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As always, soliciting FReeper comments, observations, and opinions on the shows.
1 posted on 06/04/2017 4:47:04 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
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To: acapesket; A.Hun; aligncare; Bender2; Bernard; bray; BreezyDog; Calpublican; cajungirl; Carley; ...
This is the Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread Ping List! If you want to be on it, reply to this post or FReepmail me (in case I miss it). If you want to be taken off, simply send me a FReepmail.
2 posted on 06/04/2017 4:47:40 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (Keep fighting the Left and their Fake News!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

The most irrelevant part of the week from Fake Stream Media that think their opinions matter more than the American people.

I can’t stand these pseudo intellectuals in fake stream media that parrot the same old tired Globalists talking points.

10 posted on 06/04/2017 5:08:26 AM PDT by Enlightened1
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To: Alas Babylon!

Looks like Gore is hounding Pruitt this morning. I’m gonna skip the shows today. Maybe check this thread periodically.

11 posted on 06/04/2017 5:11:49 AM PDT by be-baw (still
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To: Alas Babylon!

Gore will be interviewed...Must be attack Trump on Paris decision time. Oh well, going to enjoy our boating outing...

12 posted on 06/04/2017 5:13:26 AM PDT by Deplorable American1776 (Proud to be a DeplorableAmerican with a Deplorable Family...even the dog is DEPLORABLE :-))
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To: Alas Babylon!

Wallass will be pissin’ his pants getting a chance to bond with Gore!

14 posted on 06/04/2017 5:20:23 AM PDT by Road Warrior ‘04 (Molon Labe! (Oathkeeper))
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To: Alas Babylon!

Has CNN discovered any sort of motivation for the slaughter in London yet?

16 posted on 06/04/2017 5:22:13 AM PDT by bray (Pray for President Trump)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out. Cbolt is the commenter of choice today.

Below is my daily summary of last week’s events. It’s kind of long so scroll on by if no time. But please to stay around and participate in the thread’s topic.

Tuesday-date- Daily Update-5/30/17

Kushner-Russians wanted secret phone; Tiger Woods DUI

The NY Times tells us that Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law, was dealing with the Russians to get a private phone line between Moscow and D.C.

The NY Times tells us that Trump is ready to fire his own son-in-law.

This morning we learn, on Fox News, that Trump is very pleased with his son-in-law and that it was the Russians who proposed a sole phone line between the two super powers.

As if no other administration ever did this, give me a break. And somebody please put those liars at the NY Times out of business.

So Tiger Woods allegedly, as the story goes this morn, had a severe reaction to his medication and it appeared to be a DUI.

Bull hockey.

I don’t know what happened to Tiger Woods, a fellow with a happening life, money, beautiful wife and children.

A sex and alcohol addiction seem to be taking it all away.

Perhaps Tiger should get on his knees and pray for some divine help.

Daily Update

Kathy Griffin’s photo and fake apology.

Of course her apology was fake.

This whole stupid stunt was orchestrated to have it turn out just like it did. I am so glad that President Trump himself sent out a tweet this morning saying his young son was greatly upset over the pic.

Well what kid would want to see such a picture of their father?

Kathy Griffin is a nothing burger of a human who did this to give herself exposure. She’s not funny, she’s not clever, she’s never had a sincere moment in her life.

And yeah I realize that here I am writing about this loser so she sort of won as some might argue.

Everyone and everything has a point. It’s a point where those affected demand that it STOP, that these offenses against yourselves, humanity, social order…..HAVE TO STOP.

I don’t know how we’re going to stop it but it will involve the activation of decent Americans across this country, perhaps work stoppages, perhaps marches, perhaps some group action that will shock the economy as to our importance compared to some kind of loser who couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag.

Kathy Griffin is nothing but another rung in the ladder to putting decent Americans to that sacred point.

Then everybody must stand back and respect that which was meant to be.

Daily Update

COVFEFE and Hillary Clinton

Yes Hillary Clinton is still around and yesterday she accused us all of misogyny, or hatred of women. She said her email kerfluffle was a big nothing-burger…OH NO IT WASN’T MRS. CLINTON!

You set up your own email server in your bathroom because you didn’t want US to see any illegal stuff you were sending, US, the citizens, the people, we who would not approve of giving 20% of our uranium to Russia and how much did the Clinton Foundation charge them?

You must think, Mrs. Clinton, that we were all born at night, last night.

