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The New York Times Reframes American History to Target Donald Trump and His Supporters
Rush ^ | August 19, 2019 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 08/19/2019 2:18:12 PM PDT by Kaslin

RUSH: All right. Just right here is why I am necessary. This is why I’m needed. I mean, I’ve talked to everybody. “Slow news weekend, Rush, nothing happening out there. The biggest news I found was Jeffrey Epstein was delivered a couple of women’s panties, size 5.” You didn’t hear that? When he was in the Palm Beach County jail he requested some women’s size 5 panties and they delivered ‘em to him. You didn’t hear about that?

Some people think that’s the biggest news of the weekend. Or maybe Trump wanting to buy Greenland. Those may be funny stories. And buying Greenland actually would not be a bad idea. You know how we came to own the Virgin Islands? We bought them. We bought the Virgin Islands from Denmark. And then Epstein bought Little Dick’s, little whatever, Little Jeff’s. (interruption) From what? Pedophile Island, right. We’ll probably get that back now. The U.S. will probably get that back.

But if we bought Greenland, think of what we could do to thwart the climate change movement. These climate change wackos cite Greenland as the number one evidence for melting glaciers and ice. So if we bought Greenland, we could prevent all global warming people from going there. You know, make a visa so the climate change people can’t go or some such thing.

Anyway, folks, that stuff pales in comparison. There is such a giant See, I Told You So that occurred over the weekend here that it falls to me to make a big deal of it. Look. Of course, yeah, the Democrats are continuing their dry run here. They’re trying to talk everybody into recession. And that news was prominent over the weekend as well. But that’s not the big news. And you may not think what I think is big news is big news today but I’m still gonna share it with you.

Six days ago. Six days ago — you gotta keep in mind here — let me say one thing. The Russia collusion hoax is dead. It died. It failed. They did not get rid of Trump. Impeachment failed. It’s gone. Every hope, everything that they had developed to get rid of Trump was wrapped up in Russian collusion and the Mueller report. And so it failed. Therefore they have to move on to something else.

Do you know what the “something else” is? You do without me telling you. Trump is a racist. All white people are white supremacists and white nationalists. Racism is now not enough by itself. Because it’s been so overused it’s lost the impact. So now we’re all white nationalists or we are all white racists and that’s what Trump is.

So six days ago on the 13th of August there was a tweet little noticed from an infobabe at the New York Times. “In the days and weeks to come,” it begins, “we will publish essays demonstrating that nearly everything that has made America exceptional grew out of slavery.” Are you aware – I talked about it last week — do you remember that the editor of the New York Times, the executive editor Dean Baquet had to call a staff meeting because of unrest in the newsroom?

And it was recorded. Somebody recorded it and transcribed it, and it has leaked. And the subject matter was the editor of the New York Times explaining to the people in the newsroom what the next project is. Since Trump-Russia collusion failed, an attack on America as racist since its founding is now the new project at the New York Times.

Would somebody explain to me what is news about this? Did the New York Times just discover that there’s racism everywhere and it’s actual news that’s being made that’s responsible for this coverage, or is it the selection of an agenda item that the New York Times is going to push disguised as journalism? It is the latter. There isn’t any such news to warrant this.

The New York Times has essentially admitted now what we’ve all known and what you’re gonna hear me – it’s nothing new. We have accused the New York Times and the rest of the Drive-By Media as now being agenda oriented. They don’t do news anymore.

There is no journalism anymore. There is no actual coverage of events and reporting to people that weren’t there what happened at these events. That’s what journalism basically is. And there isn’t any of that anymore. Journalism today, as popularized by what’s been known as the mainstream media, is now “get Trump.” That’s all it is and all of Trump’s supporters as well. Anybody that likes Trump. The Republican Party, period, it is “get Trump,” it’s get everybody responsible for Trump.

And it’s going to be cloaked or couched as journalism. So here’s the tweet six days ago. “In the days and weeks to come, we will publish essays demonstrating that nearly everything that has made America exceptional grew out of slavery.” Folks, what have I been saying for years? The reason why this is huge news to me is that it is a giant See, I Told You So.

