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Hillary Clinton also blames ‘flashing videos’ on ‘the dark web’ for her election loss [tr]
Twitchy ^ | October 24, 2019 | Sarah D.

Posted on 10/24/2019 11:50:27 AM PDT by C19fan

If Hillary Clinton didn’t already exist, we’d have to invent her. Honestly. Millions and millions of people out there looked at her and said, “This woman should be president!” And three years after she lost to Donald Effing Trump, they’re looking at her and saying, “This woman should be president!”

Here’s the rightful president of the United States with her take on how she lost to that zany conspiracy theorist Donald Trump:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: broomhilda; clinton; crazywoman; hildabeast; hillary; hillary2020; shehatestulsi
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Just like drive in theaters would flash "POPCORN" onto the screen.
1 posted on 10/24/2019 11:50:27 AM PDT by C19fan
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To: C19fan

I think she will some day say something so insane (more insane) that the left will have to disown her.

2 posted on 10/24/2019 11:52:11 AM PDT by dp0622 (Radicals, racists Don't point fingers at me I'm a small town white boy Just tryin' to make ends meet)
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To: C19fan

Very obviously, she has gone insane.

3 posted on 10/24/2019 11:53:26 AM PDT by Ken H (Crooked Hillary => Queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, personification of rot)
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To: C19fan

Hillary’s a flasher?

Who knew!

4 posted on 10/24/2019 11:55:26 AM PDT by COBOL2Java (Hillary Clinton: Just like Joe with only half the dementia.)
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To: dp0622
I think she will some day say something so insane (more insane) that the left will have to disown her.

I can't imagine what that would be. "I killed Seth Rich personally"? "I personally arranged for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens"? "I personally gave classified information to our enemies"? I doubt they would bail on her for any reason.

5 posted on 10/24/2019 11:56:03 AM PDT by CatOwner
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To: dp0622
The flashing happened TO her on the debate stage.

Did everyone forgwt the light that came on intermitantly while she spoke ?

6 posted on 10/24/2019 11:56:18 AM PDT by knarf (I say things that are true, I have no proof, but they're true..)
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To: C19fan

Wait...what? “Flashing Videos” cost her the election?

She was posting videos wearing a raincoat and a smile?

7 posted on 10/24/2019 11:57:14 AM PDT by Beagle8U (It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame.)
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To: C19fan
Here she is doing “bad things”...

8 posted on 10/24/2019 11:57:50 AM PDT by ProtectOurFreedom
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To: C19fan

And there will still be people here on FR who actually believe she will run AND can win.

For you nervous Nellies here, remember this. Trump has access to every single document within the government. He can read it and if he wants to declassify it.

9 posted on 10/24/2019 11:58:19 AM PDT by billyboy15
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To: CatOwner

what a murderous, devious, scheming lot the dems ar.

What a great thing to have the press cover for you even on subject such as pedophilia

10 posted on 10/24/2019 11:58:25 AM PDT by dp0622 (Radicals, racists Don't point fingers at me I'm a small town white boy Just tryin' to make ends meet)
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To: C19fan

Well, it looked she was going to have an epileptic seizure when they dropped the balloons at the 2016 convention.

11 posted on 10/24/2019 11:59:05 AM PDT by Berosus (I wish I had as much faith in God as liberals have in government.)
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To: C19fan

“..flash “POPCORN” onto the screen.”
I remember those days especially at the Drive In’s. Word had it that the film could be cut and a picture of popcorn popping or hotdogs on the grill, would be added. This supposedly would make you hungry. I think the process was called artificial sublimation.

12 posted on 10/24/2019 11:59:17 AM PDT by duckman ( Not tired of winning!)
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To: COBOL2Java
Hillary’s a flasher? Who knew!

Nah. With the size of the garb she's wearing these days it would take a full 30 seconds to open it up.

13 posted on 10/24/2019 11:59:35 AM PDT by Buckeye McFrog (Patrick Henry would have been an anti-vaxxer)
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To: C19fan

I may be behind on my count, but I only include reasons presented by Hillary or by one of her minions:

104. Flashing videos on the dark web elected Trump.

103. 10-year-old hackers elected Trump.

