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Why Thousands Are Obsessed With A Nest Of Conspiracy Theories Called QAnon ^ | August 21 2018 | Georgi Boorman

Posted on 08/22/2018 9:19:05 AM PDT by Para-Ord.45

QAnon is a conspiracy theory so far reaching and comprehensive, there is virtually no other conspiracy theory it leaves untouched, from the government hiding the UFOs to JFK Jr. surviving his plane crash. The fact that it envelops so many other theories helps explain why QAnon is the most popular shadow-rule fantasy of our time.

... top Democrats are actually human traffickers and pedophiles, along with some Hollywood stars. Many are also supposedly Satanists and blood-drinkers and drug traffickers, too.

This cabal of evildoers is supposedly headed by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, who are secretly planning a coup on the president. A sampling of other beliefs are: that the Rothschilds are supposedly leaders of a Satanic cult, that Debbie Wasserman Schultz sent MS-13 to kill DNC staffer Seth Rich, that the Rothschilds and/or JP Morgan sunk the Titanic (even though his own company owned it), and that Kim Jong Un was actually installed as a puppet dictator by the CIA.

The most salient belief Q followers drill down on in their analysis is that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not actually investigating President Trump and his team for Russia collusion — that’s just a cover for his secret investigation of Hillary Clinton. Every day, Trump is putting on a circus for the media, making himself look like a fool; but behind the scenes, he is playing a highly complex game of 4D chess to defeat the deep state and drain the swamp, and even the most studious Q believers can only hope to get an inkling about his strategies.

As Q wrote on Aug. 14, as if in defense of the 4D chess theory of POTUS’s behavior, “Has POTUS made a statement AS PRESIDENT that hasn’t ended up being TRUE AND CORRECT?”

TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 752dchess; allforalarp; conspiracytheories; cult; deepstate; drinkovaltine; enoughalready; fads; freeqers; okeydokekiddiepoke; q; qanon; qballs; qisnamblamember; qnotrealmsmsayso; qooks; qpower; qwasdebunked; trolls; trollsrpedos; trumprussia; trustthescam; waahh; whiners; wwg1wga; zot
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To: Boogieman

Organic food is justly slightly less a scam than q anon.

81 posted on 08/22/2018 11:56:30 AM PDT by Okeydoker
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To: Okeydoker

Looks like you have it all figured out.

82 posted on 08/22/2018 12:00:09 PM PDT by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: numberonepal

Do you think you have to be a genius to figure out a non sensical scam when you,see one?

83 posted on 08/22/2018 12:05:16 PM PDT by Okeydoker
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To: Okeydoker

Why are you asking? You obviously have made up your mind. If you’d like proof or explanation for something you’ve done little to no research on, I’m here. Until then, good day.

84 posted on 08/22/2018 12:14:03 PM PDT by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: numberonepal

I have repeatedly asked for answers to a number of questions. NONE of which have ever been answered by the qooks. In other words this is what they say: think for yourself just do the research. Translation: until you agree with us.

No longer interested. The evidence is in. The q movement is dying and on its last legs. Even trump wont let the q people display their signs at his rallys anymore. Stick a fork in it, youre done. All that is left now is the grieving process for the true believers.

85 posted on 08/22/2018 12:21:14 PM PDT by Okeydoker
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To: Para-Ord.45; dinodino; Windflier
One Answer: Q is an irrelevant joke

IF it's hurting Donald Trump all he has to say is "This Qanon stuff is a bunch of kooky nonsense."

CLEARLY it's not hurting him. It's helping him. The ones mocking it and deriding it the most are leftists. Which means they KNOW that it's helping him and not hurting him.

Whether it's true or not is irrelevant at this point. I wouldn't doubt if it WERE a psyop to jack up Trump support.

If it were not true, or if it were hurting him, he would disavow it. Sarah Huckabee has been asked a few times about it already. All she would have to say is "The President appreciates all the support he can but this qanon does not come from Donald Trump or anyone associated with his administration."

