And yet the dumbass, liberal snowflakes continue to whine, “Where da proof! Where da proof!” Well, Susie, check your New York Times.
The Old Grey whore is showing some ankle...
Grand Jury room
AG to Pinch Shultzberger: “Regarding your testimony about no wire taps and your January 20 2017 headline, were you lying then or are you lying now? “
.... They were either lying then or lying now ..... Yup ... Proving that the big problem with lying so much is that you eventually lose track of your own lies and then start lying about your very own lies. (Ya ... I know ... Kinda confusing isn’t it)
obama is a piece of dog slime. He sent his thugs into Israel, clearly did it, everyone knew he did it, trying to stop the PM from getting reelected. Now, he whines that Russia tried to damage hillarythebeast?? These people are slime. Heck, I am being unfair to slime. Is there any other words to define these criminals, socialists, homos, commies, liberals, garbage,&#*^@E86eknkn, YE&^@HDK76eie%kn and &2746UD&c7dt!!!!!!!!!!!! obama the muzzie is pig poop (insert the other word if you like!!)
Extremely surprised the NYT didn’t make that page disappear when it started getting talked about...or as much of it as humanly possible.
Unlike the digital flames of web publishing’s 1984ish memory holes, dead-tree publishing means never having to say, “I didn’t publish that”.
Seems just a tad hypocritical for the enemedia to be bashing President Trump for his wiretap remarks since they themselves claimed the same thing the day of his inauguration, though I suppose they COULD use the defense that they themselves were lying then.
(btw, i went to look at the 1/20/2017 NYT hard copy at my local library to make sure this wasn’t a fake. It isn’t.)
Don’t think they’ll be able to crab walk their way out of this deplorable bucket of excrement even if they had a ton of help. Everything they’re tried has backfired which is further proof the gates of hell can wail and gnash their teeth but they implode sooner or later. Winning never felt so good
Hillary knew of FISA order and wiretap by her own admission during the campaign, Obama owes explanation
Any questions?
President Trump and his administration (Bannon et al.) are responsible for either addressing this Tyranny—and bringing America back from the brink of totalitarianism—or ignoring it and ensuring the defeat of this Revolution.
I will judge President Trump's administration on his treatment of this critical issue, among others...
Love it.