Posted on 01/13/2018 4:08:36 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum
(CNN) - During a conversation with David Letterman on his new Netflix program, former President Barack Obama issued a stern warning for the current commander in chief: "One of the things that Michelle figured out, in some ways faster than I did, was part of your ability to lead the country doesn't have to do with legislation, doesn't have to do with regulations, it has to do with shaping attitudes, shaping culture, increasing awareness." Although Obama was extremely hesitant about directly commenting about President Donald Trump, the message he sent was clear.
And it comes in the wake of the upsetting news that during a private meeting with legislators at the White House, President Trump referred to African nations as "shithole countries." The President tweeted out a denial that he ever said this, with two Republican legislators saying that they couldn't remember. Illinois Democrat Richard Durbin, who was in attendance, responded that Trump did use the term and said things that were "hate-filled, vile and racist." And a Republican, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, said he appreciated Durbin's statement -- and had challenged Trump's comments.
It would be a mistake to dismiss the comments as a "distraction" because, with Trump, they are the main show. His rhetoric sends a message to the nation and to the world about the values that we treasure and that the nation will stand for in 2018.
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Lets pretend Trump said something we dont like, then attack him for the imaginary thing we say he said!
Obama felt he had to chime in because he likes Dick.
Hey Obo, you are not a leader. Remember you said you lead from behind (kissing all the asses in front of you, President Trump is a leader, a truly great leader.
He never led a single thing.
this whole thing is yet another example of the media creating distractions, and not really reporting what the issues are.
The meeting was about immigration, dealing with various issues surrounding immigration.
Instead of discussing any of that, the media and liberals decided to create a S**tstorm(sorry for the pun) over Trump allegedly saying a bad word.
So now all we are talking about is reactions to Trump allegedly saying a bad word. Liberals and the media are shocked and outraged, about the use of vile language. The same liberals who have pushed the envelope on the use of profanity, profess to be shocked at this event.
I would also point out that this was a private meeting, and things are said in private that would not be said in public.
But, no matter. Instead of discussing what may be done about DACA or the subject of immigration in general, instead we are going to generate a controversy over Trump supposedly saying a bad word. A word that all these liberals have said and heard and use in their everyday private discussions.
Worst president in U. S. history tries to coach one of the best in U. S. history,... we’ll have more on this dufus at 11:00pm. Tune in.
Gag me...
Obama continues to sit on his butt and do nothing but talk, which describes his whole life.
oh, sure, Obozo did a beautiful job “leading” America into the era of worse racism, especially wrt lies about police officers trying to deal with difficult situations. Obozo held that “beer summit” after he had totally botched his blundering into the police episode with Henry Louis Gates in Cambridge, MA.
She's not the only one, 0blahblah. Everyone is faster on the uptake than you are.
And we all saw exactly how you tried to shape America you race-baiting, communist bass turd.
WHY is the MSM trying to portray this as Obama’s response to Trump’s comment when they KNOW that program was recorded in “late 2017”? Is it an attempt to portray Obama as “surfacing” or active when he hasn’t been heard from or seen for awhile and used a 3 year old Christmas “family photo” for this year’s Christmas picture?
MSM Lies - that’s an old interview intentionally portrayed as new.
I’m a Q Anon fan and I think Obama has not been in circulation for awhile.
Is that why he called us Teabaggers and always flipping the bird?
Is an Oprah ‘stern warning’ like a UN ‘stern warning?’
Stern warning? Did it include a red line?
Oh President Trump Is doing JUST THAT. That is why the left is going bonkers over him !!
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