Posted on 06/04/2018 3:41:24 PM PDT by detective
Shortenend title.
Full Title: Bill Press Says Joy Behar Was Right: Vice President Mike Pence Is Mentally Ill Because Hes a Christian
Cameron Cawthorne at the Washington Free Beacon found the latest example of Bill Press trashing conservative Christians. He said Joy Behar was right to suggest Vice President Mike Pence had a mental illness in thinking Jesus was talking to him, giving him guidance.
Where was Bob Igers apology to the White House staff for Jemele Hill calling the president and anyone associated with him a white supremacist? To Christians around the world for Joy Behar calling Christianity a mental illness, Sanders said.
Whoah, whoah, whoa, said Press, stopping the clip. First of all, Joy Behar apologized on the air. She said that about Mike Pence. By the way, Mike Pences Christianity? Shes right. Shes right.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
All liberals are angry. Press is angrier than most. I’m surprised his anger hasn’t killed him by now....
The few months WMAL had him as a cost on their morning program was the only time I’ve ever boycotted the station.
Not because he’s a lib, rather because he is just so, so annoying.
Trying to become the new hero of the left. All you have to do is debase yourself to the level of vermin infested slime and you’re guaranteed around 50 appearances on CNN and MSNBC.
Just ignore these people. Their lives are sad and meaningless. No sense in letting them ruin ours.
Somebody send that prissy pinko a cake.
If you know what I mean.
Add insane to anything to do with Liberal feces.
Bill Press pointing the finger at anyone claiming them mentally ill is the ultimate projection.’s Bill Press....sooooo...
All Communists are scum and some are ignorant that they are really red dupes.
I’ve considered Bill Press mentally ill since I first heard his ravings in the 90s. This guy spews pure hatred.
Laugh as much as you want Mr. Press.
While there’s still time for you to laugh. There’s also time for you to wake up, while you’re still breathing.
Read these:
Acts 2:38, John 3:17-18 and Romans 10:9-10.
I’ve seen Bill Press get clobbered by people in the media, and I can guarantee you he is more mentally damaged than anyone on the right.
I used to marvel at how Bob Novak (with help from Kate O’Beirne) would verbally bitch slap Press, Mark Shields and Margaret Carlson on Capital Gang. He’d make a good point and they’d laugh, look at each other and quickly change the topic or cut to commercial.
Press was the easiest one for Novak to fluster. He couldn’t bear to hear anything he didn’t like.
[Mark Shields]
I watched that liberal get all frowny-faced over Sarah Palin while ignoring the truth about Obama.
Typical PBS.
And just who is Bill Press? I never heard of him.
...Bill Press Says Joy Behar Was Right: Mike Pence Is Mentally Ill Because Hes a Christian...
“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.
Remember the word that I said to you, A slave is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My names sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.
He who hates Me hates My Father also. If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would not have sin; but now they have both seen and hated Me and My Father as well. But they have done this to fulfill the word that is written in their Law, They hated Me without a cause. (John 15: 18-25
And Press is really EVIL. He can not think rationally, at all. For him, Evil people are “Good”-—those like Harvey Milk who was raping boys have to be celebrated by Kindergarteners and given “special” “rights” (LOL)— and people, like Pence, the Christians who literally made sodomy, pederasty, slavery and misogyny into “Evil”, are the “bad people”.
Rule of Law in the USA was only possible with the Christian worldview—never the satanic, irrational (utopian) sodomite worldview of Press which is destroying Rule of Law as I type and creating chaos and slavery even in Europe now.
Press sits on a slippery soap box and is only there because of the billions from Soros and the elite Lucifereans who controlled MSM for 100 years and who are trying to “kill God” and destroy Western Civilization (Christianity), so they can have their “Pride” in “Man/Boy Baphomet orgies, and Bohemian Grove get togethers with the killing of little boys, without fear of prosecution (a true Justice ( only Christian) System).
The Age of Reason was only possible with a Christian worldview which created concepts of individual Natural Rights only from God. He wants a return to paganism/hedonism, because slave and serf “collective” cultures need dumb, irrational (group-non-thinkers) people who are easily controlled (and he is controlled totally by the elites). He sells his soul for fame and money so he can destroy America and the Rule of Law (Higher Laws/God’s Laws) which is the basis of Natural Law theory (common sense/Reason/Science) and our Constitution.
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