Posted on 02/03/2018 8:07:09 AM PST by Kaslin
One of the faux scandals to have emerged in this crazy past week was the revelation that in December, President Trump allegedly asked his deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, Are you on my team?
Opined a trio of reporters from CNN, presumably with a straight face, The episode is the latest to come to light portraying a President whose inquiries sometimes cross a line that presidents traditionally have tried to avoid when dealing with the Justice Department, for which a measure of independence is key.
Obama White House speechwriter Ben Rhodes was not directly referencing these reporters when he told the New York Times, The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old They literally know nothing, but he might as well have been.
Reporters under 45 or so have no real idea what happened in the Clinton White House. Those over 45 dont really know either but, unlike their younger colleagues, they have no excuse for not knowing.
For the record, the Clinton White House ran an openly political Department of Justice (DoJ). Obamas DoJ was equally as political. It is just that Obama was a little more discreet.
The Clintons, like The Great Gatsbys Tom and Daisy Buchanan, were careless people. They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together and let other people clean up the mess they had made.
The clean-up people rarely got the top jobs in the Clinton cabinet. Those jobs attracted too much attention. They got the number two spots or, in Webster Hubbells case at the Department of Justice, the number three spot.
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Jamie should still be in PRISON!!
Yes, Gorelick should be in prison, but instead, she has a great job as Ivanka Trump’s personal lawyer. Why?
She is on retainer to the Jared Kushners family ans was selected last year as an ethics advisor to Ivanka Trump
Turned me forever against Javanka. Beautiful people, clueless.
I forgot that!!! YUK!
Remember that Gorelick was a Trump White House employee and personally represented Jared Kushner.
I hope she RATS out Javanka! They need to go back to NY!
The Zelig of Disaster.
The Attorney General of the U.S. serves at the pleasure of the President - so by inference everyone else does too and can be fired for cause.
All things considered IF Teump asked this it was a good question
He doesn’t need “cause”.
I believe that when (if) Trump asked him that question, it was not for the purpose of firing him if he answered anything other than Trump.
It was because President Trump is very good at detecting a lie. No matter what Rosenstein answered, if it were a lie, Trump would have probably known it, and THAT would have created a serious block against Rosenstein.
One of two pictures firmly printed in my mind is her laughing with a Republican senator while they were on the 911 investigation committee. She should have been in the docket given her decisions erecting a wall between the justice department and the FBI. (Unless it involves a Republican off the reservation).
The other, by the way is of George W. Bush laughing with Hillary Clinton after his presidency.
The pictures proved the deep state existed and that it consisted of evil people.
I was stunned when they put her on the committee to investigate the DAMAGE SHE HAD DONE which culminated in the September 11, 2001 atrocity.
So glad Robert Kennedy was an independent AG!
Let’s also remember she built a wall between the DOJ and FBI.
Then 911 happened. Instead of being a witness to the 911 Whitewash
Commission, she was actually ON THE 911 Whitewash Commision.
She should have been in jail for that too.
Make sure you pronounce her name correctly., It isn’t GOREL ICK, it’s GORE LICK.
Understand she’s often over at Crazy Al Gore’s place.
That was the scandal I was talking about!! She has a LOT of BLOOD on her EVIL hands!
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