Posted on 10/30/2019 9:59:59 AM PDT by Kaslin
Have you ever wondered how far left the Democratic Party has gone since 2008, let alone 2016? Well, as an example, former President Barack Obama likely would have been chased off the campaign trail had he made some recent comments of his as a 2020 Democratic primary candidate. On Tuesday, President Obama told an audience at the Obama Foundation Summit that they need to get over being "woke" and realize that simply judging people and "casting stones" does not equate to activism.
"This idea of purity and youre never compromised and youre always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly," Obama told the group as seen in the clip below.
"The world is messy," he continued. "There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids. And you know, share certain things with you. And I think that one danger that I see amongst young people...and this is accelerated by social media, there is this sense sometimes of, 'the way of making change, is to be as judgmental as possible about other people.'"
"Like if I tweet or hashtag about how you didnt do something right or used the wrong verb or then, I can sit back and feel good about myself, because, 'Man, You see how woke I was? I called you out.'I'm gonna get on TV. Watch my show, watch 'Grownish.' You know, thats not activism," the president continued. "Thats not bringing about change."
"If all you're doing is casting stones, you're probably not going to get very far. That's easy to do," he remarked.
Former President Obama to young people: This idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're politically woke, and all that stuff you should get over that quickly
Obama goes on to slam people who engage in cancel culture and who look to create constant online outrage
And did anyone understand that gibberish? Is the man incapable of speaking plain old English?????? I have no idea what he was trying to say...
Hell has frozen over.
Democrats always say whatever seems expedient at the moment. They don’t value consistency. They value whatever helps them win.
Obama was hiding all his radical agenda to get elected.
The nonsense being promoted right now is coming from VJ, Holder and Michelle.
First sensible thing I’ve heard this asshat say since 2004. There’s got to be an angle.
Not really. His handlers realize the weakening support for the extreme Leftism.
Exactly. See #7
And that's a start.
Was it Authentic Frontier Gibberish?
Yup. But better we get the votes than the Democrat thugs
“If all you’re doing is casting stones”
That is to say, casting stones is a good start, but you’ve got to do even more. Start by feeling really ashamed about yourself.
He’s BSing a phony reasonable persona in order to help Moochie.
Perhaps this means the revolutionaries are concerned that in their eternal quest to divide, they have become a bit too bold and they are still in danger of awakening a silent majority, e.g. the possibility of Trump being reelected. They just may be ready to retreat just enough to resume their covert attacks on western culture, a strategy which has been tremendously successful for them in previous decades.
Help her do what exactly?
Credit where its due. :)
And politically speaking his party is toast if they keep going in the direction its going in.
We’ll see I suppose, but something tells me it will involve running for an elected office.
Obama got what he wanted, now, as a typical liberal, everyone else is supposed to do without what they want.
His worshippers are going off the deep end, and he’s trying to wash his hands of them. Obama 2.0 is in the works.
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