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Indecent Exposure: The ‘Gender Identity’ Agenda ^ | June 12, 2016 | Matt Barber

Posted on 06/12/2016 5:47:44 AM PDT by Kaslin

“War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.

This was the slogan of George Orwell’s fictional English Socialist Party (INGSOC) of Oceania, from his timeless dystopian novel “1984.”

Orwell depicted a mind-control technique employed by INGSOC called “doublethink,” which “describes the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts.”

If the malleable masses could be made to believe self-contradictory, patently absurd and empirically impossible concepts as true, went Orwell’s thesis, they could then be made to believe, or do, anything.

We have entered an age that George Orwell might never have imagined. Today’s “American Socialist Party” (the secular left) has applied the doublethink mind-control technique on a grand scale.

Its slogan?

“Male is Female; Female is Male; Evil is good.”

Indeed, not only do secular leftists like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton stubbornly maintain that objective morality be treated as relative – that evil is good and good evil; they now demand that the immutable laws of physics and biology be similarly repealed.

There are things true and things untrue. It is true, for instance, that water is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen (H20). No amount of wishful thinking, angry foot-stomping, or even a tyrannical presidential edict issued to America’s public school chemistry classes can change this unchangeable reality.

It is likewise true that a person born with XX chromosomes is, and shall always be, female, while a person born with distinct X and Y chromosomes is forever male. Again, no amount of self-delusion, gnashing of teeth, cross-dressing, genital mutilation surgery, or utterly bizarre presidential doublethink dictates can alter this unalterable fact.

While we would call a person who subjectively insists that water is comprised of pure hydrogen either ignorant or insane, we incongruously call the person who similarly insists that a man can somehow “transition” to a woman, “progressive.”

Even so, it is neither ignorance nor insanity that drives the progressive goal of a creating a “genderless” society. It is something far more sinister.

It is temporal control.

And it is spiritual defiance.

Progressive efforts to “legalize” genderless “marriage” by way of extra-constitutional judicial fiat do not make it legitimate marriage any more than “legalizing” abortion makes it not murder. Likewise, calling a sexually confused man a “trans-woman” makes him no more a woman than cutting the stem off a banana makes it a cantaloupe.

Yet, this “Emperor’s New Clothes” agenda moves ahead at breakneck speed. The necks to be broken, of course, are possessed by those who embrace the biblical sexual ethic and the morality of modesty.

There are multiple layers within progressivism’s pseudo-utopian, truly dystopian philosophy. The left’s lust for redistributionist statism is well-known. Less understood is the progressive rush toward cultural Marxism. With the fast-burgeoning and well-organized push to open girls’ bathrooms and showers to sexually confused men, the menace of cultural Marxism has reached unprecedented levels.

Cultural Marxism entails, among other things, that secularist aspect of left-wing statist ideology that seeks, within society, to supplant traditional values, norms and mores with postmodern moral relativism. It endeavors to destroy innocence, sexualize children, desensitize them to sexual perversion of every stripe and, quite literally, expose as many young girls as possible to adult male genitalia.

Cultural Marxists aim to scrub America of her Judeo-Christian, constitutional-republican founding principles and take, instead, a secular-statist Sharpie to our beloved U.S. Constitution.

Historian and U.S. military affairs expert William S. Lind describes cultural Marxism as “a branch of Western Marxism, different from the Marxism-Leninism of the old Soviet Union. It is commonly known as ‘multiculturalism’ or, less formally, Political Correctness. From its beginning, the promoters of cultural Marxism have known they could be more effective if they concealed the Marxist nature of their work, hence the use of terms such as ‘multiculturalism.'”

Pastor, attorney and former Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Scott Lively is globally admired by liberty-loving traditionalists. Conversely, he’s universally reviled by cultural Marxists. He drills down a bit deeper: “Cultural Marxism is a variation of the Marxist strategy to build a utopian socialist order on the ashes of Christian civilization, but through subversion of the moral culture, especially the elimination of the natural family, rather than solely through destruction of capitalism.”

