Posted on 12/21/2017 12:16:52 PM PST by GIdget2004
A federal appeals court on Thursday declined to delay a requirement that the U.S. military begin enlisting qualified transgender men and women for the first time starting Jan. 1.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit refused to grant the Trump administrations request to temporarily block an earlier order that the military accept transgender recruits, potentially propelling the issue to the Supreme Court in the coming days.
The ruling was another legal blow for the president, who surprised military leaders when he announced in July in a series of tweets that the U.S. government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.
His order reversed an Obama-era policy allowing transgender people to serve openly and receive funding for sex-reassignment surgery. That order was promptly challenged in federal court by active-duty transgender service members who say it violates their Fifth Amendment rights to equal protection.
The one-page order from the 4th Circuit upholds a preliminary injunction issued by a lower court judge in Baltimore, one of three judges to rule against the administrations policy. The government has emergency appeals pending in the two other cases from D.C. and Seattle, but the injunction from Baltimore applies nationally.
To get around the 4th Circuit order from Judges Diana Gribbon Motz, Albert Diaz and Pamela A. Harris, the government would need to prevail at the Supreme Court.
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Standards? We don’t need no stinking standards!
I wish this were unbelievable. It surely ought to be.
Who made the order to enlist these freaks in the first place?
That was a direct order from the commander in chief. Tell those judges to go to hell, We do not need mentally ill people in the military. It is too dangerous for those not mentally ill.
I cannot say that I do not understand this headline.
They’re having a homosexual happy dance at the WaPo. God will judge America for this, have no doubt.
Obama. And now it seems to have achieved some kind of natural law of nature.
I don’t think it would be difficult for the recruiters to filter out these freaks when they apply. People get turned down for job all the time when the stated reason is not the real reason.
Hello? Commander In Chief!?
Will it go to the SC? They’ll kill it.
Also, if the army culture keeps changing under Trump, they won’t feel too welcome in the military.
Do they get to wear heels?
If the lower level people don’t want something to happen, it won’t. I have seen technicians sabotage major corporations by just tweaking the data. A secretary can put your paperwork in her center drawer and you are so screwed it might as well be a death sentence. A lower level boss can do what the Japanese call, “killing with ‘yes.’” Sure, I’ll do it. No problem. Then, do nothing.
Mark Twain once said, “No power is exercised with more verve and vigor than small power.”
Obama’s legacy has been to set up continual constitutional crisis by damaging our institutions and creating a judicial system that acts counter to the constitutional law it is empowered by. This will have to go to the Supreme Court now as it is extra-constitutional to claim that a former Presidents policy (not established law) binds the hands of a sitting president.
Anyone still believe that judges have any actual moral authority? They ignore the law, they ignore the constitution and separation of powers, and they enforce their own tyrannical views.
The Romans would have taken the lot of them and put them to death in the public square.
A: We're being GROOMED to accept a massive invasion of Earth by HERMAPHRODITIC extraterrestrials.
I would hope they would, but then who knows.
What’s interesting is that these people refuse to conform to societal norms, and yet want to prove to us they’re just like everyone else.
Ahhhhh,... no. No you’re not.
Our armed forces should be well tuned cohesive force. The Left wants to do to the military what it has done to the public at large, turn splinter groups against each other.
That will go so well in combat.
>Q: Why is the TRANSGENDER issue such a high priority for the Deep State Globalists?
It’s a way to humiliate regular people by putting freaks above them. Most of what the left does is designed to humiliate you by forcing you to embrace evil.
Unless there is law stating that these people must be accepted in to the service all Trump has to do is issue an order to the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordering them to not to enlist transgendered recruits.
Any previous order be a previous president does not bind Trump from countermanding that order. Trump is not Commander in Chief. Only tradition would stop him from issuing such an order.
He should issue the order now before the previous order goes in to effect.
This is the workings of leftist stinking “judges” left over from the Odungo administration. They seek to continue his life’s work of weakening the United States to make it easier for her enemies to conquer her. They are equivalent to someone inside a fort besieged by enemies outside removing the bar on the door keeping them out. Bringing such mental cases into the military would have a negative effect on the morale of the normal people serving, would set up all kinds of situations for lawsuits, would endanger normal people serving (”Oh, I can’t fire my gun; I might break a nail!”), etc. All this would lessen the effectiveness of the military, which is what Odungo wanted for his heinous master plan, damn him.
They should be rejected via psych evaluation.
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