Everyone can laugh all they want about changes in the logistics for resupplying the diesel black smoke carrier, but the fact remains those planes in her below deck hangars can fly, have bombs and missiles.
Even if there isn’t a local diesel station for them now, there is likely Russian diesel tanker(s) on the way.
Yeah, the story strikes me as a bit of a nothing burger. Navies have tankers. Ships need to refuel while at sea. This is not new.
Perhaps the Russians do have a bit of a logistical issue in this case, but I agree that a diesel tanker is probably headed to them now. That’s why diesel tankers exist.
It’s not like the task force will just drift aimlessly until it is dashed on the rocks of Morocco. They will be fine.
They need to get about 35 kt winds over the deck to launch. Good luck with that. A Russian carrier group is not is any way comparable to a US carrier group.
I’d bet this carrier runs on N6, not diesel...
The Russisns have significant air already on Syrian airfields and could fly in more with little trouble. This flotilla thing is a PR stunt for a photo op of Russian naval power. To be honest if the Frogs and the EyeTies decided to put an end to this flotilla right now they could do so. The Kuznetsov was a badly designed vessel 30 years ago when she was the Riga or was that Tiblisi, so many name changes. And this is like her 4th cruise to the Med in recent years but people are getting worked up. She really adds little to Russian capability in Syria and is little threat to French, Italian or even Spanish naval forces.