Better order up some more flexi-cuffs. Interfering with/impeding interstate and international traffic.
Apparently coordinated "protests" are allowed damn near anywhere now... unless you are protesting infanticide.
More Astro turf.
Soros just keeps on spending. Oh we,, he can afford it.
Thanks to both immigration and government education, we have ended up with a whole lot of profoundly stupid people in this country. Trump has his work cut out for him.
When you “trickle in” to baggage claim, you ARE NOT A ‘TRAVELER!’ You are a paid subversive who got bused to the part of the airport that doesn’t require you to be screened.
They chose major east cost and maybe central and west coast airports because that’s where a lot of these Muslim Jihadists enter our country. It makes sense for them to maximize the dollars they get to demonstrate with the funds that the Hillary-Soros-DNC regimes have to spend.
They cannot keep it up. It doesn’t cost Trump one damned dime, personally, but it costs them PLENTY. This is liberals’ pathetic version of shock and awe without either. They’re depending on the MSM to back them up and they’ve got their panties already in bunch competing with TRUMP-TWEETS! Winning, believe it or not.
Obama refused entry to Christians fleeing ISIS, and these nimrods said *not one word*.
There were Mexicans, priests, rabbis, men, women, everybody.” no not everybody! All those who are blind or someway involved with breaking the laws of this country
Note to self. Next time I go to Yemen on vacation, be sure to take passport.
BOO HOO! A couple of immigrants were inconvenienced. Cry me a river.
What gives, when these *immigrants* keep flying back and forth to their *homeland*. Let’s make sure they have a one-way ticket, next time.
WAY too many Muslims in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. The imams can just whistle at their Friday prayers and get a mob together for their frequent grievance demonstrations. Remember “Clock Boy”? Their children are being trained to be a subversive group for the coming generations. How stupid of us to have accepted the first few hundred. They are always the tip of the spear for Islam.
Let’s not forget the San Bernardino shooter went back to the Middle East to pick up a wife with intent to kill Americans. We don’t know how many potential terrorists are already inside the USA. Why not give them a double check.
Then there was the PULSE Nightclub shooter. 50 dead. USA born of Afghan parents. Just what did they teach their son?
A few thousand idiots are destroying so much of America. It will stop soon when the Patriots take over and smash heads. Police will not do it and it will be up to real Americans. Civil war on protesters is on it’s way.
Usual leftist media agenda driven “reporting”. Standing room only, my ass.
OK, so a Mexican, a priest, and a rabbi walk into an airport...
This is entirely unacceptable!
Now the muzzies have ruined the best girl-watching airport in the US of A !
We are being told the problem with immigration is visa over stays and the wall won’t help and the wall is a stupid idea. Now Trump is taking care of the visa problem and we were told that that is unfair unjust and stupid.
Trump is merely asking for the laws be enforced.....Hillary was for OPEN BORDERS and turning a blind eye to American security.
They are going to find out very soon what Chris Christie found out.
According to another thread this is highly organized and paid for by CAIR. Notice this is the first time Hitlery spoke out, of course. She knows who pays her bills.
This has been planned for awhile I’m sure. They knew what Trump was going to do. he will not bow to these extremists. They constantly are on display for who they are.
I am sorry, but I cannot believe these protests are impromptu.
We are truly up against the wall of liberal fascism. Their insanity over what is essentially an executive order, to enforce the law from the 0bama administration, leaves me wondering what has happened to us.