Posted on 04/05/2018 2:09:06 PM PDT by Oldeconomybuyer
There is no medically valid reason including a diagnosis of gender dysphoria to exclude transgender individuals from military service," American Medical Association CEO Dr. James Madara wrote in a letter addressed to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.
The letter, sent Tuesday on behalf of "physician and medical student members" of the AMA, the nation's largest association of physicians, comes less than two weeks after the Trump administration released an order banning most transgender troops from serving in the military except under "limited circumstances."
"The accession or retention of individuals with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria those who may require substantial medical treatment, including through medical drugs or surgery presents considerable risk to military effectiveness and lethality," the White House said in a statement.
Madara's letter asserted that the White House and the Defense Department "mischaracterized and rejected the wide body of peer-reviewed research on the effectiveness of transgender medical care," and it pushed back against claims that transgender service members would burden the military with "tremendous medical costs."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Ban them on general principles then.
The AMA is far, FAR Left. Of course they would say this. They are for all things homosexual and transgender.
They think they are fine and dandy.
Well, so glad the “experts” have spoken... ;-)
Just remember—the sociopaths (that is “dirtbag liar” in its simpler version) tend to rise to the top of all large organizations.
Other than paying $150,000-200,000 for their operations, it’s a swell idea.
The AMA has also been a fanatic supporter of Obamacare since its inception.
What a doofus, no reason to ban them except the need to be on ‘roids and spend hours daily dilating their orifices making deployment impossible.
So the US military may be forced to treat them as their self-identified gender, but foreign troops and terrorists won’t.
Very valid psychiatric reasons though, maybe not physical medical, but mentally ill. On the medical side trannys require copious amounts of body and mind altering hormones.
guess what they don’t get to decide what fits best for the military or combat.
these PC George Orwell organizations can just stuff it.
It was just a couple of decades ago homosexuality was considered a psychological issue, let alone a transgender who has a desire to mutilate themselves because they “feel” like they’re another gender.
We’re really supposed to believe that’s a mentally healthy individual?
Just stop.
The AMA has no problem mutilating patients who have gender dysphoria, and is perfectly willing to perform abortions.
Less than 25% of practicing physicians are members of the AMA.
A Type 2 diabetic on oral meds and diet control cannot serve in the military, but there’s no medical reason for a person dependent on hormone therapy to serve?
They flock to our military, BECAUSE they can get the “medical treatment”. Then they receive training, housing, etc., at our expense. Then they are not deployable, and spend months of their enlistments being “disabled”, while they undergo the drug and surgical “therapies”, to achieve their desired genders.
If they are such great employees, perhaps the AMA should start a Trans recruiting effort and go ahead and put them on their health insurance plans, and go ahead and pay for the “sick pay”, they will end up taking. Let us know how it works out.
But there’s a morally valid reason.
If your doctor is a member of the American Medical Association, fire him or her or both.
"...transgenders v. diabetes..."
When we’re done building the wall, can we build some mental institutions to house these sick creatures who don’t even know what sex they are?
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