Posted on 08/20/2017 3:40:08 PM PDT by Enlightened1
For all their faults, Democrats have always been far more astute at the long game. Sadly, Steve Bannon was effectively fired in February.
Bannons long road to exile began on December 29 last year, when Michael Flynn had an innocuous conversation with the Russian ambassador eavesdropped on and unmasked by Obama officials. After leaks to the Washington Post (probably from the recently fired Sally Yates or her cohort), Flynn resigned as National Security Advisor. Trump needed to fill the position quickly, with someone Democrats calling for Flynns scalp wouldnt object to. He reached into the swamp, and pulled out Army general and Don Rickles doppelganger H.R. McMaster. Bannon was just beginning his work on the National Security Council (NSC) with Flynn, reorienting policy towards the Presidents objectives, when McMaster replaced him. Conflict between Bannon and McMaster was inevitable what few realized was how quickly the President took the side of Lieutenant General McMaster. Unfortunately for Bannon, and the country, he had left the Navy only as a lieutenant. Removing him from the NSC was one of McMasters first moves.
Thats the long game. Self-proclaimed members of the Resistance like Yates or her subordinates leak, their Democrat handlers in Congress call for resignations, a few cowardly Republicans join in, the media plays the useful idiot, and the President, who advocated for radical policy change, and whose party controls Congress, nevertheless takes his personnel orders from the mob, fires someone he agrees with, and must select a replacement that might as well have had the same position in the previous administration. Thats how Democrats have their man in the NSC, and how they used him to purge it of anyone who represents the new path the President promised the American people.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Republicans need to start realizing that small power moves by their opponents are part of a strategy that looks out much further than the next midterm elections. Give them an inch, as with Flynn, and theyll take away every administration official working on foreign policy or national security who actually supported our President in last years election.
Ivanka said she couldn’t reconcile Bannon’s politics with her Jewish faith.
So he’s OUT.
She can’t stand not being invited to big liberal events!
I dont recall voting for Ivanka!!!
Ivanka is best friends with Chelsea CLINTON.
Ivanka is also very close to Huma Abedin.
Pretty? Yes, very.
Conservative? Not AT ALL.
“For all their faults, Democrats have always been far more astute at the long game.”
LOL Yea, no.
Who allows someone around for 7 months after they were fired?
No one and I do not believe it.
Why do some Freepers still fall for fake news?
Not the Donald who is trying to save as much money as possible.
As soon as the firs line about how astute the dems are about the long run game I just laughed. This is a party that has lost so many seats the last 7-8 years all across the board and now the Presidency.
February was just two weeks after the inauguration..this is a joke.
Wow..he was a good looking guy. Now reminds me of a hard drinker
I am not buying this analysis.
This article is bullshit.
Check out this statement from the article...
and the President, who advocated for radical policy change, and whose party controls Congress, nevertheless takes his personnel orders from the mob
The MOB? And personnel orders (call "Human Resources")?
This article is completely out of character for the Am Spectator and Emmett Tyrrell.
There's a skunk in the woodpile...and a Democrat at the garden party.;-)
These stories, with their "sources" remind me of a SpongeBob episode...
As Col Potter would say, horse hockey.
I am not convinced. This makes the assumption that Trump is not astute and easily manipulated. The evidence of the primaries and the first 100 days strongly suggests the opposite.
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