Posted on 08/01/2019 10:26:10 PM PDT by Helicondelta
President Donald Trump addressed a large rally crowd in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Thursday evening, telling them that Democrats had mis-governed many big cities especially in California. Trump said:
The conditions in Nancy Pelosis once-great city of San Francisco are deplorable.
[Crowd boos]
Theyre deplorable. Do you remember the word deplorable?
Crowd: Yeah!
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Same with Philly, Detroit, and nearly every inner city. This is exactly the message that needs to get out. The libs claim to be the saviors and they destroy everything they get their hands on. What’s really bad is that when these libs flee the terrible economies and living situations that they’ve created, they set to work doing it again in their next locale, they’re like locusts.
” ... they’re like locusts. “
Not exactly; they are cancer.
Just saw someone call dems “Rat Crats “ on tweeter. haha
Minneapolis and St Paul too
Garcetti actually had the temerity yesterday to claim it is so bad now that it is a FEDERAL PROBLEM!!!!
The feds need to come in. and clean it up!
About time,
I’ve been waiting for someone to spine-up and call democratic slums and sewers what they are, an absolute failure of the democratic party platform and politics.
Go Trump. Bring it to them. Use their own words on how bad it is. Mention how much money they’ve gotten (including the Stimulus) and ask why they let these cities become plague vectors and what they are going to do about it? (else, I’m going to have to do something about it - And Pelosi won’t like it).
I taught in Chicago umpteen years ago and haven’t returned. It was a slum then . . I can just imagine now.
The conditions in Nancy Pelosis once-great city of San Francisco are deplorable.
[Crowd boos]
Theyre deplorable. Do you remember the word deplorable?
Crowd: Yeah!
Did you have a flack jacket. Any close calls?
Yes! Yes!!! Keep it up Mr. President and do NOT relent!
(Prayer: LORD, please see to it that Trump continues exposing the California darkness and give the conservative movement in California a major boost. Please swiftly remove the likes of Leader Pelosi and Governor Newsom and Mayor Garcetti from their positions. Turn our state red! You are the GOD of the impossible! Victory In Jesus name! Amen!)
“Whats really bad is that when these libs flee the terrible economies and living situations that theyve created, they set to work doing it again in their next locale”
Jennifer Granholm (D) was governor of MI for 8 years and shortly after leaving office in 2011, she left the state for UC Berkeley, CA and a nice job there...her husband too (Dan Mulhern) if they really needed two more just like her.
PDJT delivers the Truth again, he just can't help himself!
The Feds could clean it up, at great expense to the taxpayers, but why don’t they vote these democrats out? What the hell is the matter with these people?
What the hell is the matter with these people?
Can’t cure stupidity.
No, everything’s just fine where Nancy and her friends hang out.
“Garcetti actually had the temerity yesterday to claim it is so bad now that it is a FEDERAL PROBLEM!!!!...The feds need to come in. and clean it up!”
Then INVITE HIM IN (him being Trump), but I’ll give him a heads up - Trump would only go in there on HIS TERMS, which would mean full budget authority and no judges stopping him from taking lawful actions.
In 6 months the place would look like Singapore.
“The Feds could clean it up, at great expense to the taxpayers”
Rudy did it for next to nothing in NYC - just put the bad guys in jail and keep them there. The rest takes care of itself. Costs a bit of money, but not much.
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