Trump doesnt acknowledge Q because Trump is not a kook. Would you expect Trump to say, All this talk of extraterrestrials building the Great Puramids is nonsense? Of course not, because only a nutjob would even consider such a possibility.
I've read all the Q posts. Musta missed that one.
Ah no...but if the group of people who were talking about the great pyramids and extraterrestials were claiming that Trump was "in" on it and if was as popular as qanon is and if the lamestream press printed an "expose" of this crazy theory and continually debunked it then I would say, yeah, perhaps Trump WOULD address it or distance himself.
Look, the bottom line is that it HELPS Trump. The reason WHY I think it might be true or at least a psyop campaign is that the leftist media hates it. Anytime the leftist press HATES something that means it's good for the country.
Do you think it HELPS or HURTS Donald Trump and his agenda?