True though this may be, the ideological seeds of contemporary cultural Marxism nonetheless sprout from deep within the dead soil of historical communism. It is not economic redistributionism alone through which progressives seek to both “fundamentally transform America” and otherwise conquer the world, but rather, and perhaps primarily, it is through victory over the pejoratively tagged “social issues” (i.e., sin-centric “gay marriage,” “gender identity” and “neutrality,” perverting human sexuality, morality and the natural family structure, child sacrifice via abortion on demand, abolishing religious liberty and so on).

Regrettably, today’s “low-information voters,” as Rush Limbaugh calls them – to include the useful idiots within the GOP’s “moderate” and libertarian wings – are simply too lazy, shortsighted or both to learn the facts. “Surrender on the ‘social issues’!” demands the GOP’s cultural Marxist-enabling kamikazes.

Still, as the American Family Association’s tremendously successful boycott of Target, which has cost that gender-bending company billions of dollars and millions of customers, coupled with the dozen or more states that have rejected Obama’s open bathrooms and showers edict reveals: We Americans who happen to be tethered to scientific and moral reality will never, ever surrender.

In the temporal realm, secular leftists’ chaotic crusade to destroy marriage, the family and create a “Brave New World” of despotic androgyny is a revolt designed to bring down Western civilization – an oppressive patriarchy, as they view it, which stems from the archaic precepts of Judeo-Christian morality.

In the spiritual realm, the gender agenda represents fist-shaking rebellion against the very Creator who, “at the beginning … ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'” (see Matthew 19:4-5).

It remains to be seen how the temporal battle will play out.

The spiritual battle is a foregone conclusion.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
KEYWORDS: culturalmarxism; homosexualagenda; liberalism; progressivism

1 posted on 06/12/2016 5:47:44 AM PDT by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin
America's current position seems to be one of surrender:

2 posted on 06/12/2016 5:53:51 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy (Nation States seem to be ending. The follow-on should not be Globalism, but Localism.)
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To: Kaslin

The left’s new goal is to marginalize women, to make it unsafe for women to go out in public. We can’t feel safe in bathrooms, public locker rooms, or shower facilities. It’s bad enough that colleges have co-ed dorms—what happens when individual rooms become co-ed? Who wants to send their daughters to college then?

The insanity must be stopped. Men really are different from women. No quantity of legal dictates can change that.

3 posted on 06/12/2016 5:57:12 AM PDT by exDemMom (Current visual of the hole the US continues to dig itself into:
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To: exDemMom

Women don’t need an education. Women don’t need jobs. Women don’t need to drive cars.

4 posted on 06/12/2016 5:59:50 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy (Nation States seem to be ending. The follow-on should not be Globalism, but Localism.)
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To: Kaslin

Nothing is truly new, Solomon said. Cultures descend into moral chaos. At that point they either repent or fall under divine judgment. The former rarely happens. God only permits chaos for a limited time.

5 posted on 06/12/2016 6:10:37 AM PDT by lurk (T)
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To: Kaslin


6 posted on 06/12/2016 6:11:55 AM PDT by snooter55 (People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do)
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To: ClearCase_guy

Are you trying to look like an 1800s sort of man or simply like a Muslim male for the context of your joke?

7 posted on 06/12/2016 6:15:05 AM PDT by ConservativeMind ("Humane" = "Don't pen up pets or eat meat, but allow infanticide, abortion, and euthanasia.")
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To: Kaslin

Has Trump clarified his position on this whackjobbery?


8 posted on 06/12/2016 6:16:47 AM PDT by Ransomed
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To: exDemMom
Men really are different from women. No quantity of legal dictates can change that.

It is proven that men's brains process information differently than women's brains.

9 posted on 06/12/2016 6:22:11 AM PDT by Rapscallion (You are correct. It IS a conspiracy, not a bad dream.)
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To: ClearCase_guy


10 posted on 06/12/2016 6:23:13 AM PDT by Tax-chick ("Air is great!" ~ Kathleen)
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To: Rapscallion
It is proven that men's brains process information differently than women's brains.


As much as we try to understand what goes on in a man's mind, it will remain forever terra incognita.


11 posted on 06/12/2016 6:43:00 AM PDT by exDemMom (Current visual of the hole the US continues to dig itself into:
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To: Kaslin

Nothing but trouble follows when governments pretend things to be true that aren’t true:

- Pretending that black people aren’t people led to slavery.
- Pretending that Jewish people aren’t people led to the holocaust.
- Pretending that preborn people aren’t people has led to endless problems including the needless death of millions.
- And now pretending that homosexuality is normal.