This demonstrates how the Drive-By Media and the rest of the Democrats are trying to turn the founding of this country into a sin. You’ve probably gotten blue in the face listening to me talk about this, that the modern-day left believes America was founded unjustly, that America was founded in immorality, that there is no American greatness, there is no American exceptionalism because it’s been built on the back of minorities or that we stole from other nations. There’s nothing legitimate about America.

And here comes the New York Times making the case for me! This is one of the biggest See, I Told You So’s in my stellar career, ladies and gentlemen. The Washington Examiner has the story. Byron York and others. ” New Goal for the New York Times: Reframe American History and Target Trump.” The Drive-By Media and the New York Times are now turning the founding of America into a sin. Now, you’re way ahead of the game because I’ve told you this is what the left has been about for years. They’re just now admitting it.

And it comes to us from the leaked transcript of the meeting that Dean Baquet had with his people in the newsroom at the New York Times. Now, as part of this effort, the New York Times has started something called the 1619 Project. Started it last week. The New York Times says that the project “aims to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story.”

That’s the New York Times rewriting the founding of America and rewriting American history. It’s another hoax! The Russia hoax bombed out. The Covington kids hoax bombed out. They’ve tried a number of different hoaxes to get rid of Trump, and they have all blown up, and they are at their wits’ end. They are unable to harness any kind of sanity, folks. I think this hatred of Trump has rendered them poisoned.

Stop and put yourself in their shoes. These are the people that are able to get rid of any politician or any public figure they want at any time, including presidents. They are able to destroy the credibility of people. They’re able to ruin administrations. They are able to, in the case of Nixon, actually get rid of one. But the point is in their minds they set their sights on somebody and they’re able to take ’em out.

They set their sights on Donald Trump in 2015. They have launched everything they’ve got. They’ve launched every weapon in their arsenal. It has bombed out and blown up in their faces. I think they’re deranged, delusional, and bordering on maybe even clinical insanity here. Particularly when you read the transcript of Dean Baquet, the executive editor of New York Times, read that town hall meeting he had with the newsroom. It’s mind-boggling. And they are destroying journalism in the process.

I think Trump’s already reelected. I don’t want to make too big a deal about this right now, but I think these people have gone so far overboard and they’re unaware of it — there’s a story in the Stack today about Trump supporters in Seattle coming out now. There’s a story about how Antifa is bombing out in Portland. People are finally starting to see who Antifa is.

When you see a story about Trump supporters surfacing and coming out in Seattle, I think there is — Megan Rapinoe. Megan Rapinoe did an interview. You find out her whole family loves Trump. She’s the only member of her family that doesn’t. And she’s mad that even as Trump was supposedly criticizing her, her father continued to love Trump. I don’t think Trump really criticized her. He invited her to the White House. She’s the one that started uttering obscenities.

The point is, remember this polling data we had a couple of weeks ago that the New York Times ran? And I guarantee you, this story scared the hell out of them. They’ve been running all this polling data showing that Trump’s popularity is waning, that he’s wearing people out. And then they ran a poll, and they found out that millions of people who didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 all of a sudden like the guy. There’s a whole swath of this country that the polling is missing when they run around and poll on Trump’s approval rating.

So I’ll get to all this stuff as the program unfolds, the Seattle story. There are others like that as well. I think that there is a general collapse occurring within the left. There’s a column in USA Today about what a fraud the Southern Poverty Law Center is. Now, it is a fraud. It’s as big a hate group as the Democrat Party is. And they raise money ostensibly to stop hate. They raise money ostensibly to focus on hate organizations, which are all right-wing, mainstream organizations.

We’ve come to find out that Morris Dees and the people that run this have offshore bank accounts in the Caymans! These people are essentially fraudsters and thieves, hoodwinking a bunch of American leftists, including Apple! Apple donated a million dollars to this outfit! They’ve got a social justice warrior CEO who falls for all of this stuff. I think it’s beginning to collapse on them, and we just don’t see it because there’s not a word like that ever spent or ever reported in the Drive-By Media.

