Posted on 06/16/2018 4:56:13 PM PDT by Salman
Americas largest Protestant group moves to cut ties with the Republican Party and re-engage with mainstream culture.
It was immediately clear that change was afoot in Dallas. Ive attended the annual gatherings of the Southern Baptist Convention dozens of times, but walking around the convention center this week, I was struck by how unfamiliar it all felt. When I was a child, the convention hall was a sea of silver combovers and smelled of denture paste. While the older, more traditionalist crowd was still present in Dallas, the younger, fresh-faced attendees now predominated.
The generational shift happening in the SBC has thrust the group into the middle of an identity crisis, says Barry Hankins, chair of the department of history at Baylor University and co-author of Baptists in America: A History. The younger generation thinks differently than the old guard Christian right about culture and politics, and they are demanding change.
To enact this change, young Baptists nominated 45-year old pastor J.D. Greear from North Carolina to be president of the denomination. In a campaign video, Greear called for a new culture and a new posture in the Southern Baptist Convention.
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But the fact that this millenial huckster was elected president of the convention is embarrassing. A true baptist church should operate as originally intended. One congregation.... nothing above. As for missions, do that where you are. I am not aware that all the souls in America that need saving are already saved. No need to go to Africa or Brazil or Indonesia.
Back to basics, and leave the leftists to their gay friendly, democrat loving, shopping mall churches.
Once the SJW get in, the gay marriage will be “not so bad”.
My boss was a SJW - it was the way he said things.
Needless to say, (but I will anyways) he did not like me very much. And made that quite obvious on a number of occasions.
In this world ye shall have tribulation. Sigh.
Church “leaders” were bought and owned starting by 1930-—and earlier by getting control of the universities which were founded by Christians so they could PURGE “God” from the elite universities so they could eventually TRAIN their goons to destroy the Minds of the Masses with their propaganda and lies and control of publishing agencies, the major banks and major “corporations” with their money-laundering Foundations so they could control all textbooks/literature/ magazines, etc (all ideas!!!—the Minds of the Masses).
Rockefeller built Riverside “Church” by 1930-—and totally OWNED that Christian “church” whose pastor was the “elite” (satanic) voice of “Christianity for all Protestants’ in America. People like Franklin Graham were compromised and controlled by the 1970s, so the elites could flip 2000 years of Ethics back to their satanism (for NWO where Evil is Good, Slavery is Freedom, sodomy, baby-killing, drugging, and divorce are normal and “good” and “natural”. Pastor Bonhoeffer noted the “religionless” Christianity in America (and Germany) by the middle 1930s.
The protestants (most of them) promoted and endorsed birth control (sterile sex) by 1930, so that the Satanists could normalize evil use of women (and males), and promoted Lenin’s “no fault” divorce by the 70s to totally destroy the Natural Family and make children easily controllable, immoral and brainwashed inside the SYSTEM of mass indoctrination (Prussian School System put in by the evil satanists (boy-rapers) like John Dewey, the communist/humanist and people like the pederast, Fabian socialist John Maynard Keynes (Keynsian Economics).
They all (eventually the Catholics) supported toxins for their daughter’s bodies (poisoning with the Pill for destroying the next generation and causing cancers, etc., (chaos) and promoting satanic behaviors in all children (a satanic worldview which now is “normalized” like men sodomizing each other and women killing their own genetic offspring and meaningless and sterile (or baby-killing) “hook-ups”. There is NO “Christian” worldview in children that are “raised” by the State or by two “mommies” and by other evil, immoral, dehumanizing, Natural-instinct-destroying systems which normalizes slavery/satanism/evil use of others.
As noted the Atlantic is a libtard rag. For any non Christion readers of the FR blog, Christians (Southern Baptists) are defined as Christians through belief in God’s Word -—the Bible. Non-Bible believers are in need of Salvation!
Sodomites and race baiters (Obammy and crocked Hillary voters) reject God’s Word.
I would bet that hes one of those emergent types-many millennials, of many denominations, are these days, They are the Trojan horse to mysticism, leftist causes, churches moving from The Great Commission to SJW activism, tolerance, then wholehearted acceptance of homosexuality, etc. The focus is taken off of the Gospel and Jesus, salvation, and Jesus being the only way to Heaven, and put on universalism.
