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Frontpage Mag ^ | Oct. 27, 2016 | Daniel Greenfield

Posted on 10/27/2016 10:24:12 AM PDT by Mr. Mojo

During Hillary Clinton’s first presidential campaign, Neera Tanden was described as “the wonk behind Hillary.” A close associate of the Clintons, Tanden helped shape policy for both Bill and Hillary. Then she switched to playing that role for Obama.

While Hillary’s email scandal broke, Tanden was in charge of the Center for American Progress, a radical left-wing group that had been described as "Obama's Idea Factory." And she was chatting with John Podesta, the top Clintonite who had founded CAP. Podesta had co-chaired the Obama-Biden Transition Project. Neera Tanden would co-chair the Hillary-Kaine Transition Project under Podesta who headed up Hillary’s presidential campaign. Podesta had helped shape the last eight years of national politics through Obama and Tanden looked forward to shaping the next eight under Hillary.

And what did they think of Hillary? Did they believe their defenses of her wrongdoing?

Podesta and Tanden ridiculed her associates for the cover-up. “Why didn’t they get this stuff out like 18 months ago? So crazy,” she wondered. “Unbelievable,” Podesta wrote. “They wanted to get away with it.”

Since the early days of the email scandal, we’ve been treated to the sordid rituals of feigned innocence. The issue was a non-issue, Clinton surrogates were quick to assure us. And even if it was, no one did anything wrong. The flies on the wall knew better though and now we can all be the flies on the wall.

Away from the cameras and the briefings, the Clintonites held their bosses in contempt. Neera Tanden, a supposed close associate of Hillary, blasted her instincts as “suboptimal” and described her as suffering from a character problem. And there was never any doubt as to what was going on.

Tanden ridiculed Cheryl Mills for the mess. Mills fired off an email to Podesta warning that Obama’s denial wouldn’t hold up. “We need to clean this up -- he has emails from her -- they do not say,” she warned.

Obama had offered his usual denial claiming to have only learned about the scandal from the media. The revelation that Hillary had emailed Obama from her illegal address would show that he had lied. But meanwhile his people struggled to reinvent his lie by claiming that while he knew about her illegal address, he didn’t know that it was illegal. This put his lie in line with Hillary’s lie.

There was only one problem.

When in doubt, the Clintons take refuge in the final lie that you may be able to prove that they did wrong, but not that they meant to do wrong. That was Hillary’s final email defense to the FBI. Spliced with claims of memory loss due to a concussion was that old Sergeant Schultz favorite, “I know nothing.”

But that defense completely falls apart once you prove that they did know. That is what the leaked emails have begun doing. They are establishing that the Sergeant Schultz defense is utterly hollow.

Cheryl Mills knew. John Podesta knew. Barack Obama knew. And Hillary Clinton knew.

When Obama told a lie that could easily be disproven while trying to distance himself from Hillary, Mills quickly fired off a warning that he had better get his story straight. And his people did. That makes Obama complicit before and after the fact. He knew what Hillary was doing when she was doing it. And his people participated in the effort to cover it up afterward, not just to protect her, but to protect him.

Hillary Clinton was not a rogue actor. She was part of an administration that had waged a war on transparency. Even media allies had dubbed it as the least transparent administration in history.

Lies, censorship and targeting whistleblowers were the norm for Obama Inc. A New York Times reporter dubbed it, “The greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation.” The Washington Post noted that the, “Obama administration routinely makes a mockery of its long-ago pledge to establish itself as the most transparent administration in U.S. history.” The AP pointed out that it, “more often than ever censored government files or outright denied access to them.”

Bizarre administration email dodges included EPA boss Lisa Jackson using Richard Windsor as her alias. Jackson/Windsor left the EPA and took a seat on the board of the Clinton Foundation.

Tanden and Podesta didn’t take issue with Hillary Clinton breaking the law, but with her clumsy political instincts, her inability to fake sincere apologies and spin scandals as smoothly as Obama. Hillary’s biggest flaw in their eyes was her clumsiness at covering up acts that were routine in in Obamaworld. They didn’t despise her because she broke the law, but because she was bad at it.

That made her a threat to their political futures.