12 posted on 06/12/2016 6:49:13 AM PDT by libertylover (The problem with Obama is not that his skin is too black, it's that his ideas are too RED.)
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To: Kaslin

Nothing but trouble follows when governments pretend things to be true that aren’t true:

- Pretending that black people aren’t people led to slavery.
- Pretending that Jewish people aren’t people led to the holocaust.
- Pretending that preborn people aren’t people has led to endless problems including the needless death of millions.
- And now pretending that homosexuality is normal.

13 posted on 06/12/2016 6:51:55 AM PDT by libertylover (The problem with Obama is not that his skin is too black, it's that his ideas are too RED.)
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To: Kaslin

This is why I have been trying to warn people to get their young children OUT of the public skool system-—it is NOTHING but mass psychological brainwashing into “group (non) think” and insanity where Up is Down and Boys are Girls.

The Leftists (God is Dead) group-—led by John Dewey in America (him and the sodomite from England (John Maynard Keynes—the one bragging about all the boys he raped and where to find them in his homosexula orgies) destroyed public schools in 1930 and took over the legal system (starting with evil Justice Holmes/Progressive Era/Wilson. They literally removed Justice from our Legal system so they could promote evil-—welfare (theft) and sodomy (Deep Throat) etc. to our children-—to normalize evil and addict them to evil.

John Dewey took over the “way” children “learn” to programming them with Lies and Misinformation (to control EMOTIONS-—how they FEEL about things so that Emotions will ALWAYS control the Intellect, never critical thinking (Mind of Newton).

John Dewey’s approached forced into all curricula taught how to “think” (not think) so people would be.easily herded and controlled by the top, psychopathic, sodomite (totally immoral) elite.

Without God, everything is permissible (chaos will result). (Dostoevsky).

We banned the American “faith” by the 60s and forced satanism, paganism (sodomy, child-killing) to be the “norm” and demonized Christianity (esp. through jewish Hollywood (Capra excluded) so that Christianity became “Evil” and Satanism (tattoos/baby-killing/selling—sodomy (Rites of Ba’al) became “Good and Normal to little children.

To destroy Good and Evil (only the Christian faith is “Just” and embedded in OUR Justice system-—they confuse little children-—who only want to KNOW THE TRUTH (but the Truth is banned in the USA-—and if you say the Truth-—you are now put in jail, fined, or killed (like LaVoy and D’Souza).

Only Truth will set you Free-—and macro evolution, atheism, Marxism, etc are embedding lies and irrationality only. As Hawking and Flew knew all along, there is more proof of God’s Design (Christianity) than man’s irrational-alien-seeded-the-earth paradigm they are forcing on children.

Only ONE worldview created the Age of Reason and the US Constitution—the Christian Worldview. No other is suitable for Free Will and Individual Natural Rights from God only-—never the State.

We need to return to “the Laws of Nature and nature’s God” (Truth). The publik skools are intentionally destroying Virtue formation in little children. Without Virtue, there can be no Freedom. Vice is slavery. Your children will never be able to escape the OUTCOME of the publik skool indoctrination system-—the psychology behind it has been designed for 200 years starting in Germany with Wundt and Fichte, who KNEW you could make a little child so irrational (so dumb and removed from Reality/Truth, if you could get them OUT OF THE NATURAL FAMILY——to erase all embedding of Laws of Nature. Put them in indoctrination institutions-—like herded animals and they will have all identity warped and maybe destroyed.

Look up Fichte’s 1810 “Snow is Black” quote and memorize it.

14 posted on 06/12/2016 6:56:05 AM PDT by savagesusie (When Law ceases to be Just, it ceases to be Law. (Thomas A./Founders/John Marshall)/Nuremberg)
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To: Kaslin
Democrats are very big on science. They ridicule, (Alinsky tactics) Christians and Republicans as science deniars, and are now using the court of law to prosecute some for denying global warming science.

Now this same "scientific" party is telling us it is about feelings. How a man feels determines his sex, not the science of an xx chromosome or an xy chromosome.

15 posted on 06/12/2016 7:03:21 AM PDT by thirst4truth (America, What difference does it make?)
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