Why doesn't he do this?

86 posted on 08/22/2018 12:24:18 PM PDT by DouglasKC
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To: DouglasKC

Trump doesn’t acknowledge Q because Trump is not a kook. Would you expect Trump to say, “All this talk of extraterrestrials building the Great Puramids is nonsense?” Of course not, because only a nutjob would even consider such a possibility.

87 posted on 08/22/2018 12:33:20 PM PDT by dinodino
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To: Louis Foxwell; All; bagster
You want to see a Q scam?

No, it's not what you think.

Take note.

The twitter post above IS NOT Q. The image of the Q post inside it is fraudulent, not a true Q post

Here is proof: Q posts here and IMPORTANTLY Q POSTS NOWHERE ELSE.

When we search through all of Q's posts (now numbering 1931 as of this FR post), we will not find the FAKE post above.

Now think. The post above is fake. Is this an isolated occurrence? Answer: NO!

There are liars, imposters, frauds of Q throughout the internet and all over social media. And these frauds post the most outlandish things like Hillary eats live babies, Hillary drinks baby blood, etc.

And the effect of the fraud here on FR is to have people comment that all that Q stuff is so 'kooky', of course! These readers are viewing the fraud and the fraudsters want them to think precisely what they are thinking, that Q is for kooks. FR posters who are not part of the fraud but have been persuaded to think Q is for kooks, they have been played for FOOLS!

So what is this?


The liars will take the above fake Q and proclaim that Q is predicting the government is controlling harmful signals within 5G phones to cause people to lose sleep and give them headaches.

Let's look at a REAL Q post, Post #1925 :

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.167  📁
Aug 19 2018 13:03:32 (EST)
Define 'Fascism'. 
Forcible suppression of opposition?
Define 'Censorship'.
The institution, system, or practice of censoring?
Define 'Narrative'.
A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values?
Define 'Projection'.
The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?
The forming of a plan : scheming?
Define 'Psychological Projection'.
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?
Define 'Narcissist'.
A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror?
Define 'Dogma'.
A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?
Define 'Aggression'.
Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests?
Define 'Suppression'.
The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication?
[Bonus Round]
'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
Define 'Realism'.
The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life?
Actions of [ANTIFA]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [FAKE NEWS]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
The More You Know….

What is the real Q doing here in the above post?

Q is educating.

Q is educating and informing about Fascism, Censorship, Scheming, Psychological Projection, Narcissism, Aggression, Suppression, ANTIFA, FAKE NEWS, Twiiter, Facebook, Google, Youtube.

Q is illuminating what is going on behind the scenes. For example, is Twitter shadow banning conservatives? Is Youtube shutting down conservative view channels?

You betcha!

Now if Q is doing all this teaching and informing, who would want to smear and discredit Q? And how is this teaching and informing a 'conspiracy theory'?

'Conspiracy Theory' is a discrediting phrase to make people think only 'kooks' look at it and follow it.

Now ask yourself with respect to the real Q post above, how is it conspiratorial?

Answer: It is not conspiratorial.

But the fake Q post above is conspiratorial.

You should now be able to see clearly there is an attempt to discredit the Q phenom. It is ongoing. It is designed to make people think it is a garbage conspiracy. If you have fallen for the scam against Q, no one can help you except you. You have to open your eyes and use your brains to see who is who.

88 posted on 08/22/2018 12:59:29 PM PDT by Hostage (Article V (Proud Member of the Deranged Q Fringe))
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To: Okeydoker
I have repeatedly asked for answers to a number of questions.

I've missed your questions and would be happy to attempt to anwser any you might have.

The q movement is dying and on its last legs.

And yet the Q subs at Reddit; participation on the 8Chan and Twittter are growing fast. r/GreatAwakeing gains about 1000 new subs a day (1100+ yesterday and 7500+ in the last week). The 8Chan traffic is off the charts. I don't have solid numbers on 8Chan because it's private, but I do hear the wailing of the anons about how many normies are increasingly mucking up their crumbs. Q related chatter on Twitter continues to increase daily.

