Posted on 04/15/2017 9:11:14 AM PDT by davikkm
On the campaign trail, President Donald Trump promised to roll back federal regulations. And at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February, chief strategist Steve Bannon said that the goal of the administration was the deconstruction of the administrative state. Trump has delivered on those pledges, signing over a dozen laws reversing Obama-era regulations, marking the most substantial legislative achievement of his first 100 days in office.
Politico has downplayed Trumps slew of repeal laws, describing them as the only substantive bills Trump has signed so far. And, in keeping with a media-wide effort to separate Trump from his voting base, Politico claims that none of them evoke the drain-the-swamp anti-establishment populism that Trump rode to the presidency.
The opposite is true, on both counts: Trump has permanently removed some of the regulatory muck that the swamp uses to feed itself.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Removing “Obama’s 8 Year Curse” on this nation will be Trump’s biggest achievement.
Crippled America, no more.
An excellent read.
I think that the act of using an ‘established’ law to review and assess the efficacy of applying recent government regulations against foundation law is the procedure that should be followed.
So much of what Ubama did was just bravado BS that he just ‘dared’ anyone then to complain.
A country of laws that makes SURE that regulations imposed, supposedly in support of existing law, have some legal basis is one that follows our representative republic’s foundation.
What is wrong with that?
They need to be permanent, not just executive orders that can be reversed at whim.
Removing Obamas 8 Year Curse on this nation will be Trumps biggest achievement.
But of course Trump will do a lot of good, especially in these areas:
1. Supreme Court and guns
2. Fed regulations
3. GW Hoax
4. Immigration and 3rd world invasion
Many others, too. But those are the 4 biggies in my mind.
“Not signing major legislation” is a good thing. Major legislation is usually something that handcuffs the American citizens ands takes away some of our freedom.
>>>A lot of the damage done is beyond repair. How do we ever dig ourselves out of this massive debt.>>>
Couldn’t agree more. What a world Obama, Reid, and Pelosi left us.
Any regulation reversed by the CRA are permanent, and cannot be re-established by a future administration without an act of Congress.
More Laws = Less Freedom
Less Laws = More Freedom
Big Government = Less Freedom
Small Government = More Freedom
Trump's base is stronger than ever.
It's a nice start.
Only about another 10,000 bad laws and executive orders to go...
“...A lot of the damage done is beyond repair...”
Nothing is beyond repair. It just takes the will and the balls to DO something about it, no matter how much kicking and screaming and tantrums the Leftards do.
Noting that I gladly voted for Pres. Trump and do not regret doing so, please consider the following.
Patriots still need to get constitutionally low-information Trump up to speed with the constitutional reality that corrupt lawmakers are wrongly allowing non-elected bureaucrats to exercise government powers, most of these powers arguably stolen state powers, bureaucrats using these stolen powers to oppress the states and their citizens.
In other words, lawmakers are letting non-elected, faceless bureaucrats get away with doing Congresss unpopular, unconstitutional legislative work for it.
Trump evidently hasnt made the connection that by letting bureaucrats get away with doing Congresss dirty work for it, lawmakers able to keep their voting records clean.
And by keeping their voting records clean, career lawmakers are able to fool low-information citizens, citizens who have probably never been taught about the feds constitutionally limited powers, into reelecting them.
Lawless lawmakers are effectively nullifying voting power by front-ending stolen state powers with non-elected federal bureaucrats.
Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp!
Remember in November 18 !
Since Trump entered the 16 presidential race too late for patriots to make sure that there were state sovereignty-respecting candidates on the primary ballots, patriots need make sure that such candidates are on the 18 primary ballots so that they can be elected to support Trump in draining the unconstitutionally big federal government swamp.
Such a Congress will also be able to finish draining the swamp with respect to getting the remaining state sovereignty-ignoring, activist Supreme Court justices off of the bench.
In fact, if Justice Gorsuch is approved but turns out to be a liberal Trojan Horse then we will need 67 patriot senators to remove a House-impeached Gorsuch from office.
Noting that the primaries start in Iowa and New Hampshire in February 18, patriots need to challenge candidates for federal office in the following way.
While I Googled the primary information above concerning Iowa and New Hampshire, FReeper iowamark brought to my attention that the February primaries for these states apply only to presidential election years. And after doing some more scratching, since primary dates for most states for 2018 elections probably havent been uploaded at this time (March 14, 2017), FReepers will need to find out primary dates from sources and / or websites in their own states.
Patriots need to qualify candidates by asking them why the Founding States made the Constitutions Section 8 of Article I; to limit (cripple) the federal governments powers.
Patriots also need to find candidates that are knowledgeable of the Supreme Court's clarifications of the federal governments limited powers listed below.
Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States. Justice John Marshall, Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.
State inspection laws, health laws, and laws for regulating the internal commerce of a State, and those which respect turnpike roads, ferries, &c. are not within the power granted to Congress [emphasis added]. Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.
From the accepted doctrine that the United States is a government of delegated powers, it follows that those not expressly granted, or reasonably to be implied from such as are conferred, are reserved to the states, or to the people. To forestall any suggestion to the contrary, the Tenth Amendment was adopted. The same proposition, otherwise stated, is that powers not granted are prohibited [emphasis added]. United States v. Butler, 1936.
Steve Bannon Is Right. Its Time to Deconstruct the Administrative State.
Trump Wants to Deconstruct the Regulatory State? Good. Heres How You Start
Is Administrative Law Unlawful?
This book reveals administrative law to be not a benign, natural outgrowth of contemporary government but a perniciousand profoundly unlawfulreturn to dangerous pre-constitutional absolutism.
The Heritage Foundation
The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government
For those who hold the Constitution of the United States in high regard and who are concerned about the fate of its principles in our contemporary practice of government, the modern state ought to receive significant attention. The reason for this is that the ideas that gave rise to what is today called the administrative state are fundamentally at odds with those that gave rise to our Constitution.
Claremont Institute
The Threat to Liberty
..the administrative state, by which is meant the independent fourth branch of government that fits nowhere within the scheme of the Constitution as understood by its authors.
The administrative state represents a new and pervasive form of rule, and a perversion of constitutional self-government. It has deep theoretical roots that were overlooked for a long time, roots inimical to the Constitution, thereby providing a lesson in the importance of understanding the principles of the Constitution. A chief feature of the administrative state is its relentless centralization, but with a reciprocal effect: its mandates, regulations, distorting funding mechanisms, and elitist professionalism have corrupted our political culture all the way back down to local government. It is the chief reason why Americans increasingly have contempt for government.
Thank God for the CRA.
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