Now, back to the New York Times, the 1619 Project. That’s the year of “our true founding” of our country. It “plac[es] the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.” We’ve been lying to ourselves forever. This country wasn’t founded in 1776. This country wasn’t founded in the Revolutionary War. This country was founded when slavery began in America!

Slavery is the foundation on which all American greatness has been built — and when you say that, you are just disqualifying all American greatness. You are trying to erase it, you’re trying to wipe it out, you’re trying to rub it out — and this is the New York Times. A project! I thought the New York Times did journalism. I thought all the Drive-By Media did journalism. No! We’ve got a new hoax now folks! We have a new bogus news case that is designed to try to get rid of Donald Trump. Their recession story isn’t working, but they’re not giving up on it.

The Russian collusion story bombed out. The Covington kids story bombed out. Kavanaugh? That hoax bombed out. Name ’em. Every hoax they have run has blown up in their faces! They are Wile E. Coyote times 10! Everything they have tried! They are feeling as impotent and useless as they have ever felt. Don’t doubt me on this. They are beside themselves. They are at their wits’ end. They do not know how to get rid of Donald Trump. They do not know how to damage Donald Trump.

Why, I’ve even got a story in the Stack here by a deranged leftist named Paul Waldman who is upset that the Never Trumpers have failed, and that the Never Trumpers are basically a nonstory, and that the Never Trumpers are not going to be able to accomplish a damn thing. There is… If you look carefully, there are a series of stories where the left is admitting its frustration. The left is admitting its failures.

The New York Times said they plan on using this series, the 1619 Project — this series that all American greatness grew from slavery. They have announced that they are going to “use the series throughout different parts of the paper’s news sections, including sports, business, and travel.” So no part of the paper will be safe from this revisionist propaganda. Every department of the newspaper is going to now be based on the premise that there is no American greatness, no legitimate American greatness.

There’s no legitimate American exceptionalism, and there’s no legitimate great America, because America is a gigantic fraud because all American greatness was built on slavery. The New York Times has announced that project. Beware. We will chronicle it for the entertainment value of it. But it is an attempt to reframe American history for the purposes of targeting Trump and his supporters to get rid of him.


RUSH: In this Dean Baquet meeting at the New York Times… I can’t tell you how much I hate talking about the New York Times, by the way, folks. I’m sick and tired of it. But this is required, because the New York Times is essentially confirming everything I have told everybody about where the American left is and what the American left is basing its future on. By the way, 1619 — if you’re wondering why they’re calling it that, 1619 — is the 400th anniversary.

That’s when slaves were first brought to this continent. So the New York Times, that’s the day America was founded, when slavery was brought to the continent. There wasn’t even a United States then! There weren’t even the 13 colonies then. And yet the New York Times is claiming that this year is the 400th anniversary of that event. The Times has created this 1619 Project. And this is what they’re saying they hope the project will accomplish.

“It aims to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.” Now, given that New York Times determines all or the vast majority of Drive-By Media coverage, every other cable network is gonna have to pick up on this.

They follow the New York Times around, and imagine that most of American journalism now in the next 18 months, 14 months, is gonna be devoted to a story about how America isn’t great, America’s flawed, America’s unjust, America is immoral — leading up to a presidential election they hope Democrats are gonna win?


RUSH: Meeting and surpassing all audience expectations every day, your guiding light. A man, a legend, a way of life, Rush Limbaugh, behind the Golden EIB Microphone.

So the New York Times is admitting here the goal of the 1619 Project is to reframe American history. Is that journalism? This is to replace the failure of the Russia collusion hoax. This is to replace the failure of we’re on the verge of a recession. You know what the predictions are now? Thirty-four percent of economists expect a recession in 2021. That would be the year the next president is inaugurated. The election is 2020.