102. Hillary being a capitalist elected Trump.

101. The media not doing enough to promote Hillary’s agenda elected Trump.

100. A fake Hillary sex tape (no, I don’t want to imagine that either) elected Trump.

99. The NRA elected Trump.

98. Hillary’s inability to get by the macho atmosphere dominating the election elected Trump.

97. Misogynist sexual predators in the media elected Trump.

96. Hillary being too honest elected Trump.

95. Russian journalists and bloggers posting controversial information and nearly $5,000 worth of ads elected Trump.

94. Requiring voter ID in Wisconsin elected Trump.

93. American voters finding her insufferable because of Hillary’s confidence in her own Christian virtues, which represent America’s exceptional virtue, elected Trump.

92. Hillary’s very bad luck elected Trump.

91. A culture of grievance, victimhood, and scapegoating among hillbillies elected Trump.

90. Hillary’s beauty regime taking 600 hours away from the campaign elected Trump.

89. The press relentlessly beating Hillary up and obsessively focusing on her alleged faults elected Trump.

88. Debate questioners not asking the questions Hillary wanted elected Trump.

87. The Democrat Party having no data and no money for Hillary elected Trump.

86. TV executives failing to give Hillary enough airtime elected Trump.

85. Barack Obama failing to make a speech in favor of Hillary elected Trump.

84. Low information voters elected Trump.

73. The cultural, political, and economic game that’s being played to keep women in their place elected Trump.

82. White women voting against Hillary because their fathers, husbands, boyfriends, and male employers told them not to vote for “the girl” elected Trump.

81. Anthony Weiner, who brought the dumb story about Hillary’s dumb emails back into the news, elected Trump.

80. Matt Lauer and NBC launching a pointless ambush against Hillary and soft-peddling her opponent elected Trump.

79. An unfair election with secret reasons we may never know about elected Trump.

78. Hillary not being meaner and nastier elected Trump.

77. Sexism from Bernie Sanders and his voters elected Trump.

76. The American people not liking Hillary enough, without reason, elected Trump.

75. Innuendo and character attacks by Bernie Sanders elected Trump.

74. White identity politics from whites who felt threatened by black identity politics elected Trump.

73. Bernie Sanders voters not showing up elected Trump.

72. A bunch of black swans converging on Hillary in the final 12 days of the election elected Trump.

71. Wikileaks elected Trump.

70. Twitter memes elected Trump.

69. Astrological influences elected Trump.

68. Blatant sexism and unconscious sexism elected Trump.

67. People voting against Hillary because Obama is black elected Trump.

66. Traditionalist attitudes toward women elected Trump.

65. White voters afraid of losing White Privilege elected Trump.

64. Democrats doing a poor job of controlling the narrative elected Trump.

63. A thousand Russian agents working every day elected Trump.

62. Content farms in Macedonia elected Trump.

61. The TV networks keeping Hillary off the air elected Trump.

60. The vast right-wing conspiracy elected Trump.

59. Infowars elected Trump.

58. Google elected Trump.

57. Steve Bannon elected Trump.

56. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker elected Trump.

55. Nate Silver elected Trump.

54. Citizens United elected Trump.

53. The DNC being a mess and in poor shape elected Trump.

52. Bad polling numbers elected Trump.

51. Obama winning two terms elected Trump.

50. People wanting change elected Trump.

49. The New York Times, cable news, and television executives elected Trump.

48. According to Hillary, “Eight of the top 10 political documentaries on Netflix were screeds against President Obama and me” - Netflix elected Trump.

47. Democrats not making the right documentaries elected Trump.

46. The Democrat Party and the Republican Party elected Trump.

45. Concerns that Hillary Clinton was involved with a child sex trafficking operation elected Trump.

44. Concern about Hillary Clinton being a lizard elected Trump.

43. High expectations that Hillary would win elected Trump.

42. Voter suppression elected Trump.

41. FBI Director Comey announcing a criminal investigation into Hillary’s felonies just over a week before the election, when he had little reason to think there was anything there, elected Trump.

40. The Russians ransacking Hillary’s computer files and strategically leaking the truth elected Trump.

39. Misogyny elected Trump.

38. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein voters elected Trump.

37. Advocacy press on the right elected Trump.

36. Facebook elected Trump.

35. Old, out-of-touch democrats with a flawed message that alienated young voters elected Trump.

34. White nationalists elected Trump.

33. Hatred of Hillary Clinton at the FBI (how could anyone hate a lovable woman like Hillary?) elected Trump.

32. FBI investigation elected Trump.

31. Black voters not liking Hillary elected Trump.

30. Fewer than 100,000 deplorable voters spread across a handful of states elected Trump.

29. People hating Hillary because she is so professional, so polished, such a wonderful lawyer, so brilliant, so good, so righteous, and so much better than us elected Trump.

28. The lack of energy among Hillary supporters and expectations of Hillary being the inevitable winner, because it was her turn, elected Trump.

27. Robby Mook selecting the wrong travel stops for Hillary and spending heavily in the wrong states elected Trump.

26. Hillary’s campaign team failing to hone her message and get voters to the polls elected Trump.

25. Bill Clinton’s appearance of an inappropriate meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch elected Trump.

24. The ugly stew of racism elected Trump.

23. Hillary’s alleged lack of likability and claimed lack of trustworthiness elected Trump.

22. Self-hating women elected Trump.

21. Evangelical, Catholic, anti-marriage equality, and anti-choice social conservatives elected Trump.

20. Sinister outside forces elected Trump.

19. Whitelash elected Trump.

18. Democrat policies that favor the rich elected Trump.

17. Failure to talk to working-class white voters elected Trump.

16. Men elected Trump.

15. Lower-level FBI agents pressuring their Director (because that’s how professional relationships work) elected Trump.

14. Tim Kaine gave Hillary Virginia, but he also elected Trump.

13. White women elected Trump.

12. Racists elected Trump.

11. Sexists elected Trump.

10. Rural voters elected Trump.

9. The working class voting against their own interests elected Trump.

8. Fake news elected Trump.

7. Supermarket tabloids elected Trump.

6. Celebrity (The Apprentice) elected Trump.

5. White male resentment elected Trump.

4. Over-shaming Trump supporters elected Trump.

3. Rejecting Bernie elected Trump.

2. Reagan democrats elected Trump.

1. Backlash against political correctness elected Trump.

There are many terrible reasons for President Trump’s victory, but there are two things that were not a factor. First, Hillary was the perfect candidate; nothing she did harmed her candidacy in any way. Second, President Trump was the worst candidate imaginable; nothing he did helped his candidacy at all, except with racists, sexists, bigots, and the rest of the basket of deplorables.

14 posted on 10/24/2019 11:59:41 AM PDT by Pollster1 ("Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed")
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To: Beagle8U

Thanks for sharing that mental image.
Please take it back now.

15 posted on 10/24/2019 11:59:47 AM PDT by mumblypeg
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To: C19fan

16 posted on 10/24/2019 12:00:01 PM PDT by Beowulf9
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To: All

Waiting for Clinton to mention the influence of the UVB-76 radio signal from Russia.

17 posted on 10/24/2019 12:00:29 PM PDT by C19fan
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To: C19fan

Anyone know what flashing videos are supposed to be?

18 posted on 10/24/2019 12:01:53 PM PDT by ifinnegan (Democrats kill babies and harvest their organs to sell)
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To: Pollster1

105) Voters in Wisconsin who were too damned lazy to come to HER elected Trump.

19 posted on 10/24/2019 12:02:42 PM PDT by Buckeye McFrog (Patrick Henry would have been an anti-vaxxer)
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To: C19fan

Her defeat was all due to sunspots.

20 posted on 10/24/2019 12:03:33 PM PDT by skimbell
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