So President Trump uses the word COVERAGE and like these systems are wont to do, and we’ve all been there, the operating system inserts the word COVFEFE!

What a hoot. Of course the media goes nuts accusing Trump of inventing words and being stupid.

Here’s my question….can anyone imagine President Hillary doing such a thing? Would she send out some laughs about it? Or would she call us all misogynists, unable to see and appreciate her genius?

Friday-date-Daily Update-6/2/17

The Paris Accord, Hillary how I hate.

My goodness I listened to that speech overview of the Paris Accord by President Trump and with my jaw on the floor I wanted to scream WHO THE HELL AGREED TO THAT THING?

It is nothing more than a re-distribution of wealth with America doing all the giving.

No wait! The Obama administration agreed to that thing!

No surprise there. If Iran offered President Obama and Sec. Hillary Clinton a couple trillion bucks to buy the entire country of the United States they would sell it in a minute, have it notarized and everything.

Senator Schumer says Trump threw the planet in the trash.

I don’t believe for one second there is global warming caused by human activity. The weather might be on a warming trend, though I’ve so much that says no, but it’s not because of mankind.

And China and India got 20 years to work on their carbon emissions….why? THEY are the worst at it, NOT AMERICA!

Well thank God we got a President who is looking out for America, and NOT how much money he can get for it.

Still and so Hillary Clinton, wearing an outfit designed by Esmarelda, to tell us how everyone, including some content farmers in Macedonia, caused her to lose.

Why can’t she go away? All the political pundits think she should go away. I think she should go away, give her New York and send her off to live happily ever after.

Saturday-date-Daily Update-6/3/17

Kathy Griffin’s Magnificent “Stage”

“All the world’s a stage,” Shakespeare wrote. And we, as the Bard went on, are the audience.

Anybody believes that lying crying jag by Kathy after sobbing that President Trump, his young son Barron and his wife Melania are bullying her.

Of course we must laugh, as Shakespeare instructed us to do. You cause yourself a hell of a grief then blame the ones you hurt.

It’s cool as all get out and I’ll not condemn this actress who planned it this way all along.

Here’s how it went:

“You want me to get a pic taken of me holding up a mock human head to look like Trump, dripping fake blood and everything?”

Valerie Jarret’s protégé smile at Griffin and nodded yes.

“Look, we need more people hurt by Trump,” the stage director said. “And we have to create them because we’re out of fat Miss Universe’s and tapes depicting Trump touching female private parts. Hillary’s losing the female support in the resistance and if she loses that we’re all toast.”

“But suppose I get in trouble? Suppose the secret service comes after me?”

“Look we got Gloria Allred’s daughter for your lawyer. We got press conferences lined up. We’ve notified the media. We knew Trump would react to this prank so we work from that.”

Course they didn’t expect that Melania would have such class because those folk wouldn’t know class if it came up and punched them in the face. They weren’t expecting the Trump kid to see the thing on TV and of course he momentarily panicked. What kid wouldn’t over such a sight?

But Griffin’s following the script and we’ll see how well she does.

But if anybody believes any of this wasn’t orchestrated with a well-conceived plan, I got a bridge to sell….cheap. Sways a bit in the wind but cheap….real cheap.

On a personal note……

I saw the B-52 airplane wreckage on an Amazing Race episode and my blood ran cold.


It changed my life.


And I sat with the fellow doing my nails, in a salon devoted to such things. He is from Vietnam.

“Do you remember anything about the war?” I asked my nail technician, with several others standing around, just conversing.

One of the young women said they don’t remember the war but her grandmother does and tells her all about it.

They don’t remember.

They do American’s finger and toe nails, they live a nice life, they have adorable children.

I, meanwhile, had my life turned upside down and inside out because of Vietnam.

Me and my first husband, my childhood sweetheart I’ve known since I was 14, grew up dealing with Vietnam.

They drafted people in those days, does anyone remember that?

His name was Rick and we got married. This was right AFTER the ban against drafting married men was lifted. Rick and I lived, shivered, cried and shook with fear of him being drafted.

Oh, and does anyone remember the great birthday lottery?


They pulled out dates and in the birthdate order as drawn from a bucket, NOT a lottery anyone wanted to win.

Rick and I, insert smile here, were both born on the exact same day. I remember crossing my fingers with each withdrawal of a date.

June 26 was like one of the first 20 dates pulled.