They’re now beginning to predict recessions along the same lines as they predict climate change. And 34%? That means 66% don’t? Why the headline: “34% of Economists Expect a Recession”? Why not 66% don’t? Anyway, they’re trying to create a mind-set, they’re trying to create guilt. Oh, and I should add something. The New York Times realizes that just doing this in their paper — they’re gonna reframe American history.

If they’re going to embark on a project that attempts to convince America that this country is flawed so deeply that every aspect of our greatness has happened on the backs of slaves, if they’re really gonna try that, they’re gonna need all the other Drive-By outlets to join them. But even that they know is not enough. A major goal of this project is to take the reframing message to schools. The New York Times is going to be responsible for, they’re going to try to get a new curriculum entered into the public school system for American history designed around their just-discovered opinion that our true founding was in 1619 when the first African slaves arrived in the state of Virginia for sale. That’s their project.

They’re gonna need CNN to help them on this. They’re gonna need MSNBC. They’re gonna need the Washington Post. They’re gonna need the LA Times. If the Times succeeds, the whole of the media will be picking this up like they pick everything else up at the New York Times.

So how do they think this is gonna play out? We got Donald Trump who they have been unable to damage, unable to hurt, unable to get rid of, they have a slew of candidates that doesn’t excite. You know how many people Biden drew the same night Trump was — Biden was in New Hampshire same night Trump was. Thirty people at Biden’s rally. Trump had 11,000, 12,000 inside, that many outside. Thirty people.

Fauxcahontas packed her rally, 700 people. Fauxcahontas is meeting with the Injuns today where she’s gonna apologize. She doesn’t even deserve to be on the stage. She needs to be in the audience. This is a hapless bunch. There’s not a one of them that excites. There’s not a one of them that has created a connection or a bond. Crazy Bernie did, but that’s fading now as a roaring economy has taken the message that Crazy Bernie has and rendered it impotent.

So along with that colorless cast of characters, the Democrat Party is going to be seeking the presidency with the support and the help of a media attempting to redefine America’s founding and greatness as built on the backs of slaves. And they think somehow this is going to deliver the White House. They think somehow this is going to secure the presidency. They think somehow this is going to get them control of the Senate. They think somehow this is going to get rid of Donald Trump?

Russia collusion blew up in their face and failed. The Kavanaugh thing failed. The Covington kids thing failed. There are all kinds of hoaxes that we’ve had to deal with. This, “We’re gonna have a recession next week, oh, my God. The inverted curve, oh, no!” That’s gonna fail.

So now America is unjust and immoral from the days of its founding, and what needs to happen, then, I guess we’ve gotta tear America down and rebuild it, which is exactly the agenda of the left. And that’s what Obama meant by being a transformative president. These people have believed — the New York Times is actually not leading anything here. They are just codifying it.

The Obama administration community organizers, Alinskyites, and all these radical leftists have believed this for the longest time. That’s why today’s such a gigantic See, I Told You So. They’ve been living and breathing the dream that America is unjust and immoral because of its founding. And now here comes the New York Times to make that official. To no longer hide that as the real reason or explanation for the left’s behavior and policies.

Now, is there anybody in this audience that thinks — ’cause if there is, I’d love to hear from you — is there anybody in this audience that thinks this is a winning tactic? Is this going to propel any of these Democrat candidates to the White House? Sixty-five million people voted for Donald Trump on the premise of making America great again, recapturing America from the globalists who want to weaken the country, get rid of the concept of nation states, evaporate our borders, flood the country with all kinds of people that don’t live here for the purposes of watering down the U.S. a whole bunch of ways.

Donald Trump comes along, Make America Great Again, wins against all expectations, 66, 67 million votes in the process, a clear Electoral College advantage. And now the left thinks the way to beat Trump is to tell the people of this country that their country is a fraud, that their country is not exceptional and isn’t great because every bit of evidence of American greatness and exceptionalism is actually built on slavery.

