He can’t even eat dinner at his restaurant without Twitter getting upset that he is getting free advertising.
Total BS. They'd love it. None of these hypocrites had a problem with Hillary peddling government contracts for foreign payoffs to the CF.
I despise these cretins.
Its a non-issue except to liberals and the MSM.
The emoluments clause only forbids the President from receiving gifts or anything of value from a foreign government.
It doesn’t prohibit him from running a private business.
So I guess there’s an exception for Secretary of State?
I wonder why this issue was not raised while Hillary Clinton was campaigning to be president...
Actually, no, I don’t wonder...
I was just yankin’ your chains...
But Hillary can use her office to rake in tens of millions from foreigners, when her job was to represent us against foreigners.....and that’s no problem.
And don’t forget, SOS is appointed, you don’t have a need to fund raise.
“That’s the clause in our nation’s founding document that bans federal officeholders from accepting favors from foreign governments without the OK of Congress.”
I would consider a multi-million donation to the Clinton Foundation by (insert country here) a very, very big favor.
More acts of desperation by infantile presstitutes.
ALL Conflict of Interest Laws, such as the WSJ is pointing out in this article, SPECIFICALLY EXEMPT the President and Vice President, THEY ALL KNOW THIS, Which makes them LIARS!!!
I claim dibs on this issue . . . Ive been talking about the emoluments clause WRT to the Clinton Foundation for over a year. Now its suddenly an issue?
Whoever wrote this is delusional...........
Ah, philly.com readers, back to their normal hate-filled leftist comments.
All of a sudden they're worried about this?
The Constitution does not preclude the President or Vice President from owning profit-producing properties. If it did, all of our early presidents and VPs could not serve, including Washington, Adams and Jefferson. What the Left and its viciously sanctimonious media water carriers want is for Trump to divest himself of all of his business interests. They are doing this not out of concern for the country, but out of spite and hatred for a billionaire capitalist who upset their path to full control.
I love Trump and we are ever so fortunate that he decided to run for president.
But I would almost like a press conference question on this right off, because I would hate for him to give them anything to hang onto re: impeachment.
That explains why George Washington had to sell his farm when he was president.
Trump’s made his pile. Several piles. He’s practically Scrooge McDuck playing on his piles of gold coins.
This sounds like a lefty rag unhappy because he’s not a professional pol in it for the swag.
Hillary Clinton was taking with both hands.
I suppose a search wouldn’t show a single MSM concern article about her ruthless venality.
Hillary Clinton went to Washington D.C. and then she made her money.
Donald Trump made his money and then he went to Washington D.C.
More knee-jerk whingeing from the Left.