution, but a PERSECUTION!
Finally, I want to just shout in the face of any leftist dem who dares to say to me, "no one is above the law," that "YOU ARE PROTECTING TENS OF MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS, INCLUDING CONVICTED FELONS, WHO ARE BREAKING THE LAW, DAY AFTER DAY! SO STFU!!!"
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