Good article... President Trump knew what he was getting into. He has opened a lot of eyes. The country is still on a trajectory that leads to destruction. In his second term, if Republicans can hold the Senate he will get enough court appointments to possibly see the tide change.
We have to replace the undocumented Democrats in R jerseys.
There MUST be no more Amnesty Senators by the end of President Trump’s second term.
When Trump gets re-elected, I want to see him get a picture made in a trench coat and hat with a tommy-gun as if he was Elliott Ness cleaning up Chicago. His cabinet members could be similarly attired, backing him up in the picture. . . that would be very, very cool!!
Allowing that none of hem will be such a screaming,
half-a^%ed Conservative, like Roberts.
I really don’t get that guy.
You oughta dance with the one that brung’ya!