Posted on 10/02/2016 7:49:39 AM PDT by Dana1960
Oh my, the breathless NYT reports, after aiding and abetting breaking the law by releasing part of a NY state tax return that was stolen (if it's a true copy) from Trump.
The return showed a roughly $900 million net loss one year.
This, the Times reports, means that Trump may not have paid any federal (or state) taxes for many years.
To which I say: So what?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Anyone who has done anything significant will experience failure. A smart person will turn failure to his advantage. Trump most likely cost averaged out his loss over the next few years to offset his loss against future income. It’s legal. I have done it myself. Now let’s see an audit of the Clinton Foundation.
If Trump doesn’t bring that all up next debate he is going to lose the election and it’s going to make me wonder if his whole campaign wasn’t a complete sham from the start. He couldn’t get a weaker candidate than Hillary Clinton, it’s like running against a Manson girl. He’s got almost 30 years of dirt on her where in 3 minutes flat he could utterly destroy her into a quivering mass of jello. If next debate the lib moderators start in on his taxes, he should immediately say. “STOP! We went through that all last debate. This debate let’s delve into Hillarys past, the Clinton foundation, Hillary taking bribes from terror sponsoring countries, her perjury, Benghazi, deleting evidence, and the possibility that she could have even been involved in espionage” and if the moderator refuses, he should the say “Well then this is not a fair and impartial debate and I want no part of it” and he should walk off stage. He HAS to to do, otherwise it is going to be a repeat of the last debate, the moderator and Hillary grilling Trump and he’s going to lose.
Denninger This rebukes the article nicely:
That is not an abuse of the tax code. What is an abuse of the tax code is to “donate” money to a “charity” (your own family foundation), radically reducing your income (and thus tax liability) that you control and which then turns around and spends nearly none of the donated funds on actual charitable services; rather, nearly all of those funds are used to pay salaries and travel (effectively living expenses and high-on-the-hog living expenses at that!) for your family members and their friends. That is legal but it’s slimy as hell and that is what the Clintons have in fact done since leaving the White House.
The NY Times is a hack outfit — not only did they run a story predicated on a criminal act they are trying to spin something that is not only lawful but every person who either runs a small business or invests does as a matter of course and is perfectly ethical, legal and in fact already occurs under mandated-by-law disadvantage that accrues to someone who has this happen, including Trump, in the tax code!
Don't dignify them by calling them "reporters".
They're journobloggers for Sulzberger's Blog (Bitácora). :)
Should read: Denninger rebukes the article nicely:
Well done article.
It’s a good tax law... I believe it has affected the tax payments of investors in the NYTimes LOL!
He lays it out so that even a basement dweller could understand. But they won’t. It’s amazing that in this country, which was founded in part because of revolution against onerous taxes, now has half the population thinking that paying more and more taxes is what it’s all about.
The next debate is this Tuesday moderated by Elaine Quijano of CBS, so I think it goes without saying she is a lib as well?
Yep, I just looked up her bio. She formerly worked for the Clinton News Network and she is of Filipino descent and grew up in the Obama lair of Chicago, so no doubt she will portray herself as an immigrant and portray Trump as racist against “her people”. Why did Trump agree to this? This is not an impartial debate setting, what the F is wrong with him? If he doesn’t take control of this debate he is finished.
Oh here we go...She’s an advocate for illegals. Just wonderful, un-freakin-real.......
Hurricane Donald Moving Toward US On Schedule!
Is this really in the New york Times? Are they that desperate for real news? This is a legal loss carry forward . Where is the beef?
Anyone with a brain knows two things. Tax Loss carry forward is done ecery day and we dont pay taxes because of altruism. We pay taxes because they will put us in jail if we dont. This is such a non story it defies the imagination.
Here is a story for the New Your Times that has criminal consequences. Hillary repeatedly and intentionally exposed TOP SECRETS of the the United State to unclassified servers. She literally ,after receiving Congressional Subpoena destroyed government documents ( 30,000 emails) with acid!! and lied about it. She lied about Benghazi just flat out lied why? She viciously attacked raped and sexually abuse women her husband had attacked!! The NYT sa somehow missed these REALLY important stories the people and voters need to know BUT The NYT wants to talk about a 31 year old Business LOSS CARRY FORWARD? They must be desperate. very desperate. Do they think we are stupid? They should be very embarrassed, GO TRUMP!! WE are winning and the NYT just helped us with this nonsense!!This is a LMAO story.
That's how it works these days.
I don’t know why Trump doesn’t mention that he does pay millions in payroll, property, sales & use, franchise, license, excise, etc. in taxes. The LSM is just concentrating on income taxes.
Hillary’s husband pardoned a tax cheat Marc Rich.
I stand corrected.
That's what I immediately thought of when that little prick Robert Reich started making hay about how Trump wasn't a good businessman, because if he had invested in some unnamed index fund instead of his own business he'd be so much richer.
NYT will have an article a day, each with a new “revelation” from here to the election.
Trump may have spewed out the greatest chum we’ve seen in a LONG time. Can’t wait to see where this leads.
Hopefully we’ll be treated to a steady stream of information to be released about high ranking Democrats, media hacks and “rich and famous” liberals who have not paid federal income tax in years, even decades.
This could be one of the most delicious moments of this whole campaign.
I have a brother who started a company with 6 others. They all walked out of their jobs on Friday night & opened the doors on Monday AM. They had bought the land, built the building & furnished it with everything they would need—and did so in secret.
He gradually bought out the older partners & was on his own for many years. He ran a constant payroll of between 60 & 65 people.
He used to have a phrase he used:
“NOT one person in 1,000 is worthy of signing the FRONT of a paycheck”. I called him a couple of years ago & told him that phrase needed another ZERO added to it.
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