Hillary’s clumsy instincts led her to the point of having to admit what she did while denying having intended to do it. Motive is simultaneously the strongest and weakest defense. You can prove what someone else did, but it is hard to prove what someone else meant to do.

Unless you have their emails.

This is Hillary’s firewall. It’s what every painful trickle of the scandal was meant to drag out and delay. Every partial revelation is buying time while bringing us closer to the final breach in the motive wall.

What the Podesta emails tell us is that they knew. Those around Hillary knew. And those around them knew that the inner circle knew. They knew and they hated Hillary for being a bad liar. And now, as the inside drama of Clintonworld spills across the internet, the red queen moves closer to being in check.

By making it all about motive, Hillary Clinton turned personal communications, particularly emails, into the key instrument of culpability. That is why Podesta’s emails are such a hot commodity. It’s why her emails are becoming an even bigger prize.

Neera Tanden was right. Hillary Clinton’s political instincts are suboptimal. She is the member of the Obama graduating class voted least likely to be able to lie convincingly on national television. And she has a perverse knack for dragging everyone around her into her scandals while exposing their own.

We know that her people knew that she lied. We know that Obama lied. All that’s left is her final lie.

TOPICS: Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: alldemslie; cap; demlies; greenfield; greenflield; hillarycriminalprobe; hillaryemailserver; hillarylies; neeratanden; obamaemails; obamalies; podesta; podestaemails; tanden; wikileaks
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1 posted on 10/27/2016 10:24:12 AM PDT by Mr. Mojo
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To: Mr. Mojo

This Tanden beyotch needs to be in prison, or in the case of treason, she needs to be executed for her crimes.

there are many who deserve the same fate.

We need to get busy making lists. I made mine. You need one too!

2 posted on 10/27/2016 10:27:26 AM PDT by T-Bone Texan (Don't be a lone wolf. Form up small leaderlesss cells ASAP !)
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To: Mr. Mojo

3 posted on 10/27/2016 10:27:48 AM PDT by knarf
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To: T-Bone Texan

I hate that dumb bitch. I would like to tell her.

4 posted on 10/27/2016 10:29:37 AM PDT by angcat (TRUMP!)
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To: Mr. Mojo

So to sum it up. IMO, OL BJ Clinton had this set up and then when Hilliary got into the state dept the pay for play started. She ran guns from Libya to Syria, and a problem happened, 4 guys got killed. That’s why she denied them any request for additional security. They had to be eliminated to keep the play for pay project gun runner going-running arms from Libya to Syria and then collecting the money and putting it into their pockets. Once they got the Syrian government collapsed, they then could let the Saudis go ahead with that pipeline the Saudis wanted to run up through Syria. That is why the Saudis, and other oil cartel countries, gave TONS of money to the Clinton foundation. Get it now?

5 posted on 10/27/2016 10:32:25 AM PDT by crz
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To: Mr. Mojo

What did they NOT KNOW and when did they NOT KNOW it?....................

6 posted on 10/27/2016 10:36:30 AM PDT by Red Badger (WhereÂ’s that VIDEO the Anonymous group promised us????????????)
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To: Red Badger

Good luck with that question.

7 posted on 10/27/2016 10:38:04 AM PDT by SMARTY ("What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one's self. "M. Stirner)
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To: Mr. Mojo

Obummer controls the DOJ and as we can all see the FBI is not independent nor un-corruptible.

This I believe is America’s LAST possibly free election!

8 posted on 10/27/2016 10:41:37 AM PDT by Harpotoo
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To: Mr. Mojo

Watch this later today.

Part one:

Part two:

9 posted on 10/27/2016 10:43:51 AM PDT by ncfool ( We are in the United Socialist State of aMeriKa. The USSA. Sheeple of aMeriKa)
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To: All

Nerra, Hillary and Podesta.