They think this is gonna propel? They think that all these six some odd millions of people that voted for Trump are gonna say, “Gosh, you know what? That’s right. Oh, man. I feel so guilty. I feel so bad. I’m gonna have to vote for whoever the New York Times says.” What are they thinking? They’re thinking long term, folks. This is not just a project to get rid of Trump. That’s the immediate aim. This is their objective for as far out as you can see.

Their hatred for this country — I’ve yet to see them actually admit it as clearly as they are now, and particularly with the New York Times making this official. So keep a sharp eye because this is gonna be fascinating to watch. And if you read Dean Baquet’s transcript of the meeting, he was giving himself and the paper credit. They were cutting edge on Trump-Russia collusion.

That was the biggest story and they were right there following it and reporting it and doing the best job in the media anybody ever did with any story anybody ever had in the media. He said now it’s time to shift gears and bring this professionalism and this level of expertise to reframing American history. In the process, the New York Times is admitting that journalism is not at all what goes on there anymore. Deluded and deranged, it is fascinating.

You think they’re alone. Let me just give you some headlines here. “Mayor Pete: Voting for Trump is Looking the Other Way on Racism.” “Beto O’Rourke: Trump Leading a Concerted, Organized Attack Against People of Color.” And there are countless other stories today of Democrat candidates and Democrat elected officials joining the movement now to proclaim Trump and his supporters and in fact all of America as nothing but a racist sewer that needs to finally be admitted to and cleaned out.

So in this process every Republican must become a racist. Probably already has. Every American must become a white supremacist, a white nationalist, every white American. This is the tack that they are taking. This is why I say that I think they’ve already reelected Trump.


RUSH: My friends, evidence yet again. Do not doubt me. Do not doubt me, particularly when I am predicting the left, analyzing the left, telling you where they’re going, what their objecting are. For how long have I been warning everybody — which is what my purpose has been, to warn everybody what’s coming — these people do not like this country as founded. Their whole justification for everything they support — be it open borders, limitless illegal immigration, Medicare health care for all, climate change, whatever it is.

It’s all based on the fact that America is illegitimate and unjust from our founding and is unfixable. This is the key. So the Civil War doesn’t count. Abraham Lincoln doesn’t count. Any affirmative action program doesn’t count. Ditto for the feminazis. Whatever we’ve done to correct past grievances doesn’t count because it doesn’t erase the original sin. This is the key. America must be torn down and rebuilt because America has been flawed from the get-go. And now the New York Times is coming out and admitting it!

I can’t tell you how I hate talking about the New York Times, folks. I ignore them. They tick me off. They’re nothing but a bunch of conspiracy plagiarists now, and I resent them. But I can’t avoid it because they’re the ones coming forward and admitting it now. This is the objective, and it goes way beyond Trump. But the original immediate objective is to get rid of Trump, because that’s all they can focus on. That’s all that has occupied them since election night 2016. I got an email.

“Dear Mr. Limbaugh: The New York Times did not convince the majority of Americans that Trump was bad and a Russian agent. So I’m wondering if they have the same kind of impact they think they have.” This is a great point. A great point. Because one of the characteristics of Drive-By Media today is an arrogance coupled with a condescension. You can see it when you watch leftist cable news or even read these newspapers. They adopt an attitude that everybody agrees with them!

They are the epitome of what is normal in America, and anybody at variance with what they claim is normal is an oddball — or a racist now or a white supremacist. But the fact is they were unable to convince a in charge of the of Americans that Trump was a Russian agent. Do you know why? Because he wasn’t! They made it up. It was a hoax. It was an effort involving many in the political class in Washington, D.C. (as you all know) to manufacture a bogus case, to exonerate Hillary Clinton first and foremost.

You know the drill here. The point is they were unable to convince a majority of Americans. If they were able to convince a majority Americans, impeachment would have happened and who knows what would have happened after that. The reason impeachment didn’t happen is because no more than 20% to 30% of the country ever thought there was anything to this — at least to the point that it would require and necessitate an impeachment and a conviction and throwing Trump out of office.

