This article is in Ukrainian, so you can use the translate feature in your browser to translate it. In chrome just right-click on page and select "translate to English"
I have many links like this that contain information in Ukrainian that differ from what gets reported in America - I will try to get to them. The most important part of this article is copied in the excerpt text
To: CruiseMates
She must not understand how “the newspaper of record” goes about the process of creating its “record”
2 posted on
12/06/2019 4:19:56 PM PST by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire. Or both.)
To: CruiseMates
It sure would’ve been nice if 0bama had been procto-logically ‘examined’ like this during his Reign of Error!
Glad those involved in this BOGUS ‘impeachment’ BS are speaking up!
3 posted on
12/06/2019 4:21:01 PM PST by
Diana in Wisconsin
(I don't have 'hobbies.' I'm developing a robust post-Apocalyptic skill set.)
To: CruiseMates
George Soros and his backers (nations hostile to The United States) must be absolutely amazed at how cheap they can buy the whores at the New York Times.
4 posted on
12/06/2019 4:27:15 PM PST by
("A crack shot and a good dancer")
To: CruiseMates
Pravda on The Hudson, true to form as a source of disinformation, intentionally disinforming its readers, in service to its own political agendas.
8 posted on
12/06/2019 4:51:39 PM PST by
To: CruiseMates
d"During the interview, I made it very clear that at the end of July we did not know why the process of distributing military assistance to Ukraine was not completed. We had no reason to believe that the military assistance had actually been frozen.
Funds weren't due at the end of July and Ukraine didn't need it at the end of July. If the funds were released on time (supposedly they were), there is no issue of assets being frozen. There's nothing left to beat here...the horse is a long time dead...
10 posted on
12/06/2019 5:26:46 PM PST by
((2016 - Best.Election.Of.All.Times.Ever.In.The.History.Of.Ever))
To: CruiseMates
"I consider such actions unprofessional, "- said diplomat. It's the New York Times. That's how they roll.
The truth dies in their darkness. #FakeNews
13 posted on
12/06/2019 6:05:07 PM PST by
(This is the age of the death of reason.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson