Posted on 09/17/2019 12:13:45 PM PDT by bitt
A much-discussed article by New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, authors of the new book The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation, revives the story of Deborah Ramirez, the woman who, during last year's Supreme Court nomination fight, said that a drunken Kavanaugh thrust his penis at her (she was also drunk) at a party at Yale during the 1983-1984 school year.
Pogrebin and Kelly claim that extensive evidence supports the Ramirez allegation. "At least seven people, including Ms. Ramirez's mother, heard about the Yale incident long before Mr. Kavanaugh was a federal judge," they write in the article. "Two of those people were classmates who learned of it just days after the party occurred, suggesting that it was discussed among students at the time."
The article did not, however, discuss what any of those seven people actually said about the alleged incident. Nevertheless, partisans quickly seized on it to support their position on Kavanaugh. There was "substantial corroboration" for Ramirez's story, tweeted Susan Hennessey, editor of the influential blog Lawfare. For their part, some Democratic presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, and Pete Buttigieg cited the story as (additional) cause for Kavanaugh to be impeached.
Still, what did those seven people say? Pogrebin and Kelly had the opportunity to describe that at length in their new book. But a look at the book, which will be officially released tomorrow, shows the authors do not offer much there either. The role the seven people played in the Ramirez matter is discussed mostly in two places, pages 64-67 and pages 262-263. Here is a look at who they are and what they said, as described by Pogrebin and Kelly:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This sounds almost exactly like the Rolling Stone “Rape on Campus” hoax story/
Twelve people might buy this book. It’s a smear attack that the American people have already seen through. No one cares now.
This flagrant attack on Justice Cavinaugh is seen by other judges and justices for exactly what it is. It must have an influence on them all.
IT WAS 1983 WHO CARES?!?!?!?!
Good Grief!!
Making the Salem Witch trials seem fair and balanced!
None of these accounts were actual witnesses but they’re “someone told me” type of accounts. This is such utter BS that all of these people should be sued into oblivion.
Biden, Warren, Sanders and four other bozos, take your pick...
Heard, not witnessed. That is the definition of hearsay.
This is like the telephone rumor game, where one person whispers something to someone else, and so on down the chain. The “something” is almost always hilariously corrupted.
Hearsay multiple times removed is still hearsay.
Not only is it fairly clear the ramirez incident never happened, It seems to me the behavior of two college students drunk out of their minds with no memory of what happened is hardly disqualifying of a person over 30 years later.
Also this idea that a person’s life was ruined because they got drunk at a party and touched a penis is really crazy. I don’t think this article even mentions that supposedly a drunk Kavenaugh was pushed into the woman’s hand. He didn’t even (allegedly) do this consciously.
This is just like the sopranos episode where Tony had a car accident with Christopher’s girlfriend. They show the story being repeated by numerous people until finally Uncle junior is telling someone that when they found Tony Adriana was still performing fellatio on him.
The witnesses were Sneazy Bashful Grumpy Dopey Sleepy Happy and Doc . K. tainted Snow White so much she became snow grey.
Most of the anti-Kavanaugh crowd fail to make a simple distinction (at the basis of all forensic science and journalism) between Independent Attestation and Dependent Attestation. York’s article here reveals that there is NO Independent Attestation for Ramirez’s claim. Her claim — and the one made public by these two “journalists” over the weekend — simply have no standing in law or fact.
The REAL scandal in this matter is the SPEED and FEROCITY by which various DEM candidates for the WH jumped on these claims and classify them as proven evidence that demands Justice Kavanaugh’s removal from SCOTUS.
The old Ford hearings first had Feinstein secretly holding her witness news until after the last hearing testimony so Kavanaugh couldn’t have that information during his full testimony and prepare any defense or reply, then out it came (which is illegal, by the way.) She swore under oath she was not concealing or falsifying any evidence to this committee and all that. Even if exculptatory evidence Feinstein hates to reveal.
Then TV breaking news had several stories every other day for weeks on “another witness saw him at party” “new witness will supply all information against Kavanaugh” and “two more women say they were groped at a different party.”
ALL were withdrawn. GOP MUST prosecute these people or they go on with their evil and get worse. They don’t stop.
Watch it....
Dem leader: “It’s a guilty pleasure but I read Free Republic. A guy said why not try 100. Let’s do it. Seven is a lucky number but 100 is more resounding. “
No witnesses have come forward. No witnessses are named. The best they can do for witnesses is two “freshmen” whose identities one guy can’t recall. Ramirez’s contemporaneous statements are that something happened, not specifically what or by whom.
Hell, take the accusation as true. Lets say some blind drunk woman DID have a blind drunk guys penis in her hand 35 years ago.
What does that have to do with today? Does the blind drunk woman at the party need her career taken away? Or howabout all the witnesses/accusers who apparently did nothing but were also at a party like that?
If Kavanaugh needs to be kicked off the court, then everyone else there who was blind drunk, laughing, and did nothing about it needs to lose their jobs too.
They should all have to work fast food forever. Also I want an affidavit detailing how many other penises have been in that hand over the last 35 years.
I heard Deborah Ramirez was actually a Meth Dealer and a Prostitute that likis to prey on pre-pubescent girls.
Now you all have heard it, she needs to be ARRESTED!!@!
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