I have come to accept that Round-Up kills gut bacteria, when ingested.
This has serious health consequences.
Monsanto has financed a great many studies to try to demonstrate it is safe.
I trust them as much as the Vioxx studies.
So I personally avoid it.
This leaves more for those who want to use it.
Freedom involves choices.
But cancer and toe nail fungus are caused by global warming. /sarc.
It is true.
The liberal ijits crying about this would believe they are believers of science, not deniers.
They actually don’t believe science or respect it but worship a false reflection of it.
“The rodents are given oral doses of glyphosate for up to 89% of their life spans...”
If you want to drink Roundup for 89% of your lifespan, that is your choice.
If you accept science, you accept that Roundup may or may not cause cancer.
A pretty comprehensive article on the subject.
The headline is a glaringly anti-scientific statement and the group that put this piece out is deeply conflicted.
This may as well have been put out by Monsanto itself, for all the value it has to public discussion of the issue.
The big evil corporation MUST be at fault.
These types,of arguments are pure bullsh1t.
“Science” has been continually incorrect on a bunch of things we were told were not only okay, but healthy to do.
This is just the argument put forth by those who want no scrutiny or questioning.
There are other concerns regarding Monsanto, its products and its practices, than specifically the subject of cancer.
1) Enormously increasing the exposure of persons to lectins, through patented seeds and insecticides, which may have a destructive effect on the intestinal lining, leading to what is now called Leaky Gut Syndrome, and is related to numerous Auto-Immune conditions.
2) Advocating and lobbying for punitive legislation against private persons owning and sowing heirloom seeds on their own property, and using punitive actions against private farmers who unwillingly have their crops corrupted by patented Monsanto GMO seeds from open-bed trucks that pass by their fields on public roads.
3) Buying and then burying the research by Beealogics (c. 2012), which had been studying (Beehive) Colony Collapse Disorder. There is evidence that the dramatic increase in lectins caused by Monsanto products literally drives the Hymenopteran nervous systems haywire (as caffeine, a plant defense mechanism, can do).
As someone with a background in the physical sciences, including physics, chemistry and genetics, as well as in mathematics - and who was scored in the top 1%ile in such aptitudes - and as one who has studied logic, I pay plenty of attention to both reason and science. Your assumption that no one who in any way opposes Monsanto’s policies and products does not pay heed to either is both arrogant and ignorant.
Since you are so preemptively insulting, I will respond in kind:
You are what I call a 3C: a Cookie-Cutter Conservative - one who lives by the simple-minded, knee-jerk axiom: Big Government Bad, Big Business Good.
Regardless, this is a Freedom issue. I prefer God’s design over Man’s. If you do not like that, that is your hang-up, not mine. I want the freedom to be informed about food products on the market, and the freedom to choose what to put in my body.
I do not want any corporation to be able to use its money to bribe legislators into giving them carte blanche on research, information, and/or production.
Alrighty then.
bull shit. if you believe science you believe global warming too. how many sacred ‘science’ cows are there out there?
Does anyone here remember “weed oil” herbicide?
Can’t we just get back to the basics? I remember back in the 70’s mixing up tanks of 2,4-D in diesel fuel. You could hear the weeds scream as they withered right before your eyes
I deny it!
(it’s just easier)
Best to STOCK UP on Round Up.
“Not that people will listen to reason or science. “
Before I listen to”reason or science” I want to know who paid for that “reason or science.”
We’ve seen enough examples of “science” being corrupted by government or corrupt foundations on the left (e.g., global warming) to where I’m suspicious of any study.
Same thing about DDT
I frequently respond like this when I hear about large jury awards. It will change on appeal because the jury is just a bunch of people, not a bunch of scientists or experts.
Actual science is beyond the scope of most people, myself included, but being in the chemical business, I think I know a little more than the average guy. (I’m an application trainer, not a chemist)
Users are told to review the Safety Data Sheet, which I personally believe is bad advice. SDS’s are written by safety people for safety people and are filled with acronyms and technical jargon. An untrained reader will logically jump to the conclusion that everything is dangerous. You should see the SDS for Dihydrogen Monoxide.
It’ll keep you from drinking water for the rest of your life.
A couple years ago, I read the SDS for Roundup. You would have to literally drink gallons of the concentrate every day for it to be harmful.
As I recall, the half life is measured in hours or days, so within a couple days, the chemical has done it’s work and is completely inert, allowing new plants to grow.
The fact is that it does massively cause much disease, including cancer.
That is what real honest ‘science’ has found to be true.
Legislated ‘science’ not so much.
This award is absolutely appropriate!