I think the problem started when cheereaders stopped dressing and acting like cheerleaders and started dressing and acting like hookers.
Exactly. For male titillation while we women cringe and snarl.
Add the fact they are useless in huge stadia.
There really is no point to it. So what if they are eliminated.
Hate to say its our Colts fault for starting this.
There is a problem?
Since when?
My only problem was I was never studly enough to date a cheerleader when I was still young. One of my big regrets.
“I think the problem started when cheerleaders stopped dressing and acting like cheerleaders and started dressing and acting like hookers.”
Hmm, looks to be about 1978.
It was considered a sport in my high school era, competitions and all. Cheerleaders were generally respected. All the jocks had ‘em, and many of the rest were jealous.
I’ve seen my alma mater’s pep rally videos lately, and all they’re missing is a pole.
I wonder what’s happening in the middle schools.
Yeah. Gotta go with the libs on this one. Sideline hookers are ridiculous.
Despise the NFL anyway.
I don't see a problem with that.....
Well I consider much of the cheerleaders attire to be bordering on bad taste, we need to be realistic here. It wouldn’t matter if they were dressed like nuns if men found them attractive. That’s all it would take for the leftist man haters.
That would be the root cause if Americans were against cheerleaders. And it does slow down the attack from the left. A little. Very little.
a day that will go down in history
Statistically, some of them are bound to be nice girls, but the costumes and routines are so skanky that you have to believe that’s the sort of woman most drawn to the gig. I’m not an NFL fan anyway. The SEC supplies all the football I need.
Oh Please.