That has never been majority popular opinion for that. There has never been majority popular opinion on the belief that Trump stole election and was illegitimate. But they act like everybody agrees with it, they act like everybody thinks it — and this is the root of their downfall. Presuming they are what’s normal, presuming they represent the majority. They don’t. Fortunately for us, the New York Times and the Drive-By Media still represent a distinct minority of American thinking.

It’s just that they don’t know it. So they’re going into this 1619 Project thinking they’re gonna succeed. They’re gonna succeed in reframing American history: 1619’s when we were founded when the slaves first arrived in Virginia! And there’s no fixing it. This is key, folks. There’s no reparations. There is no way of solving past grievances sufficiently to move forward. America must be disbanded. America must be torn down and reconstituted.

Its sins are so great and so deeply intertwined that it’s impossible to fix them. So when did these people begin to think this way? I think years ago. I don’t think it’s recent. I think it predates Trump. They were on their way. Another Obama term with Hillary in the White House… I shudder to think. But they thought they were on their way. It’s a devious agenda, folks. It is really, really dangerous. It’s not a conspiracy theory, and it’s not tinfoil hat, thanks to New York Times openly admitting it. Okay, let’s start in Gainesville, Florida. Roger, you’re up first today on the phones, and welcome. Great to have you here.

CALLER: Thanks, Rush. Using elementary math, we can see that we got rid of slavery 156 years ago and had it for 244 years. And I’m not sure why we don’t get credit for having gotten rid of it with the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War and all that came after 166 years ago, and why we have to bear the guilt or burden or whatever of having it here for 244 years when it’s been in existence throughout all of history and still is in parts of the world.

RUSH: Okay, so what is your point?

CALLER: Other than the New York Times is obviously insane, they want to give us no credit for having gotten rid of the scourge of slavery and having done it 16 years ago, which is long before before anybody on the planet today —

RUSH: Well, see, that’s the… I’m sorry to be repetitive here, folks. But that’s the point. Even though slavery was absolved the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War was fought, none of that counts, Roger. None of that erases the fact that it existed. And because it existed, we are flawed forever. America can never, ever escape it, and so America must be obliterated, disbanded, and reconstituted. No credit for any achievement, no credit for any accomplishment, no credit for any fix because that doesn’t erase the sin.

It’s just a darn good thing the media is not God or Jesus Christ or we would all be screwed.

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TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; US: New York
KEYWORDS: 1619project; deanbaquet; newyork; newyorkcity; newyorkslimes; newyorktimes; presidenttrump; rushlimbaugh; the1619project; transcript
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1 posted on 08/19/2019 2:18:12 PM PDT by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin

Pretty rich for the NYTimes to play this game since they were complicit with Nazis and cheerleaders for the communists.

Yeah, pretty rich.

2 posted on 08/19/2019 2:21:08 PM PDT by OpusatFR
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To: Kaslin

Other than Eqypt, how much did Africa have to do with Western Civilization?

3 posted on 08/19/2019 2:26:44 PM PDT by Paladin2
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4 posted on 08/19/2019 2:33:53 PM PDT by tomkat
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To: Kaslin
If everybody is a racist and a nazi, then nobody is.

My answer to anybody who accuses me of being either now is: "I don't care."

5 posted on 08/19/2019 2:45:13 PM PDT by Sirius Lee (“They are openly planning to murder you. Prep if you want to live.”)
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To: tomkat

” The failing New York Times “ is in it’s final death throes.

Hopefully, ABCPBSPNBCNN isn’t far behind.

6 posted on 08/19/2019 2:45:40 PM PDT by BrexitBen
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To: Kaslin

So I guess the NYT is trying to say slavery is a good thing.

7 posted on 08/19/2019 2:51:35 PM PDT by Brilliant
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To: Kaslin; All

There’s a perfect descriptive word for anyone who actually believes anything, that’s more controversial than the latest sports scores, that “THE NY SLIMES” or “THE WASHINGTON COMPOST” publishes: STUPID.

