Posted on 08/01/2016 5:36:56 AM PDT by Loyalist
A Viscountess has blamed badgers for the slaughter of 200 lambs on her familys estate, as she called for a widespread cull of the animals.
Helene, Viscountess Scarsdale, a formidable aristocrat, said the lambs had been killed in three years, while also accusing the National Trust, which now owns historic Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire, of allowing the badgers to wreak havoc.
She said 500 acres of beautiful parkland at Kedleston, which has been in the family for almost 1,000 years, had been allowed to turn into thistles and nettles by the trust, which in turn had let badgers thrive.
The National Trust took over Kedleston about 30 years ago. Their son, the fourth Viscount Scarsdale, lives in a wing of the stately home. She said she had been horrified by what she believes is the killing of lambs owned by a tenant farmer.
Badgers, she says, have also killed hedgehogs and bees in her grounds. Farmers have been demanding a cull of badgers, blaming them for the spread of bovine tuberculosis.
Badgers are protected but pilot culls are in place in Dorset, Gloucestershire and Somerset.
Lady Scarsdale, 81, told The Telegraph: In just three or four years, 200 lambs have been killed by badgers. They leave such a mess in the fields. They shred their victims immediately. Badgers are far worse than foxes. They eat everything.
They have these claws and teeth that lock on. All they leave behind is the spine and skull.
We need to get rid of the badgers. I would like a machine gun. I said to friends, 'Would you visit me in prison? and they said, 'Well, thats where you will be.
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The stately Kedleston Hall.
The redoubtable Viscountess Scarsdale.
The crazy nastyass badgers.
The greatest episode of Downton Abbey never made!
We don’t need no stinking badgers.
You beat me!
But honey badger don’t care.
Nothing illegal about owning a pack of Jack russell terriers
That would do the job
Mushroom Mushroom!
This is a pretty good scam for the wealthy aristocrats. They turn their home over to a trust so they don’t have to pay taxes and they still get to live there.
If I remember from a long way back...The National Trust provides tourist access to hundreds of castles, buildings, gardens and parks at very reasonable prices. I don’t remember the sister organization (something “oak”), but membership in that organization gives you entry to the U.K. properties at dirt cheap prices. So, I guess there’s a trade-off for mi’ Lordships...having to deal with the commoners during visiting hours.
For those with the time and desire, this is a great way to study U.K. history.
If done properly they retain control of the trust and it is available for future generations. This sounds different, an independent conglomerate trust that functions like a bank. Not a good alternative.
I think that Red Badgers are actually good folks
A Viscountess has blamed badgers for the slaughter of 200 lambs on her familys estate, as she called for a widespread cull of the animals.
Helene, Viscountess Scarsdale, a formidable aristocrat, said the lambs had been killed in three years, while also accusing the National Trust, which now owns historic Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire, of allowing the badgers to wreak havoc.
This story reminds me of uncontrolled Muslim immigration.
I wonder if I could do that?...................
They keep down the snakes, as well!................
We badgers are so dsicriminated against!
....had been allowed to turn into “thistles and nettles”...
The horror.
She needs a pack of hearty dachshunds. That’s what they were bred for — badger hunting. (Dachshund is German for “badger dog”).
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