Neera Tanden was born in 1970 in Bedford, Massachusetts,[3] to immigrant parents from India. She has a brother, Raj. Her parents divorced when she was five, after which Tanden's mother was on welfare for nearly two years before obtaining a job as a travel agent.[4]

Tanden graduated from UCLA in 1992, and received a degree from Yale Law School in 1996. She became involved in politics at an early age, first working on the presidential campaign of Governor Michael Dukakis.[5] At UCLA Tanden met Ben Edwards, an artist, whom she later married.[5] They have two children.[3]

Career[edit] After graduating from Yale Law School, Tanden moved to Washington, DC, where she has worked on domestic policy on Capitol Hill, in think tanks, and for senatorial and Democratic presidential campaigns. She has also written on Indian-American issues.[6] She worked with President Bill Clinton's campaign on new energy policies and health-care reform. Continuing her association with the Clintons, Tanden was policy director for the 2008 Hillary Clinton campaign, shaping its policy proposals.[6][4] After Barack Obama was nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate, Tanden served as his domestic policy director for his campaign.[6]

She also served in his administration as senior adviser to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius of the Department of Health and Human Services, aiding the effort to gain passage of Obama's healthcare legislation.[5] In 2011, Tanden was selected as President of the Center for American Progress, a Washington progressive think tank. She had started with the group soon after its founding as Senior Vice President for Domestic Policy, also serving as Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and, starting in 2010, as Chief Operating Officer.[5][7]

10 posted on 10/27/2016 10:45:38 AM PDT by Liz (Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other. Benjamin Franklin)
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To: Harpotoo; All

Yes it is. If Trump loses, the country is finished. Done. Dead.

11 posted on 10/27/2016 10:47:05 AM PDT by Cobra64 (Common sense isn't common any more.)
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To: Red Badger

And read the article about Comey rushing to the microphone when he learned his guys were about to get her medical records to see just why she had “can’t remember crap” syndrome.

12 posted on 10/27/2016 10:48:25 AM PDT by wastoute (Government cannot redistribute wealth. Government can only redistribute poverty.)
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To: Red Badger

The irony is delicious.
Remember about `74 the `rats smugly telling us—including Hillary, although fired from the persecution—”It wasn’t the crime (pause for effect)—it was the coverup.”
So they admitted the charge was nothing really, but they had a 24/7 MSM `J’accuse!’ drumbeat.
Here we have real crimes, poor judgment and a massive coverup. But very little attention paid by the MSM; to the contrary, their collusion in the coverup.

13 posted on 10/27/2016 10:49:06 AM PDT by tumblindice (America's founding fathers, all armed conservatives)
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To: T-Bone Texan

The liberal media that keeps refusing to cover this story needs to be hauled out and shot for their collective treason! They are all willing co-conspirators.

14 posted on 10/27/2016 10:49:50 AM PDT by MeganC (JE SUIS CHARLES MARTEL!!!)
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To: All
Regurgitating Hillary at her infamous UN presser....smirking that her "emails would remain private."

Like Obama, she always appeals to ignorance....

And for a long time ignorance got the job done.

Comey is the perfect example.

15 posted on 10/27/2016 10:50:12 AM PDT by Liz (Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other. Benjamin Franklin)
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To: Mr. Mojo
"Hillary’s biggest flaw in their eyes was her clumsiness at covering up acts that were routine in in Obamaworld. They didn’t despise her because she broke the law, but because she was bad at it."

She didn't have to be good at it. She's had years of scandals that other people have covered up for her. That includes the media, the FBI, and the Obama Administration.

16 posted on 10/27/2016 10:50:15 AM PDT by mass55th (Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway...John Wayne)
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To: Mr. Mojo

This Tanden woman is evidently resented, or at leat not trusted, even within the Clinton Coven.

17 posted on 10/27/2016 10:51:35 AM PDT by mumblypeg (We've had a p***y in the White House for 8 years. Make America Macho Again.)
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To: Mr. Mojo

So when she blurted “we win this thing or they’ll hang us,” she wasn’t kidding. The only way left for her to isolate this chain of crime is to maintain a lock on the mechanism of law enforcement. And to have her media allies pontificate that Americans don’t prosecute political opponents after an election, as she already has.

18 posted on 10/27/2016 10:54:07 AM PDT by Billthedrill
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To: Mr. Mojo

Comey should be facing a firing squad for High Treason.

19 posted on 10/27/2016 10:58:21 AM PDT by TTFlyer
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To: Mr. Mojo

Hllary lies + Obama lies + their staff lies = crimes.

20 posted on 10/27/2016 10:58:41 AM PDT by upbeat5
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