Posted on 05/05/2016 10:30:57 PM PDT by Eleutheria5
E5 unmasked. EMA expounded.
Most respectfully, for those of us who are not up on all of these details, it might be kind of you to actually use words in your post if you want us to understand what the heck you are talking about.
Click on the link. There’s a video.
WTH is this? Whoever that clown is, all he’s doing is babbling away, one could make the argument that his production values in this video are lacking, except that there ARE no values!
This sorry excuse for a video is useless and unwatchable, it starts and stops without warning, it is quite honestly a technical piece of crap. Who is that joker? What IS the “Primack Channel”? He starts off trying to make a lame joke about his wife being worried that he’s ‘going to get in trouble’, and he sure did: he’s just one more guy who discovered that his computer has a built in web camera and has no idea how to use it properly.
If you insist on posting this garbage, at least put it in ‘bloggers and personal’ because one thing this ISN’T, is “news”, ok?
No thank you. Unless I have at least a hint of what something is about, I’m not about to be used as click bait. Don’t have the time to endlessly search out videos.
I wish you well.
Regarding my alleged ‘babbling,’ attached is a synopsis for your assistance.
Point 1. The American-Israeli relationship is fundamentally flawed, because America needs oil.
Subsidiary Point a. True natural resource is human imagination, and Israelis have that in spades, but have yet to develop a readily exploitable resource with the help of that imagination, so America needs Muslim oil.
Subsidiary Point b. In the interim, until we do put a new resource on line in the market (cleanly produced shale, cold fusion, etc.), American Presidency will continuously beat up on Israel to please oil sheikhs, regardless of who is President.
Point 2. Thanks to Obama, American-Israeli relationship is not only fundamentally flawed, but also broken.
Point 3. Instead of looking to America and the West for friendship, security and commerce, Israel must look eastward.
Subsidiary Point a. The West is seriously out of touch with reality vis a vis Islam’s threat. Eastern minorities, however, live the reality that Americans see through the funhouse mirror of TV.
Subsidiary Point b. There are a lot of eastern minority countries, largest among them India, but also Armenia, South Sudan, Cyprus, Greece...
Subsidiary Point c. There are even some Muslim minorities, such as Kurds, Balluchis, Ibrahamis (believe that Islam is a religion of peace, and all talk of jihad is parable for internal struggle), Alawites, etc.
Point 4. With us eastern minorities in alliance, we can collectively help one another, and demand the respect and attention that we do not presently receive from the West (thus, with organized effort, no more mass slaughter of Yazidis, African animists, Eastern Christians, etc.)
Yes, production values on the video and its predecessor are those that my 13-year-old son was able to produce, that is to say, very amaturish, but he is improving as he learns. It was at his urging that I have been sticking my face in front of a camera, and I don’t back down on a promise to my kids, even if I must expose myself to some embarrassment and discomfort.
I am sorry that you regard me as a clown. I can’t juggle worth a damn, and don’t wear makeup, so the insult is inaccurate. But “babbling”? “unwatchable”? Don’t watch it, then. Stick to CNN or FNC, or whatever it is that uses words of a size commensurate with your IQ. Enough people do view it to satisfy my son, and in addition to that, I get some harmless practice speaking publicly. I could certainly use it.
My apologies and point(s) taken. Mea culpa.
Your arguments are well made and logical.
As for your 13 yr old, you might consider letting him try his hand with some video software to increase his skills, one of which is, they have a free download version of their software.
And no, you’re not a clown. I’d rather watch a few hours of your commentary than to watch 5 minutes of Glenn Beck.
I’ll plan to tune in for your next installment.
Thank you.
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