It seems to almost always begin with the music. When a church starts substituting 7/11 type praise and worship music (thats repetition of a few lines, over and over and over, with the emphasis of the words being on things like Jesus Makes Me Feel Good, and the repetition designed to put the singer {chanter?} in an emotional state), instead of the old hymns which taught doctrine and Scripture, you can begin to look for other signs of the emergent church to appear in short order.
Salman, honor your elders.
And if you want to be Baptist; honor he Lord and His word.
[Sodomites and race baiters (Obammy and crocked Hillary voters) reject Gods Word.]
Correct. I was raised in good SBC fellowships.
There is nothing liberal about the theology of JD Greear. Some of these comments are way out of line. This is the same convention that just cut ties with the DC Baptist Convention over its liberal theology so it certainly is not “trending liberal.” There is, however, a change in tactics in how to engage the current culture. The prior political engagement ultimately was a failure - it doesn’t do any good to “win” political battles culturally if ultimately people don’t agree with what you believe and why you believe it, and that doesn’t win anyone for the gospel regardless.
I would actually agree the political ties were over the top at times - Paige Patterson was a big part of steering things in that direction, and he was just removed from office after revelations of his misconduct.
I WILL say my earlier statement is NOT the SBC.
Other than that, mum is my official public word on it....(my personal story)
Merritt, honor your elders.
And if you want to be Baptist; honor he Lord and His word.
You and I are like-minded. (too bad for you i guess :))
I think it started with that praise music and throwing away the old hymnals. That repetitious garbage is like something the Hare Krishnas might use. Mindless chanting and repetition of the same verses.
Equally as bad to me at least is the christian pop. Most sounds like someone took any love song out there, and changed the missing lover into Jesus. Just a little too romantic of a tone for my taste.
I am SB. I have read a lot that the liberal wing of the SBC is trying to take over and take the liberal road. If they start this supporting the homo crap, our church is with-drawing from the SBC and going alone. All SBC churches are independent churches, and do not have to do what they say. We do as we wish. But, I will vote to withdraw if they start this liberal crap. That means our money stays with us and does not go to them.
Greear is a protege of Patterson. And Patterson was one of those self styled “conservative” 4000 year old earth types that destroyed the Baptist church.
A lot of people got tricked by the liberal and conservative labels. In terms of the Baptist church “conservative” was the fundamentalist crowd that rejects the concept that a single word of the Bible is allegory, poetry, etc.
They also wanted a top down model and increases in hierarchy.
The SBC is headed into the abyss. And another of the things they have done is sold out on immigration. They are very open borders. The clown is one of em.
I am not a southern Baptist, but if you want to know how and what the convention voted for, go to their website. They always put everything that is decided, on it.
Yes, we are like-minded (as far as I can tell, we are Biblically-minded, so thats a good thing :) ).
I also have a distaste, revulsion even, for all the Jesus Is My Boyfriend type songs. They sound sacrilegious to me, disrespectful, blasphemous even. At best, they are just repetitious platitudes of the kind you could hear at some self-help seminar. They focus on self and not on God, and they are always saying things like listen to your heart, when the Bible says
Jeremiah 17:9
9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Liberals both in and outside various SBC congregations, may pray for the embrace of pro-gay, pro-abortion and pro-feminist agenda but its not happening, certainly in most SBC congregations. Certainly not in the South and also not in flyover country!
Yes, from time time, an errant gaggle do slip into embracing the sin along with the sinner.
Those Baptists that strongly desire more modern cultural connections, have only to attend the American Baptist churches, where feminism thrives complete with lesbian pastors!
This kind of thing is one of the reasons why I am already Independent Baptist. The SBC has been swinging back and forth like a pendulum for some years on these issues. Also, I tend to agree more with the IB position on separatism (though these days, even with IB churches, you have to pay attention because quite a few of them are veering away from separatism, which is just what happened way back when the IB split off from the SB in the first place).
Too bad Adrian Rogers is no longer here to drive the liberals out
This was more about getting out of politics. Pence asked to speak, he was not invited, and there was a kerfuffle around it. Some wanted him not to speak. In the end he was allowed but many opposed it.
I think this is mostly good. People of any persuasion should be welcomed to an SBC church and hear the gospel and not a political commentary. I think Trump ended what Jimmah started which was considering a candidates christian morals as a litmus test for office.
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