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U.S. Climate Scientists Flee For France To ‘Make Our Planet Great Again’
The Huffington Post ^
| May 3, 2018
| By Dominique Mosbergen
Posted on 05/03/2018 7:17:30 AM PDT by Oldeconomybuyer
Fourteen climate researchers, including six from U.S. universities, have been selected for French President Emmanuel Macrons Make Our Planet Great Again initiative. The scientists applied to move to France to carry out climate science projects in the countrys top research laboratories.
The selected researchers include some of Americas brightest scientific talents: Alexey Fedorov, a Yale professor and Guggenheim fellow, and James Clark, a Duke University climate expert, according to a press release Wednesday from Frances Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
The applicants projects, covering a range of topics including Arctic climate change and improving air quality, are expected to last three to five years. Each researcher will receive at least $600,000 in funding, according to the statement, which noted that Germany is now jointly supporting the initiative.
Macron first introduced Make Our Planet Great Again last year, after President Donald Trump announced plans to pull the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement. Macron urged climate scientists and others around the world to apply for an opportunity to work in France.
Trumps decision is unfortunate but it only reinforced our determination, Macron said in a message on the initiatives website. France has always led fights for human rights. Today, more than ever, we are determined to lead (and win!) this battle on climate change.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: alexeyfedorov; arctic; dukeuniversity; emmanuelmacron; europeanunion; france; globalwarming; globalwarminghoax; hoax; jamesclark; journalism; macron; socialism; yale
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To: Oldeconomybuyer
Is that why it’s Snowing there ,LOL
To: Oldeconomybuyer
posted on
05/03/2018 7:18:37 AM PDT
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Make Our Planet Great Again initiative , LOL
To: butlerweave
posted on
05/03/2018 7:21:05 AM PDT
Army Air Corps
(Four Fried Chickens and a Coke)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Each researcher will receive at least $600,000 in funding, according to the statement, which noted that Germany is now jointly supporting the initiative. WHOLE STORY
posted on
05/03/2018 7:23:03 AM PDT
(Q is Admiral Michael S. Rogers)
To: Army Air Corps
Yeah....I was cheering until I saw it was temporary!
posted on
05/03/2018 7:24:57 AM PDT
(White Privilege EQUALS Self Control & working 50-80 hrs/wk for 40 years!)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Will France take Michael Mann and James Hansen off our hands? Pretty please?
posted on
05/03/2018 7:25:08 AM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
U.S. Climate Scientists Flee For France will help
“Make America Great Again And good riddance.
posted on
05/03/2018 7:29:49 AM PDT
( I'm Not Tired of Winning)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
France must pay more for fake science than the US does.
To: butlerweave
It’s snowing here too this morning.
posted on
05/03/2018 7:32:51 AM PDT
( The Great Wall of Trump ---- 100% sealing of the border. Coming soon.)
To: Balding_Eagle
posted on
05/03/2018 7:33:12 AM PDT
( The Great Wall of Trump ---- 100% sealing of the border. Coming soon.)
To: aMorePerfectUnion
Grants Whores gonna whore.
posted on
05/03/2018 7:35:55 AM PDT
Army Air Corps
(Four Fried Chickens and a Coke)
To: Sasparilla
posted on
05/03/2018 7:38:31 AM PDT
(invictus maneo)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
I hope they are enjoying the unusually cold spring in France.
To: butlerweave
All these “Americans,” with names like Alexey Fedorov? Take away his green card while he’s out of the country and don’t let him return. Maybe he can take that “Fat Female Muslim English Professor” from Fresno State with him. We sure have let a lot of human excrement into our country, haven’t we!
To: Balding_Eagle
I get a laugh out of very early morning NPR....they were running with, Rudy has dementia, just like Trump, and even if it is cold where you are, the planet is warming due to evil white men. I also was a first hand witness before 2016 election when they started the evillllll Fake News stuff. It was so obvious. Then the msm ran with it, hour after hour. Then Trump, Limbaugh, Hannity grabbed the ball and ran with it. Then NPR demanded Fake News should never be said again. It was hilarious. Pull the plug on tax money going to these Leftist creeps.
posted on
05/03/2018 7:45:18 AM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
“Climate scientist fleas” seems more appropriate.
posted on
05/03/2018 7:45:58 AM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
They don't have snowball's chance in hell of "saving" the planet...Maybe partly because they're not sacrificing enough of their own blood to their god. Let's do this thing!
posted on
05/03/2018 7:46:22 AM PDT
(There's nothing like the universe to bring you down to earth.)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
posted on
05/03/2018 7:52:25 AM PDT
Opinionated Blowhard
(When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.)
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