Yawn. Inadvertently or occasionally using personal email address for business is no big deal.
Ever, even once, using a personal email account to send classified information is a major crime. I was told dozens of times what would happen if I mishandled classified material. I was even tested on that question and required to give the correct answer word for word without error. The correct answer was not “If you mishandle TS/SCI, you will be elected President of the United States.”
As is usual with the Ctrl-Left, they are trying to conflate two topics that sound similar but are profoundly different. Legal immigration and illegal entry into our country do not both belong under the unmodified title “immigration”. The deaths of thugs like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner, who were actively committing crimes moments before their deaths, do not belong in the same discussion as real police brutality. And Kushner’s forwarding news articles in his personal email is in no way parallel to Hillary’s serious felonies with classified material.
hey, so what? this all all totally legal now. thank jimmy comey and the DNC
Hmmmm.... Look up “Richard Windsor” At least Kushner used his own name. Obambi, Billary, and most of the Cabinet used fake, private email names to avoid detection and FOIA requests. If you do not believe me, you also do not believe the sky is blue. To the Left, there are no rules, regulations and laws.
The entire Obummer administration used personal email to bypass oversight...
Nothing has happened to Clinton, or anyone else, so what’s the problem?
If it is government business by an government official, appointee or employee there are record keeping requirements that are the chief concern here.
If someone sends him a non-work or duty related message on a personal account to him and he replies in a non-work context, it is not a government communication falling into the record keeping rules and related strictures.
Maybe he needed to send messages regarding yoga and weddings. Maybe even the kids and golf!
Holy cow !
He’s guilty...
Were the emails Top-Secret?
Fire Mr. Jiveanka.
Who gives a furry rodents behind?
Hillary’s got him beat by 60,000+, 33,000 which were destroyed.
Hmmm. Somebody has it in for the Jewish kid. Why? If he were a Moslem like Little Debbie’s “boy toy”, they wouldn’t even write about him.
Makes about as much sense as everything else the fake news media has looked into.
Happy New Year to all!
As for me, I hope this snags Kushner and the result is that he is forced out of the White House power circle and replaced by one of our conservative/constitutionalist allies.
email vs private server.