Even trump wont let the q people display their signs at his rallys anymore.

AFAIK the only Rally to ever allow homemade signs was the Tampa Rally on August 31st. That's where there were lots of Q signs and there is at least 2 solid instances of Trump acknowledging the signs. There were tons of Q t-shirts at lat night's Rally in WV.

89 posted on 08/22/2018 1:05:27 PM PDT by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: Para-Ord.45
Qanon is a conspiracy theory so far reaching and comprehensive,


Just like the Deep State.



90 posted on 08/22/2018 1:11:19 PM PDT by bagster ( "Even bad men love their mamas.")
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To: numberonepal

The rally where Q followers were asked to take off their Q T-shirts was when the liar media were all aflame about the dangerous ‘Q conspiracy’, the ‘Q cult’.

People at the rally that saw what was happening said there were clear signs a false flag event was going to be staged to discredit the Q movement. Hence, the Secret Service asked that Q shirts be removed and Q signs be left outside.

Rally attendees who asked the Secret Service why were told to “Trust The Plan”.

91 posted on 08/22/2018 1:11:56 PM PDT by Hostage (Article V (Proud Member of the Deranged Q Fringe))
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To: Windflier
Yep, but don't hold your breath waiting for the true believers to ever admit it.

I authorize you to hold your breath, Windy.



92 posted on 08/22/2018 1:14:06 PM PDT by bagster ( "Even bad men love their mamas.")
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To: Rad_J
All fake and full of fake people that millions of people are obsessed with.

Except that politics affects every single person in America's life.

Do you know what FR is all about?



93 posted on 08/22/2018 1:16:21 PM PDT by bagster ( "Even bad men love their mamas.")
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To: Okeydoker
But the more articles that describe the Q thing come out the more rational,people will start disassociating themselves.

Or, the more people will know about Q.


(just like you are, okeydokes. ThankQ)


94 posted on 08/22/2018 1:18:13 PM PDT by bagster ( "Even bad men love their mamas.")
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To: rightwingintelligentsia
If I hear “Trust the Plan” one more time . . .

"Trust the plan" (x1000)


95 posted on 08/22/2018 1:20:29 PM PDT by bagster ( "Even bad men love their mamas.")
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To: flamberge

“I loved the “Q” story and wished it was all true.”

But it isn’t.

96 posted on 08/22/2018 1:20:54 PM PDT by Luke21 (The Hill sucks.)
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To: Para-Ord.45

The games people play.

I’d rather they be obsessed with Q than the NFL.

97 posted on 08/22/2018 1:23:02 PM PDT by TADSLOS (1. DonÂ’t Forget Nothing.)
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To: Okeydoker
now that the media and even conservative publications are exposing this scam,

Look at you, siding with the media. How cute.

Okeydokes and MSM, sittin' in a tree...


98 posted on 08/22/2018 1:23:56 PM PDT by bagster ( "Even bad men love their mamas.")
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To: Hostage

“Here is proof: Q posts here and IMPORTANTLY Q POSTS NOWHERE ELSE.”

LMAO, Q posts on 8chan and nowhere else (except for when he started and was posting on 4chan). That site is simply run by someone reposting his posts from 8chan and 4chan.

“And the effect of the fraud here on FR is to have people comment that all that Q stuff is so ‘kooky’, of course!”

Sorry, the “kooky” stuff people are talking about are legit posts by Q, countless ones that are full of failed predictions and old rehashed conspiracy theories, not some phishing scam someone is running using a fake Q post as bait.

99 posted on 08/22/2018 1:25:27 PM PDT by Boogieman
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To: bagster

As you can tell just on FR where there used to be 500 q posts there are now but a few.

And where there was mostly worship, there is now mostly derision.

Somehow I wouldnt call that success for a movement. And that doesnt even count the mainstream where people who have never heard of Q think the whole thing is crazy.

100 posted on 08/22/2018 1:26:48 PM PDT by Okeydoker
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