Yours, TMN78247

8 posted on 08/19/2019 2:56:52 PM PDT by TMN78247 ("VICTORY or DEATH", William Barrett Travis, LtCol, comdt., Fortress of the Alamo, Bejar, 1836)
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To: Kaslin

If we are playing historic Point the Finger for bringing Africans into slavery in the New World I want to suggest Spain as the guilty party...

Or if it is slavery that is bad (and not just African enslavement) we could Point the Finger at Native Americans.

How do we feel about the Irish Slave Trade? Or did they get what they deserved for being so privileged throughout history?

9 posted on 08/19/2019 3:00:30 PM PDT by greatvikingone
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To: Kaslin

mutant mulatto maniac

10 posted on 08/19/2019 3:01:03 PM PDT by LeoWindhorse
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To: Kaslin

I was watching Rick Steves, the Travel Guy on PBS yesterday.
I’ve always wondered why he was nice to Syria and only seemed to talk Christian when he went to Israel.

Back in April, he did a travel show on “Fascism” and how it began. PBS did a repeat this weekend.
Being a bit of history buff, I decided to TIVO it.

It really didn’t take too much “read between the lines” to see how he was painting parallels between Mussolini and Trump.

It maps too close to Pelosi-WP-NYT attempt to paint Trump supporters to their favorite label.

11 posted on 08/19/2019 3:06:41 PM PDT by Zathras
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To: Kaslin

Long ago - and for reasons as legitimate as the one Rush lays out - the New York Times became known in many circles as Pravda on the Hudson.

Pravda - the public propaganda machine of the Soviet Union pretending to be a news publisher.

Pravda on the Hudson - an American Leftist propaganda machine pretending to be a news publisher.

Both have/had the same anti-American agenda at their heart.

12 posted on 08/19/2019 3:14:46 PM PDT by Wuli
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To: Zathras
Speaking of PBS, I can't get over the title of their "Prize Winning Series," called... REFRAMING AMERICA!

That is exactly what the series is promoting... re-framing what the founders framed in our fantastic government power limiting CONSTITUTION!!!

It's all enough to gag a maggot...

13 posted on 08/19/2019 3:33:40 PM PDT by SierraWasp (BLM = Black LIEs Matter!!! Used to be known as "Bureau of Land Management")
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To: Kaslin
the TDS-deranged New York Times will commit whatever treason it takes to defeat President Trump.
14 posted on 08/19/2019 3:34:24 PM PDT by Carl Vehse
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To: Kaslin

Is the NYT proposing a pseudo premise that is fraught with hurtful racist intensions?

15 posted on 08/19/2019 3:35:06 PM PDT by (...our flag was still there.)
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To: Kaslin
There is no journalism anymore. There is no actual coverage of events and reporting to people that weren’t there what happened at these events. That’s what journalism basically is. And there isn’t any of that anymore

Ergo: There should be no 1st Amendment protection for those entities. IOW "Sue the Bass Turds blind" and cancel their broadcast licenses along with it.

16 posted on 08/19/2019 3:54:38 PM PDT by Don Corleone (Nothing makes the delusional more furious than truth.)
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To: Zathras

Rick Steves always struck me as a bit arrogant.

17 posted on 08/19/2019 5:11:59 PM PDT by wally_bert (Hola. Me llamo Inspector Carlton Lassiter. Me gusta queso.)
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It looks like they are saying that prosperity and power resulted from slavery. Maybe this explains why they advocate so many communist dictatorships. Modern day slavery.

18 posted on 08/19/2019 5:19:29 PM PDT by joshhiggins
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To: Kaslin
Well; IIRC a lot of educated exslaves went back to Africa and formed Liberia.

It's a true fact that that country is doing better than any other in Africa.

19 posted on 08/19/2019 6:13:32 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: All

During the period after the civil war known as reconstruction black legislators who were Republican were elected in the south To stop this democrats came up with poll taxes and Jim Crow laws and the KKK

20 posted on 08/19/2019 8:56:36 PM PDT by mosesdapoet (mosesdapoet aka L,J,Keslin posting for the record hoping some might read and pass around)
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