Posted on 05/21/2019 5:43:02 AM PDT by governsleastgovernsbest
More evidence that Joe Scarborough has descended deep into the liberal fever swamp. Now he's calling on a leftist billionaire with a fixation on impeaching President Trump to shell out for a phalanx of lawyers to get Attorney General Bill Barr disbarred.
Tom Steyer is the left-wing billionaire in question. He has poured tens of millions of dollars into TV ads demanding that President Trump be impeached. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough called on Steyer to direct his efforts toward having Attorney General Bill Barr disbarred.
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Poor Joe has descended into the Steyer/Maxine Waters lunatic fringe of the Democrat party.
Ping to Liberal Media Criticism list.
So much for Scarborough being a conservative...
People’s true colors are coming out.
Who ever thought Joe was conservative? Compared to what, as Rodney Dangerfield said about his wife?
Unless and until he threatens to dry up the funding, Dems will not try impeachment. The Dems can milk Steyer while pretending to Impeach Trump.
Hey Joe, Killed any interns lately?
Scarborough is not a strong man. He defers to his wife when it comes to politics.
“How about using some of that money to prove I didn’t murder that intern.”
He’s been this way since he got the morning show in 2007. He’s doesn’t believe this.
Trump should hire some comedian to play-act ‘Impeachment-Iggy’...accusing Trump of stealing White House toilet paper, or stealing pens off the desks of WH employees, or sneaking cheese dip from military chow halls while visiting them.
Poor Joe has descended into the Steyer/Maxine Waters lunatic fringe of the Democrat party.
The lunatic fringe IS the Democrat Party. The inmates are running the asylum.
You are joking
Your post has to be sarcasm...
Scarborough has NEVER been conservative.
The crazier Scarborough gets, the bigger his nose grows.
Scarborough is a Scarboroughitive.
Whatever pays his bills.
“Joe, Scarborough called on Steyer to direct his efforts toward having Attorney General Bill Barr disbarred.”
Openly conspiring to obstruct justice.
The lite version of assassinating prosecutors and judges.
Quick, before he catches us!
One has to commit several hundred felonies to become a billionaire in America today. Mr. Barr should invite Mr. Steyer to go for it. :)
The media are all whores, taking whatever position the check writers want.
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