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Next: Will Court Redefine Man and Woman? ^ | May 11, 2016 | Terry Jeffrey

Posted on 05/11/2016 9:04:22 AM PDT by Kaslin

What if a state department of motor vehicles or a public school insisted that only biological females could use the restroom set aside for females and that biological males had to use the restroom set aside for males?

Would that be a rational policy? Would it be just?

The U.S. Justice Department is now arguing in federal court that such a policy wrongfully discriminates against people whose "gender identity" does not "align" with their biological sex.

The department filed suit on Monday against the State of North Carolina.

At issue is the law North Carolina enacted this year that states: "Public agencies shall require every multiple occupancy bathroom or changing facility to be designated for and only used by persons based on their biological sex."

The law says: "A multiple occupancy bathroom or changing facility may include, but is not limited to, a restroom, locker room, changing room, or shower room."

It defines "biological sex" as the "physical condition of being male or female, which is stated on a person's birth certificate."

In its legal complaint against North Carolina, the Justice Department contested the state's definition of a person's sex and offered an alternative definition.

"An individual's 'sex' consists of multiple factors, which may not always be in alignment," the department said in the complaint.

The complaint then cited various biological factors that might help determine a person's sex, but it capped the list with "gender identity, which is an individual's internal sense of being male or female."

"For individuals who have aspects of their sex that are not in alignment, the person's gender identity is the primary factor in terms of establishing that person's sex," the Justice Department told the court.

Therefore, according to the Justice Department's logic, a person who is biologically male but claims a female "gender identity" must be treated as a female by state governments and schools that receive federal funding.

And that means, according to the Justice Department's logic, that state agencies and schools must allow a person who is biologically male, but who claims a female "gender identity," to use the female facilities.

What about the rights of persons who are biologically female, who identify as female, and who do not want to use the same facilities as biological males?

They do not factor into the Justice Department's argument.

Ultimately, this argument is not only about what is and is not true, but what government may and may not do.

This nation was founded on the correct belief -- even if it did not always live up to it -- that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights and that the basic purpose of government is to protect those rights. The United States justified its independence with an appeal to the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.

But now, progressively, our nation is being ripped loose from its mooring in natural law.

Forty-three years ago, seven members of the Supreme Court declared a "right" to kill an unborn child. Since then, tens of millions of babies have been aborted.

A year ago, five members of the Supreme Court declared a "right" for two people of the same sex to marry. Were there such a right, which there is not, it would mean children do not have a right to a mother -- or a father.

Currently, an eight-member Supreme Court is weighing whether the government can force Christians to act against their faith and cooperate in the distribution of abortifacient drugs that take innocent lives. Thus, could the freedom of conscience be curtailed in the pursuit of further diminishing the right to life.

If the case the Justice Department filed in North Carolina this week makes it to the Supreme Court, the underlying question before the court may be, as it is in the Justice Department's complaint: What is a man and what is a woman?

The laws of nature and nature's God answered that question a long time ago. But President Obama's Justice Department has a different opinion.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Government; US: North Carolina
KEYWORDS: culturewars; homosexualagenda; lawsuit; unisex
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To: zencycler

You may actually be onto something there. No longer designate restrooms by gender, but apparatus.

81 posted on 05/11/2016 11:59:12 PM PDT by Mr. Blond
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To: WhiskeyX
The article talks about biological sex. In biology and human biology, there never has been just two biological sexes, male and female. The concept of there being only two sexes, male and female, is a social convention and is not a biological reality or a scientific reality.

Put down the bong! BEFORE Leftists started destroying society, Social Conventions were premised among primarily Natural Law and Self Evident Truth. In Biology (Physical Science) the discussion of sex is all about procreation. The Human species is heterosexual; in other words procreation is accomplished with TWO sexes, male and female.

Terms like Homosexual and Transgender are subjective (Mental Science) social constructs created by Leftists.

82 posted on 05/12/2016 12:25:23 AM PDT by DBeers (�)
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To: Kaslin; stephenjohnbanker; sickoflibs; NFHale; BillyBoy; fieldmarshaldj; Clintonfatigued; ...

I’ve been seeing this commercial from Chase Bank, some big hairy dude dresses up like a fairy godmother and has a tea party with his daughter or something while the music says “What a man what a man what a mighty good man”. What the eff this has to do with banking, I’ll never know.

So, can anyone imagine their fathers doing that?

83 posted on 05/12/2016 2:30:17 PM PDT by Impy (Did you know "Hillary" spelled backwards is "Bitch"?)
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To: Impy; Kaslin; stephenjohnbanker; sickoflibs; BillyBoy; fieldmarshaldj; Clintonfatigued

“...can anyone imagine their fathers doing that...”

My old man was WWII Airborne. First in Gliders, then paratrooper.

By the time he was 22 years old, he’d been through the Battle of the Bulge, the invasion of Germany, been wounded twice, and been shot at multiple times AFTER the war ended by die hard Germans that wouldn’t surrender (for two years he was there after the war ended).

So.. no, I could never imagine my old man doing that - that being said, he adored my two sisters. The guy was hard as nails, but he loved his family.

When I had my two kids, I used to roll around on the floor with them roughhousing, etc., But dressing up like the tooth fairy, or whatever... no.

84 posted on 05/12/2016 3:24:33 PM PDT by NFHale (The Second Amendment - By Any Means Necessary.)
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To: Impy

Not quite as bad as those graham cracker commercials promoting perversion as “wholesome.” Now, WTF does THAT have to do with graham crackers ?

85 posted on 05/12/2016 10:00:28 PM PDT by fieldmarshaldj (Resist We Much)
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To: Impy; NFHale; Kaslin; stephenjohnbanker; sickoflibs; BillyBoy; fieldmarshaldj; Clintonfatigued

“”I’ve been seeing this commercial from Chase Bank, some big hairy dude dresses up like a fairy godmother and has a tea party with his daughter or something while the music says “What a man what a man what a mighty good man”. What the eff this has to do with banking, I’ll never know.”

JP Morgan/Chase CEO Jaime Dimon is a hard leftist . He is one of 5 bankers who gave Sen Obama the seed money to run for POTUS. (Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs is another)

The 5 of them raised the initial 10 million.

That is what got Obama started....

86 posted on 05/13/2016 8:19:02 AM PDT by stephenjohnbanker (My Batting Average( 1,000) since Nov 2014 (GOPe is that easy to read))
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To: stephenjohnbanker

Makes me wish I used a different bank.

87 posted on 05/13/2016 11:17:32 PM PDT by Impy (Did you know "Hillary" spelled backwards is "Bitch"?)
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To: xzins

Yes, I think a large minority KNOWS we are gods. The idea that WE created a creator is openly shouted from the rooftops of higher education and even the churches.

88 posted on 05/15/2016 8:07:05 AM PDT by Glad2bnuts (ROP.....Religion Of Peace, PTB......Powers That Be)
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