Rick was, for sure, going to be drafted.

It wasn’t that me, nor Rick, did not want to serve the country. But Vietnam was handled so badly, so very badly, by the politicos in charge, as wars always are. Young men were dying for no reason save President Johnson call a cease fire and only the Americans ceased firing.

If one is going to put one’s life on the line, it’s beneficial to have a commander in chief who cares about OUR soldiers, not the next election.

Rick’s parents offered to send Rick to Canada for most of America was against that war. Rick said he was going to go.

I cried and fretted but no, I could not leave my country. I’d lived in America all my life; I loved America.

Rick left me.

My heart was so broken it took me years to recover.

I became a hippie and woman’s libber. I sang in the rain and I marched in protest.

Yeah, I began my life as a political junkee.

And to see a wrecked American plane posed as a proud monument in Vietnam, where America ran from like wimps, also broke my heart a little bit.

Well we sure lost that war but I lost so much, so very much. That war occupied my life completely for over ten years.

Now I watch a reality show with wrecked American planes as memorials and Vietnamese children do my nails and don’t remember a thing about it.

Let’s hope that someday some older woman does write a story like mine only involving American plane wreck memorials in Iran.

21 posted on 06/04/2017 5:28:29 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Alas Babylon!

The usual media atonal point-counterpoint. If you have Pruitt you must have Gore. If you have Adam you must have Eve. Etc. Boring.

23 posted on 06/04/2017 5:35:18 AM PDT by Bookshelf
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To: Alas Babylon!

30 posted on 06/04/2017 6:04:04 AM PDT by Enlightened1
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To: Alas Babylon!

Pruitt being called a heretic by Wallace for not bowing to the Global Warming god.

41 posted on 06/04/2017 6:18:05 AM PDT by bray (Pray for President Trump)
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To: Alas Babylon!

51 posted on 06/04/2017 6:28:58 AM PDT by NautiNurse (Tear down the Mexican Carrier plant and use the materials to build the wall)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Sunday news shows, as usual, a total waste of time!!!

52 posted on 06/04/2017 6:29:05 AM PDT by JLAGRAYFOX (Defeat both the Republican (e) & Democrat (e) political parties....Forever!!!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

The Oregon Democrat Gazette gets the PC award for the headline “Suspected Terror Attacks shake city”.

67 posted on 06/04/2017 6:48:09 AM PDT by bray (Pray for President Trump)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Pruitt sounded quite intelligent and educated on ‘man made’ GW. AlGore came off as a nut job - which he is!

71 posted on 06/04/2017 6:57:08 AM PDT by Diana in Wisconsin (I don't have 'Hobbies.' I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set!)
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Dinesh D'Souza‏Verified account @DineshDSouza 8m8 minutes ago

The media promised us that @realDonaldTrump 's election would produce economic meltdown

78 posted on 06/04/2017 7:25:16 AM PDT by HokieMom (Pacepa : Can the U.S. afford a president who can't recognize anti-Americanism?)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Wallace is a complete liar about China solar power. He puts up these fake stats when in reality solar amounts to less than 1% Chinese energy and coal is over 55%. Sounds like China ain’t buying his buggy whip argument either.

What a liar and a fraud.

79 posted on 06/04/2017 7:27:06 AM PDT by bray (Pray for President Trump)
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To: Alas Babylon!

London Bridge is falling down.

88 posted on 06/04/2017 7:34:53 AM PDT by mylife (the roar of the masses could be farts)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Algore is angry. On three shows with his RAT buddies?? No one in his right mind can sit through this crap.

115 posted on 06/04/2017 8:31:41 AM PDT by Cheerio (#44, The unknown President)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Politico, on Warner's appearance (cut and paste of the entirety of the Google news aggregation summary)
Warner calls reports about Trump 'very, very troubling'
Politico - 1 hour ago

Sen. Mark Warner declined to say Sunday whether allegations that President Donald Trump has attempted to influence the ongoing investigation into his campaign's relationship with Russia could, if proved true, qualify as an obstruction of justice, but ...

130 posted on 06/04/2017 9:26:44 AM PDT by Cboldt
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To: Alas Babylon!

Quite the stacked deck this morning.

134 posted on 06/04/2017 9:38:45 AM PDT by Jeff Chandler (Everywhere is freaks and hairies Dykes and fairies Tell me where is sanity?)
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